Let's adopt a dog

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The next morning, Tonks and Remus went to fulfill Minerva's prayer. When they reached the headquarters, they were both completely shocked. Between the white houses stood a black and dilapidated house, without any protection or concealment. Anyone with magical abilities could walk in and explore.

,,It's so weird." Tonks said in a whisper," I hope no one has attacked."

,,Don't worry, honey, Moody and Sirius are on guard."

"Yeah, but they're not gods either. Who knows, maybe they're both dead, and their bloody bodies are waiting for us in the kitchen."

,,Who are you and what did you do to my girlfriend?" Remus asked in a slightly sharp voice.

,,I'm sorry, Remus, but what?" with a confused look, she looked at the man who was much taller than herself.

,,You have been so depressed and serious all day. This isn't the Dora I remember. Is everything all right, Love?"

,,Yeah, it's just, maybe I can't be positive right now. This house is already depressing, and now... now Dumbledore is dead, and this house looks even more depressed when it's unprotected." she sighed," I'm sorry, sweetheart. I had a little weird dream tonight, maybe that's the point."

,,What did you see?" Remus seemed worried, he grabbed Tonks by both hands and rubbed her palms with his thumbs," Is anything serious? Why didn't you wake me up?"

,,There's nothing to worry about, Remus, it was just a dream. Nothing else."

,,But what was it?" he asked with worried voice.

,,I saw..."

,,Hey, you two!" a harsh voice came from the headquarters door, Tonks and Remus turned their heads and saw Moody standing, he leaned against the doorway and looked at them with a vague look," Do you want to come in or wait for the Death Eaters to come with your sweet death?"

Tonks sighed and looked back at Remus with loving eyes, "Let's talk about this later, right?"

Remus nodded and they walked to the door.

Moody pulled out a wand and pointed it out to them, "What did you tell me when we first met?"

"Get out of my way, old man," Tonks said, a small smile on her face.

Moody nodded and then looked at Remus, "And you, my boy. When was the last time I saw you?"

"At the last meeting of the order, two weeks ago."

"Fine, come on in!"

They entered the house, the whole headquarters was quiet and much darker and gloomier than usual. Even Mrs. Black's portrait was silent as if she had swallowed her tongue, she watched the passing couple and a wooden-legged man with her angry black eyes.

Moody led Remus and Tonks to the second floor library. Moody opened the door. The whole library was full of boxes, which were full of various documents of the Order. Sirius' black-haired head appeared from behind a large bookshelf. His gloomy gray eyes widened as his gaze found the connected hands of Remus and Tonks.

,,Ulala, love birds finally found each other again. It only took time. Nym, what did you tell him he changed his stupid mind?" he asked.

Tonks shrugged and blinked to her cousin with one eye. A sly smile disappeared from her lips as she noticed a picture of the Order, what was taken last spring, the picture was surrounded by a beautiful wooden frame. Tonks squat to the box where the picture was. She picked up the picture and pulled her thumb over the glass.

,,It seems to be such an old picture, in fact it is only a little over a year old." Tonks said to Remus standing behind her.

,,Maybe, it's very weird to look at pictures from the time I went to school or in first Order time. These pictures are both beautiful and sad. But it's best to keep these pictures in a box so you don't see them every day, and they can make you smile again in some years letter." Remus took the photo from Tonks and put it back in the box, then took her hand and pulled her up, "Come on, let's go to help Sirius and Moody."

Our pink moon (Remadora, Remus/Tonks)Where stories live. Discover now