Confused wolf

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Sirius's smile stretched to his ears. He looked like a Cheshire cat with black hair. Remus's face turned red and he immediately regretted that he told it to his old friend.

,,Oh, Moony. I could never have expected to see a day when you fall in love! In our fifth year, James and I started to worry about you being gay!"

,,Sirius, don't bully, it's serious." Remus rubbed his forehead tiredly and let his hands through his brown slightly curly hair.

,,Sirius is seriously serious, my dear Moony! You just have to tell it to her and all will be okay."

,,I can't tell her that!!!!"

,,And why?"

,,Because I only know her for two days. Besides, I'm old, poor, and too dangerous for her. She deserves better and she will never like a monster... like me."

,,Remus," Sirius placed his hand on his friend's shoulder," You're not a monster. And she knows that. And I bet my hair that she likes you too."

,,How she will? She is like a princess... she's perfect... she is beautiful and talented. And I... I am old and poor werewolf who does not deserve someone's love." his gray eyes dimmed with disappointment and sadness because of the hard truth.

,,Don't be stupid, Moony! Your talk is as stupid as a conversation with my mother."

The door popped open and a woman with ginger hair stepped in.

,,Hi, Molly!" Remus smiled at her.

,,Hi, Remus dear, hello, Sirius!" Molly put the bag with the foodstuff on the table.

,,Hello, Molly. But why not Dear Sirius?" Sirius asked with strong jealousy.

,,Because you're not as sweetheart as Remus."

,,I'm offended! You got all ladies." Sirius turned to Remus suddenly," But see, even Molly thinks you're a sweetheart. Do you really think she would let you be in the same room with her children if you were a monster?"

Remus sighs and lowers his head to hide his red face.

,,Where these stupid thoughts, Remus? What's wrong?" Molly asked, looking at Remus and then Sirius.

,,Moony have a problem with confidence." Sirius answsered clearly.

,,Is it because of Tonks?"

At that moment Remus was startled, looking at Molly with a shocked look. How was it possible that they knew? He only knew her for a few days, and by those two days, everyone had seemed to put a note on Lupin's upcoming wedding on their calendars.

,,Don't look at me like that, it is obvious that you like her!" she said with a wide smile.

,,I have to go, I have a mission in the evening and I want to rest." Remus jumped up from the chair and rushed toward the door.

,,Remus, but breakfast?"

But Remus was gone. Molly sighed and then sat down beside Sirius.

,,We have to help him. He would never admit his feelings to her."

,,Don't worry Molly I have a plan!"

,,Is it your plan to drink both of them drunk and then push them together in the bedroom?"


,,Ouh my lord, you're terrible. You can't do that!" sounded annoyed Molly.

,,And why not. Before the couples have get together in that way, James and Lily..."

,,But Remus is not James and Tonks is not Lily! I've known Tonks ever since she was eleven, she was Charlie's best friend. In they're seven-year, he tried to start a relationship with Tonks. Charlie made one big mistake and completely lost Tonks' trust."

,,What he did?" Sirius moved closer to Molly.

,,You know what she is and what she can be."

Sirius wasn't sure if he should say a disturbing idea, what came to his mind, but after a short thought, he said it, "Everyone's fantasy?" He hoped that he was wrong.

,,Jep!" she pronounced it sharply.

,,Oh my poor baby cousin!" Sirius cried," That guy was lucky that I was in Azkaban at the time."

,,Hey, he's still my son, so pick your words, young man. And believe me, he received his punishment, Poppy had a lot of work to fix him later."

,,When Tonks was little I swore I'd kill anyone who tries to hurt her. I predicted that she would have a lot of problems with harassment when she get older." Sirius's voice falls low and sad," But Remus is not like that, he's a gentleman. He would never want to injure Tonks."

,,Charlie didn't want to either, and yet he did it accidentally. After that he went to Romanian, he wanted that Tonks didn't get hurt every time she saw him. Although yes, I do agree that Remus is completely different."

,,But what we're doing then, you didn't like my plan?!"

,,Your plan was cruel. For Remus and for Tonks. Perhaps it would be the best to wait and see what happens. And maybe we will give them a little boost at the right time." a sly smile appeared on her face.


Remus' head was full of different emotions. There was anger against Sirius and Molly for trying to interfere with him. There was a pity for himself. And a very great and nagging pain in the heart, what was dedicated to Nymphadora. Remus could not understand how his heart could be very painful and very blissful at the same time.

He had never felt anything like this before. He didn't even know what it was. Is this really just a rising emotion against the pink-haired Auror, or a serious illness. Remus had never been in love before, how does he know it's love at all?!?

How he could love her when they only knew each other for 2 days. Only in fairy tales is love at first sight. And his life couldn't possibly be a fairy tale.

Nymph and werewolf? Beauty and the Beast? Auror and the Beast? A superb and beautiful woman and a terrifying monster? It sounded ridiculous to him...but at the same time...It sounded... so beautifully!

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