The Battle of Hogwarts

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So yeah...


Remus couldn't get his eyes off on Teddy's photo, his eyes fixed on it as soon as Flure had given it back to him, and Remus could bet he'd been looking at it for at least five minutes. He felt guilty about leaving his family, and most of all, he felt guilty that he might never return home to them again. He tried to listen to what was going on around him, but there were other, much more important things in his head than Percy Weasley calling himself a fool. Someone coughs in Remus' ear and he turned his head sharply to find Sirius standing next to him.

,,Look there, Moony, "Sirius said, pointing slightly to the right.

Remus looked there and saw two very familiar faces he did not expect to see there. A very short woman and a tall fat man argued a little away with very angry Professor Sprout.

,,Let's save them, "Sirius commanded, grabbing Remus' arm and pulling him toward the twins," Hey, guys, what are you doing here?"

Sprout jumped lightly when she saw her two old students approaching them, but she quickly took herself together again and then pointed to Remus, "Very good, someone in conscientious is here. Remus, tell the two of them that they are too young to be here!" "

Remus was speechless for a moment, his mind still revolving around Teddy and Dora, "Sorry, Professor?"

,,Tell the two of them to go home! They shouldn't be here! "

,,But, Grandma, there are many who are younger than us! "Holly barked sharply, pressing her slender arms across her chest.

,,You, young lady, should be at home with your daughters, "said Sprout, putting her hands on her hips," What happens to them if you don't go home from here alive?"

,,They will be fine. Their father is at home protecting them. "

,,We might as well ask what you're doing here, Grandma! "Mike snapped at his grandmother.

,,I am here to protect my home, my friends, and my students. Being here is one of my responsibilities, but it is not your responsibility. This is not your battle. Go home! "

,,That is also our responsibility!" said Holly.

,,Mike nodded and added, "These assholes killed our friend. This is very much our battle."

Professor Sprout no longer said anything, she just sighed heavily and walked over to Madam Hooch and Professor Trelawney. The twins took it as their victory. They smiled triumphantly at each other and then turned to Remus and Sirius at once.

,,Tonks isn't here, ah? "Mike asked, looking around.

,,No, she's home with Teddy, "Remus replied, slightly upset, he really had no idea if Tonks was home or on her way here.

Holly shrugged and muttered, "I bet she'll be here in half an hour,"

Remus pretended not to hear it, he went back to the members of the order, leaving Sirius there with two Sprout twins. He dragged his legs across the ground, not sure if it was the nerve that ate his soul or the longing and worry for his family. He thought to go talk to Arthur, but suddenly there was a loud bang and people around panicked. Without realizing what was going on, he ran up the stairs with Molly and Arthur toward the battle.

It had started.


Tonks ran towards the school as fast as he could. She still had a pretty long way to go, but the sounds from the castle betrayed that the battle had already begun.

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