Trust or die

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They had no idea how long they had been there. It must have been quite a few hours, and Remus thought it was dawn long ago. Neither of them had been able to sleep. The basement was ice cold, it was wet and smelled awful. Remus and Tonks sat on the damp hay in the corner of the room. Remus was collectively worried. Tonks' wound had not stopped bleeding. Slowly, new drops of dark red blood dripped from it every minute, and after each minute, Tonks grew paler. She leaned against Remus, falling more and more on his lap. Remus constantly held fabric against Tonks' stomach, trying to stop the bleeding. His other hand smoothed Tonks' snow-white hair.

,,Hold on, honey." Remus whispered, he had said that already a thousand times.

Tonks sighed wearily. She was so cold, her whole body ached, and her mind slowly began to blur due to a lack of blood. Remus kissed her cheek and hugged her harder against himself. He didn't know what to do. Tonks raised her head and opened her eyes, looking straight into Remus' worried eyes. Her eyes flashed quietly, sleepily.

,,Can you feel him?" she asked.

Remus shifted her hand slightly and placed it on Tonks' stomach, trying to find the baby's movements. They were usually felt every few minutes, but now Tonks' stomach was swollen because of the wound and Remus felt nothing but her chills.

,,No, honey, "Remus replied," But he's fine, he must be fine. "

Tonks 'eyes closed and her head fell on Remus' shoulder, "I'm so tired,"

,,Rest, honey, rest. I will protect you. "Remus slowly smoothed her hair, making her sigh lightly.

After a while, Remus discovered that she had fallen asleep. He prayed that she was sleeping from fatigue, not because she had lost a lot of blood, and that her body could no longer keep her conscious. Remus constantly checked her pulse and breathing, one hand was constantly pressing on the wound on her stomach.

Remus was exhausted. He was tired of worrying, but he couldn't do anything else. He feared most that they might kill her, or even the thought that they might hurt her caused him more pain than a thousand crusio curses.

The room was so quiet that there was nothing stopping Remus from hearing the steps down the stairs. He shifted his body and hide completely Tonks. The footsteps grew louder and louder, and Remus felt the blood stop in his veins again, and then the blood jet rushed into his heart, making it beat desperate. There was a rattle of keys and the door clicked loudly. Remus stood up a bit, ready to face the attacker. The door opened, and behind it came a man in a black robe, whose large hook nose and black hair were very clearly visible in the dark basement. Severus Snape stepped into the dungeon and closed the door behind him. His wand was in his pocket, and Remus immediately wondered if he could grab it and use it to escape. Snape stepped straight for the two prisoners. The two men looked at each other with a murderous look, as if they couldn't decide which one to kill first. Snape stopped right in front of Remus, potsions master had small smile on his narrow lips.

,,As I see she is still alive, that's good," said Snape," I have something for you. "Snape pulled small glass bottle with greenish liquid out of his robe sleeve," Give it to her and don't ask questions, Lupin." he held out his hand, pointing the glass bottle at Remus.

Remus looked at him suspiciously, refusing the bottle, "What is it?"

,,I said no questions, "Snape replied in a harsh voice.

,,I won't give it to her, "Remus said firmly, his hands tightened around Tonks' trembling body.

Snape muttered something poisonous and then looked back at Remus, his face as if Remus were a naughty cat he was going to punish," This bottle contains a blood-restoring and wound-healing drink. This stops the bleeding from her wound. The Bellatrix knife is cursed, this wound will not stop bleeding until it is properly cared for. After all, it's your decision. Are you letting her run out of blood or are you giving her that drink and risking poisoning her? She dies anyway. "Snape dropped the bottle on hay in front of Remus, turned abruptly, and left without a word.

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