Last day in paradise

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Their week passed quickly. They visited the beach several times, attended three romantic dinners, visited many sights and museums, rested and spent time in their hotel room, and also went shopping in the largest magical city in Turkey. Tonks bought herself a bunch of new robes and other clothes, she said that they are much cheaper than in London shops. She also bought Remus a lot of things, although he didn't like it very much. Tonks just didn't give him a chance to argue. Before Remus noticed, Tonks had pressed to his hand two new coats, new shoes, and three pairs of new pants. She also bought him two more white shirts and a dark blue sweater.

,,Dora, you don't have to spend your money on me, "Remus said stubbornly.

,,Come on, Wolfy, that's okay. This is not my money, this is the money of the Black family, which they have probably earned fraudulently, we as good people can spend it on anything. Stop whining now and let's go buy some ice cream."

Remus did not even dare to think about how much money his wife had spent during the wedding and honeymoon. It was definitely more than Remus' savings for ten years. But she doesn't seem to be disturbed by anything. She transported Remus to the next store, where she bought several bottles of magical Turkish wine that was older than herself.

Eventually, their last day of vacation arrived, and there was no way they could agree on how to spend the day.

It was early in the morning, they were lying on the bed exploring the various brochure in front of them. Remus's eyes were more focused on Tonks, whose slightly tanned skin was covered only with a thin bathrobe.

,,Why shouldn't we visit this zoo? "Remus asked, pointing to the colorful pictures of a brochure.

,,These are depressing places and I don't want to hear you compare yourself to the wolves there."

,,Okay, but how about that theater show."

,,The theater would be nice, "Tonks replied, but before Remus could happily shout, she continued," But unfortunately this performance is in Turkish. It would probably be as interesting for us as the weird series we've watched on TV. "

Remus sighed, he rested his head on the pillow and examined the ceiling with a sleepy look," My head is empty of ideas. We've been everywhere already, it looks like we have to spend the whole day in here today."

,,Well, that doesn't sound like a very bad idea. But while this is our last day here, it could be special." she replied, lying on the bed.

They both stared blankly at the ceiling as if it were something very interesting, but also deadly boring at the same time. Remus closed his eyes. Tonks turned her head to the window and sighed. She was bored. She tried to distract her boringness with memories. Memories of their vacation, their wedding, and all the good that preceded it ran through her eyes. For a while, she couldn't lose the smile on her pink lips, but that wasn't enough. Her dark brown eyes, adorned with golden dots, moved toward Remus. He seemed asleep, his face calm, and breathtakingly nice as usual. This peculiar caring and naughty smile for Remus Lupine was on his lips. Due to light breaths, his chest moved slowly up and down, and Tonks had a strong desire to put her head on his chest and fall asleep between his strong hands. But she couldn't, it was their last day in Turkey, and Nymphadora Tonks wasn't going to waste that day.

She turned to the side and leaned her weight on her elbow. Her tiny hand moved toward her husband's cheek, and as soon as her warm fingers touched Remus' skin, his eyes opened. The two light gray eyes were full of love, and wondering why his wife wanted to wake him up?

,,I have a idea, honey." she said.

,,What idea do you have, sunshine?" he asked, his fingers playing in her purple-blue striped hair.

Our pink moon (Remadora, Remus/Tonks)Where stories live. Discover now