Can't Wait

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Something cute for you.


Life in the Tonks family cottage was peaceful. Most evenings they sat in front of the fireplace in the living room, talked, or watched TV. Andromeda hosted a family board game night every Wednesday and Friday. When Tonks and Remus told Ted and Andromeda about the child, they couldn't stay calm. They were so happy. Andromeda immediately started knitting baby socks and sweaters, and Ted promised to make a crib by himself. The reaction of the Order was no different. At the end of their previous meeting, Tonks and Remus announced that they would both like to stay away from dangerous missions in the future and help the Order at home. And when Molly asked why, the young couple told them about their future baby, and that they didn't want anything to happen to their child, or that their child should grow up without them. When the Order arrived at what their words meant, everyone shouted for joy, and they congratulated them. Sirius and Molly's eyes were full of tears. They all rejoiced in it. For all of them, the arrival of young Lupin was like a reminder of what they were fighting for. That was the motivation. Minerva called it the light of hope. And future parents could never get a smile off their faces. They couldn't wait to see their little baby. Although they still had doubts. Having a child in the middle of a war was risky. Remus was still worried about what might become of their child and how the world would receive the Werewolf child. But whenever doubts arose in his head, he wondered how someone would tell his child that his father had left him because he did not love him. He imagined how some evil schoolmates would say to his child, that even your father didn't love you. And that thought broke Remus' heart. He loved this child more than his life. He agreed to do anything for Dora and their child.

One morning Tonks went to meet her old school friends, and as soon as she left the house, Remus jumped up from the couch and rushed up to his and Tonks' room. He had a plan to surprise Dora. It was the second anniversary of their first date, and he wanted to make it special for her. They had been separated last year, and Remus felt guilty about it. He wanted to make her happy and surprise her. But since it was very dangerous to leave the house at this time, he could not take her out. Even the fact that Dora went to her friend Mike's apartment to meet her friends was really dangerous. Their little date had to take place between the walls of Tonks cottage. It was a difficult mission for Remus. But he had a plan.

Remus had gone to the Muggle shop the day before and bought a whole bunch of pink and white candles and red roses, and he hid them all under the bed, hoping Tonks wouldn't find them. She hadn't found them, and now Remus pulled them out of bed and went to the bathroom with them. He darkened the light in the bathroom, placed candles on the edge of the bath, in the cupboards, in the sink, everywhere there was any surface. And then he spread all over the place full of rose flowers, and also left a few whole roses on the edge of the bath between the candles. He brought a bottle of alcohol free wine and two glasses from the living room and placed them on the edge of the bath. With a wave of a wand, he lit every candle, and it created a pleasant romantic light in the bathroom. Remus smiled contentedly, he was sure Dora liked it. About an hour later, when it was three o'clock, he filled the bath with water and added foam to the bath, creating color-changing bubbles on the surface of the water. Just as he had finished, he heard the sound of the front door opening, and he headed downstairs. Tonks stood in front of the door, pulling her boots off. Remus approached her and took off her coat, and hung it on the clothes rack.

,,How were you, darling?" Remus asked, kissing her pink lips quickly.

,,That was nice. We had a lot to talk about, and the first time I met Mike's boyfriend, he was very funny. But it was a little strange to sit there without Melina. We have never met without her, she has always been like a leader in our group." she said.

,,I know how you feel. "Remus replied briefly and kissed her lips again," Did you tell them about the baby? "

,,Yes, they were very happy about it and wished us luck. Holly said we will soon become zombies thanks to this child. By the way, she promised to give us some baby things that her children would no longer use. And Mike said that our child can eat free ice cream in his cafe at any time, but I and you have to pay double."

Remus laughed and let his hand through Tonks' azure hair, "It's very cute of them. But come now, Love, I have a little surprise for you." he took her by the hand and led her upstairs.

They stood in front of the bathroom door, and Tonks looked at him, she had a questionable look on her face, "Bathroom door? Remus, I've seen it before."

,,This is not a surprise, honey, this is..."Remus replied with a smile and then opened the door.

Tonks' eyes swelled in amazement and her mouth sank slightly. The sweet smell of a rose floating in the bathroom penetrated her nose. She admired every little detail, and the thought that Remus had struggled for her made her hair going pink.

,,Oh, Remus, you shouldn't have to. It's so cute of you."

Remus rubbed her cheek with his thumb and whispered to her, "Today, two years ago, I took you on our first date, and the next morning I woke up next to you for the first time. It's something worth celebrating, honey. You deserve it and more."

Tonks couldn't answer anything. She was so fascinated to Remus' attention, and to the fact that Remus had remembered the exact date of their first date and the first night were they slept in each other's hands. She kissed Remus on the lips in gratitude, and about ten minutes later they were together in the warm water of the bath. Tonks sat on Remus' lap, his arms wrapped around her, her head resting on his shoulder. Gentle music played, and they enjoyed that peace and intimacy. Tonks raised her hand to smooth Remus' cheek. He turned his head toward her, and quickly kissed the tip of her nose and then the freckled cheek.

,,Remus, would you like our child to be a boy or a girl?" she asked.

,,Hmm...I don't care. Whichever it is, I'm happy." he said.

,,But if you could choose, which one would it be? "

,,A boy, "Remus replied in a firm voice.

Tonks laughed, "That voice has betrayed you. So you'd prefer a son pretty much?"

,,Well, what kind of man wouldn't want a son? But at the same time, a little princess would also be very cute, right? I can play with her dolls and have tea parties. "

,,And with a boy, you can play football and knights."

,,Both choices are pretty wonderful, aren't they?" Subconsciously, Remus' hand began to move slowly over Tonks' stomach.

,,I can't wait." sighed Tonks.

Remus kissed her neck and then poured them a glass of alcohol-free grape wine. For a few minutes, they had a glass of wine, they kissed and caressed each other, until once again a question came to Tonks' head, "But what would we name the child?"

,,Well what would you like?" he asked from her.

,,I still like a name Hope. Maybe Hope Melina or we can name her after your little friend Lyra, I like that name. If it's a boy, then Alastor, Alastor Lyall."

,,These are nice names. But why do you want to name our child after the dead?"

,,I don't even know. It seems symbolic. They died in order to make this world a better place, it would be lovely if we could get them back to us along some way. Or what you think?" Tonks looked him deep in the eye.

Remus smiled and kissed her on the lips before answering, "That would be the right thing to do, I think."

They were in the bath for several more hours. The warm water, gentle music, and sweet smell of roses were so enchanting that they didn't want to leave at all. It was definitely one of their most beautiful evenings together, and they both felt like nothing could not spoil the happiness they feel because they are never just two of them, not anymore.


One short intermediate chapter. I hope you enjoyed it.

Our pink moon (Remadora, Remus/Tonks)Where stories live. Discover now