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15 years ago

The streets of Hogsmeade were covered with beautiful and shining snow. The village was preparing for Christmas. Families goues around carrying gift bags and Christmas sweets. A bunch of kids maked snowmen. Witches and wizards from Hogwarts throw each other with snowballs. Sirius Black walkes down snowy and slippery streets. His black hair was full of snow and his boots were berries. He had a gift bag, gifts for his four best friends: Moony, Wormtail, Prongs and Lily. And one for his little cousin ...

,,Nym, please don't run. When you fall, I have to explain to your mother why your knees are broken again."

,,But, Sirius, If I don't run I get cold. Running keeps me warm." a tiny six-year-old girl run towards Sirius and jumped on his lap, Sirius grasped her and put her hat on her head better, which has light pink hair underneath.

,,If you have a cold, then maybe we should do faster. Besides, Andy should be ready for dinner soon. You don't want to be late for Christmas dinner, or what, Nym?"

,,Will you tell me more fairy tales about Marauders, Sirius?" asked the little girl, her brown eyes becomed big, they had a shine similar to Sirius eyes, and the young wizard were very proud that this little pink-haired girl was his relative.

,,Oh, my dear Nym, these are not fairy tales. Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot and Prongs really do exist."

,,But who are they?"

,,When you grow up, I'll tell you!"

They reached the candy store and bought several bars of chocolate and various candies. Sirius bought a lollipop for Nym, what was almost as big as a small girl head. They walked down the streets, enjoying the magic of Christmas until they passed two women they didn't want to see.

,,Ou, Sirius, you here too!" said a woman with black hair and a scary face, who looked a bit like Nym's mother.

,,Yes, I am. It's surprising to see you two here. By the way, congratulations about the baby, Sisi." Sirius waved to the blonde woman, who appeared to be at least five months pregnant.

,,Sirius, why are you spending time with this little freak?" asked a scary woman, pointing to Nym. 

Nym hided behind Sirius.

,,Bella, she is my cousin and she is your niece." 

,,No, she is not! Andromeda made her choice. She was stupid!"

,,My mommy's not stupid." Nym screamed angrily.

Bella laughed, steped towards Sirius and squated so she can look directly into the little girl's eyes:,, She is. But fortunately not as stupid as you!" 

,,Bella, stop it! Don't talk to her or you'll regret it." Sirius said defensively and steped in between Nym and Bella.

,,Ou..." Bella standed up, her black eyes shining in anger,, How cute. Betrayers have to be together or what? What would your mother say about that, Sirius? I'm sure she doesn't like that you spend time with this freak."

,,She is not a freak!" Sirius growled.

,,Mhm..." before Sirius could react, Bella shoved him into the snow and grabed Nym's jacket, her black eyes looking deep into girl's shaking eyes,, Keep in mind, little freak, one day the world will change and then there is no one in the world to protect or love you, I will come and kill you."

,,Stay away from her, you Bitch!" Sirius pushed Bella away and pointed his wand at her chest,, You will never hurt this girl, until I live you will not touch her!"

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