Best Christmas

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Christmas came and the mood in Tonks cottage rose to the level of childlike liveliness. Tonks walked around and jumped with joy like a little child. Although she was carrying a child with her, this happy kid who couldn't wait for her to open the Christmas presents did not disappear from her. She tried to make gifts at home, although she was not the best at it. She was able to do something for her mother and Remus that could be useful to them. Remus also made the gifts himself, at least Tonks thought so because Remus spent hours in Ted's work shed and when he came out, his hands were always scratched and the clothes had pieces of wood and dust. 

Sirius hosted a bigger Christmas party at the Grimmauld place, but Tonks and Remus unanimously decided not to go there. They wanted to stay home to spend Christmas with Andromeda, who categorically refused to leave the house. Andromeda sincerely hoped that Ted would return home for Christmas, and she wanted to be there at that moment. On Christmas morning, when Remus hung the latest decorations and Andromeda baked in the kitchen, Tonks walked around the house, examining every little Christmas detail of their house. She held a large bowl that rested directly on her growing belly. She scraped the chocolate cookie dough from the edges of the bowl with a spoon.

,,Do you think, honey, is this going to be Mommy and Daddy's best Christmas?" she asked, looking down at her stomach," Do you know what would make your mommy and daddy's Christmas wonderful? That if you start moving your little ass. That would be wonderful. "

Remus giggled to himself as he hung the last of the jewelry on the fireplace, he turned around and looked at his beautiful wife, "Give our baby time, honey. He'll start moving at the end. Do you remember what Molly said? In the fifth month ..."

,,And I know, Remus, in the fifth month the child usually starts to move, in the case of wizards, it can be later because they need a little more time to develop. I know that, Sweetheart. I just want to feel him already." she said, placing one hand on her stomach, "I'm afraid, Remus. If he doesn't start moving, it could mean there's something wrong with him. I don't want to lose him."

Remus sighed, he walked over to her and wrapped both arms around her, hugging her hard, "Don't worry, Dora. Our boy will finally start to move, I know that. We just have to wait a little longer." he kissed Tonks' pink hair, "I have all the decorations hanged. What do you think if we went and sat on our couch and read some nice books?"

,,That would be nice, "Tonks replied.

Remus took her hand and they walked upstairs together, there was a couch by one of the large windows that Remus and Tonks called their couch because only they were using it. Next to it was a small bookshelf that Remus had placed there, and it was thickly filled with both of their favorite books. Tonks sat on the couch until Remus selected a book for them. He chose an old Christmas book about a muggle man and three spirits who visited him at Christmas. Then he sat next to Tonks and pulled her into his arms. Tonks put her head on Remus' shoulder and lifted her legs to his lap. In a slow and deep voice, Remus began to read. The former auror's eyes closed as she listened to her husband's voice telling what was happening in the book, her hand always supported on her stomach as if she were hoping to feel her baby's movements under it. From time to time, Remus' eyes wandered away from the book, and he looked straight at his wife, who looked so beautiful, innocent, and cute. His heart was filled with a warm and wonderful feeling, and he thought that his heart, which had been miserable for years, could now burst because of all that love and warmth. Slowly and carefully, he raised his hand, he placed it on Tonks' stomach and intertwined their fingers with each other. She opened her eyes for a moment to smile at him, and then closed them again, and Remus took it as a sign that he could and must continue reading.

About an hour later, Remus discovered that Tonks was sleeping next to him. Her hair had turned light blue and her lips were slightly open, exposing her snow-white front teeth. A smile formed on his lips, and he tilted his head to kiss her hair. Suddenly he heard a small click, and a sudden flash of light reached his eyes. He raised his head and looked straight ahead. Andromeda was standing on the stairs, holding an old camera. The older woman smiled at Remus and said in an innocent voice, "This is for the next generation."

Our pink moon (Remadora, Remus/Tonks)Where stories live. Discover now