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Do you want to see old Tonks again?
Here you go...
By the way, a small jump in time, this chapter takes place in February


Tonks was sitting at the Grimmauld place table. She was tired. So friking tired.

Sirius sat against her and asked, " How have you been, Nym?"

,,Normally, there has been a lot of work. And my mother tortures me with invitations all the time, she want to see me, but I don't want to see her." Tonks replied.

,,Why you Don't want to see her?"

,,Because she drove Remus away. If she hadn't said that crap, I'd have seen him and suddenly convinced him not to go back to the forest. It's all mother's fault!" Tonks sighed and then continued with a more calm voice, "I haven't seen him in seven months." She pulled her hand through her brown hair, "I went to the Muggle hairdresser last week, let her cut and color my hair. But there was no discoloration and after about 5 minutes the hair had long again. I had to clear the hairdresser's memory."

,,I didn't know that Metamorphmagus could not cut and color her hair like ordinary people, "Sirius said with amazement.

,,Me neither. I hate my body so much. It don't like anything."

Sirius grinned, "I know at least one thing your body likes."

,,If you mention Remus then I'll hit you, Sirius!"

Fred and George started laughing at the other side of the table.

,,And what's wrong with you two?" Tonks asked.

The twins looked at each other for a moment, smiled and then replied, "Nothing, dear Nymphadora!"

Tonks did not react to her name and responded with emotion in her voice, "It seems like the two of you are forever only two of you. You will never got a women with this behavior."

,,But we have you." Fred bulled.

,,Aaa, so you are like this supper offer, buy one gets another free. I'm sorry, but I'm not a keeper of two men."

,,Tonks, how you can braeake our hearts like that?" George asked in a dramatic voice.

,,You put on the patch and go on with life. At least your brother did it that way."

,,Charlie? Nah...he still want you." Fred said.

,,He do? Well in that case bad to him!"

,,You're a total Weasleys heartbreaker, Tonks." said George or was it Fred, she didn't know enymore.

,,Ups..." she replied, shrugging her shoulders.

The meeting started. Meeting was boring, and couldn't get any attention from Tonks. But suddenly, Dumbledore started to talk about something that interested Tonks.

,,Well, As we all know, one of our members is currently with the werewolves to get information on what they do and try to lure them to our side. According to Remus, this is not going well because werewolves think Voldemord has more to offer than we have. I came up with an idea that could help raise our reputation. My idea is to give the Wolfsbane potion to the werewolves, and it's free. Severus kindly agreed to make it, and I need some more volunteers to help us make the drink and then distribute it. But I have to warn, it can be dangerous. Some people in the ministry or werewolves may not like this charity. Everyone who is willing to volunteer must accept all the risks and dangers involved. So who wants to join?"

Tonks raised her hand without hesitation, and she noticed how Moody, Sirius, Molly, and Arthur did the same after her.

,,Really good! I want to have a separate chat with your five. Everyone else is free to go. Good evening to you."

Everyone who was not involved in this mission left the room. Leaving only Dumbledore, Tonks, Sirius, Moody, Molly and Arthur.

,,So, we need to distribute the tasks. Sirius, it would be up to you and Molly to grow the ingredients need. If it suits you, we would plant it in a Grimmauld place yard. Arthur you could order the rest of the components we need, I pay all the bills. Then Nymphadora and Moody, you would distribute all the drinks afterwards. And if you want, you can help Severus with potions, if he needed it. As I know Alastor is very good at making potions, and by my recollection, you, Nymphadora, were not bad at all in potions."

,,How many of these drinks do we need to make?" Moody asked.

,,Well, every werewolf needs three drinks per full moon cycle. And there are plans to make drinks for about 200 individuals. As the popularity grows, we'll increase the return."

,,So at least 600 drinks. How should Severus be able to make them?"

,,I'm trying to talk to some of my old acquaintances who can help us."

About half an hour they discussed the details, and then Dumbledore left headquarters.

,,All of this is going to be a decent disaster." Moody said bluntly.

,,But that's a thousand times better idea than Remus being in the woods with them!" Molly said,"Oh, at least he can come back now."

,,He's not coming back yet, Molly. I doubt any member of the Greyback pack will go along with our charity. According to Remus, Greyback will kill anyone who uses Wolfsbane."

,,Wait, does that mean Remus doesn't use Wolfsbane while there?" Tonks cried suddenly.

,,Yes, Nymphadora, that is what it means. Also, he can't use magic there because it's allowed..."

,,Moody, shut up! Tonks, don't need to know such things." Sirius interrupted, Moody looking at him with a slight angry look.

,,No, I want to know!" Tonks yelled.

,,No, sweetheart, you don't!" Molly said calmly.

,,Yes I do! I want to know if he's safe there and if he has everything he needs. I don't want him to suffer while there."

,,Tonks, everything's fine with him. He keeps a low profile there and doesn't attract much attention. Besides, Greyback doesn't know that he is a traitor." Arthur said.

,,I'm sorry but I'm still so worried about him." Tonks sighed heavily, as if a very heavy weight had fallen on her soul.

,,And we understand you."

,,Honey, maybe you want to come with us to the Burrow. Bill is there tonight. I think a little communication would be good for you. You could also come, Sirius. "Molly offered, smiling at Tonks.

,,I think...it will be really nice. Thank you, Molly." Tonks replied, she looked at Molly and saw very happy motherly smile.

,,Alweys, sweetheart!" she said.

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