Four men

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Months had passed when she hadn't heard anything about Remus. Tonks' hope to see him again was fading with each passing day. The only joy that kept Tonks alive was the little Hope growing inside her. It was the beginning of December, people were getting ready for Christmas. Christmas was everywhere, though there were twenty days until the holidays. Tonks spent all her days patrolling Hogsmeade. For several weeks there had been no attack by the Death Eaters. The Order suspected that they were planning a major offensive, and despite the holidays, the entire Order remained vigilant. Tonks was waiting for something to happen. The last few weeks had been frustratingly boring, and the battle would mean Remus could return to help them and Tonks could see him.

The past months had been cruel to Tonks. She was unable to eat. One reason was pregnancy, but the other was that she had no appetite. She didn't want to see anyone because she knew they were going to worry and ask questions. She refused Molly's invitation to dinner and ignored the letters from her parents, friends, and Sirius inviting her to communicate with others. Tonks had become a hermit. She always responded in the same way to the letters: "Sorry, I'm in a hurry. A lot of work, you know. Maybe another time."

But one day a month she was forced to communicate with others. Order meetings. Every time she stepped into headquarters and fell because of the troll foot, she hoped Remus would come and help her stand up, but that didn't happen.

Tonks went to the headquarters three minutes before the meeting began, sneaked into the kitchen as quietly as possible and sat behind the table trying to go unnoticed. Most of the Order were already present, at least those who were still, Emmeline was dead, Hesta was lost, and Remus's on mission, no one except Dumbledore, didn't know was he still alive.

,,Tonks?" asked anxiously voice, Tonks looking away and seeing Molly sitting in a chair next to her, "How do you feel, honey?"

It was a question Tonks was afraid of, people had been asking her that a lot lately, and never once could a she tell them the truth.

,,Fine, I think. I don't know." she said.

,,How Hope is doing?"

,,She's fine. I guess she just doesn't want to eat much, everything I eat I vomit out, and to be honest I don't have much appetite."

,,Wait a little bit, soon you start demanding that someone bring you ice cream, sausage and pickles."

,,It doesn't sound so bad." Tonks said, with a thin smile on her face, it was impossible to talk to Molly without your corners of the mouth eager to go up.

,,But how does sound this, chocolate pudding with herring? Or biscuit dough, cheesecake with ketchup?"

,,Biscuit dough sounds good, but other things is just awful."

,,I know. But it sounds very tempting during pregnancy." answered Molly.

Dumbledore stepped into the kitchen and the meeting began. After about an hour, it was over, and there wasn't much important information, only some minor missions. Tonks started leaving the headquarters when someone grabbed her.

,,Nym, please don't leave, talk to me."

,,I'm sorry, Sirius, but I'm not in the mood to speak." Tonks said to her cousin without looking at him.

,,Well, in that case, you haven't been in the mood for two months."

,,Just finally, you realized it, it took a while time, or what. "Tonks's voice was sarcastic.

,,Nym, don't act like a kid. You don't sign us out of your life. You shouldn't ignore your loved ones, after all, we only wish you good, and we care about you." Sirius still held Tonks' hand, animagus stepped closer to young Auror and put his free hand around her shoulders,, Please just let us help you. "

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