Too old, too poor, too dangerous...

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Days passed, Remus tried to avoid Tonks at every opportunity, luckily Auror spent a lot of time in the ministry and because Harry had returned to his relatives by the summer, members of the Order took turns watching him secretly.

One day Dumbledore invited Remus to himself at Hogwarts. Remus was back in his youth when he arrived at school, his vivid memories moving live in his eyes as if they had just been yesterday. Although many years had passed, the school had not changed at all. Even the students were always the same, even though they were all new. The school had few students at the moment, only a few who had left for summer jobs or who had to stay longer for some other reason. Remus walked down the hallways longer than needed, he just walked and enjoyed the youthful spirit of the school. It reminded him a little of Dora. When he finally reached Dumbledore's office, his office was empty and werewolf decided to sit down and wait for the director to arrive. Remus's gaze moved to the phoenix, who was sitting on the back of a large armchair and waving his wings proudly, showing the guest his beauty.

,,He has been anxious lately. War affects everyone, even those fantastic creatures we don't think about everyday. Tea, Remus?" Dumbledore stood directly behind Remus, his blue eyes glittering behind the crescent glasses.

,,No thanks, Albus. You wanted to tell me something." said Remus, his look a little anxious.

,,Yes, I need one favor from you, Remus. One very great favor. "Dumbledore sat down on a large chair behind his desk and looked at Remus deeply,, I have a mission for you that only you can do. This is an Order mission and is related to Greyback and his pack of werewolves. Have you read the news lately, Remus?"

,,Frankly not, newspapers have been lying too much lately to waste time reading them."

,,I totally agree with you, sometimes I read them and laugh at these ridiculous articles. Voldemort is back, but our newspapers write about how and where to find the cheapest and most fashionable hats. But, unfortunately, some of the news is true, Remus. Recently, werewolves have attacked children on full moon nights and many have been killed, but most have become werewolves. Most of their child's parents abandoned them after the attack, and these children now live in the woods with a Greyback pack. Voldemort tries to get werewolves on his side, allowing them a better life in the future. I'd like you to join this pack and try to convince werewolves to join us instead."

Slowly the color of Remus's face disappeared:,, Should I join them? But how should I blend in, everyone knows me. After Greyback, I'm one of the most famous werewolves. None of them would trust me."

,,I know I'm asking you a lot. And I understand if you don't want to do that. This mission is extremely dangerous and will probably last months."

,,I'll do that, Albus. When should I leave?"

,,As soon as possible. But Remus, are you sure you want to go?"

,,Yeah, I'm sure. I'm leaving tomorrow, I know where this pack is, and I believe it won't take me long to leave."

Dumbledore's gaze become uncertain, he leaned on the table and looked directly at Remus:,, Remus, you don't have to go so fast. I know you have things you should do before you leave."

,,She will be fine, Albus. One day it was supposed to end anyway."


When Remus returned to headquarters later, his mood was relatively bad. He didn't want to do this, he didn't want to go to the werewolves, he didn't want to break his heart, neither did Dora's, he didn't want to hurt her, but he had to.

Remus was sitting in the living room, the whole Weasley clan was there, plus Sirius and Kingsley. It was difficult for him to think about what was going on around him. Everyone else seemed so happy, but at the same time Remus felt his heart break into countless pieces and burn with an ice cold flame that hurts like hell.

Our pink moon (Remadora, Remus/Tonks)Where stories live. Discover now