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Moody sent Remus and Arthur together on a mission to guard the surroundings of Harry's relatives' house and find the best ways to fly that would avoid both the Death Eaters and the Muggles. This mission was to last two days and end just before the Order go to Harry. During the time Remus was away, Tonks missed him insanely. Since the wedding, they had never been separated for more than 10 minutes. Even though Tonks had to go through the office to get some papers to fill at home, Remus came with her to the ministry and waited in outside for the young Auror to return from the ministry. In recent days, Tonks hadn't had much work to do, as the ministry didn't issue any missions, and the entire Auror department seemed to be on paid leave.

One evening, by the time Remus was been away eight hours and thirty-six minutes, Sirius sat on the couch next to Tonks, wrapping his arm around his cousin's shoulders. Tonks looked up at the book she was reading, it was one of Remus 'favorite books, and Tonks also loved it because it had Remus' chocolate and cinnamon scent.

,,What do you want?" Tonks asks in a quiet voice.

Sirius smiled and took the book from Tonks, and placed it on the table, "I thought it would be better to get your thoughts a little away from Remus. Come, we have a mission to do, Cuz."

,,What mission?"

,,Molly sent me a letter. Alastor thinks Grimmould's place may soon be a safe place for meetings again. He found a way to better protect and way to keep Snape, and other Death Eaters away. Molly wants someone to clean up this place a little bit." he said.

Tonks frowned, "So she wants our two whole houses cleaned up?"

,,Well," Sirius looked up at the ceiling and raised one foot over the other, "Actually, she wanted me to go alone. Well, to see if there's anyone and a little then to clean up, but I didn't want to go alone and I think you need a little action."

Tonks giggled. It was very Sirius-like to direct all his responsibilities to others, but this time Tonks understood him. No one wants to be alone in the house.

"Okay, I'll come with you," Tonks replied, jumping up from the couch, trying to step forward, but tripping on Sirius' foot and falling loudly against the ground.

"Looks like you miss this troll's leg very much, or what, Nym?" Sirius laughed, and reach out to help his cousin.

An hour later, two of Black's cousins ​​were in the Grimmauld Place library, struggling with a large layer of dust. As soon as they moved a book or a box, a large amount of dust flew everywhere, penetrating their lungs, causing them to cough desperately.

,,How is it possible that this place will get so dirty in a month?" Sirius asked.

,,You gave up Kreacher. He must have cleaned up here in the meantime, but now he's in Hogwarts. There's no one here to clean." Tonks said, throwing another black magic book into a big box.

,,I don't miss that little ghost." 

Tonks giggled. She sealed the box with tape and waved her wand. The box disappeared and reappeared dozens of miles away in the trash. They filled three boxes like this and sent them far away from Grimmauld Place. They threw out a lot of rubbish and furniture. Sirius wanted to make the house as tidy as possible so that it could be put up for sale after the war, or if no one wanted it, put it on fire.

At one point, Tonks noticed that Sirius seemed a little strange. His eyes were fixed on the floor and his eyes were dark and lacking in brilliance. His movements were slow and his face was colorless. He seemed very worried, and Tonks was worried about her dear advice.

,,Is everything all right, cousin?" she asked.

Sirius didn't look at her, but nodded and said, "Yeah, I ... I'm just worried about Harry. I really hope this mission goes as Moody's planned and we're not attacked."

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