It's still a war

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By the end of July, the Order had had to work harder than ever because the Death Eaters' attacks were basically daily. Everyone was exhausted. Moody multiplied all the time that the previous war is still a child's play compared to the current one, and this is just the beginning.

Tonks lay tired on the couch headquarters, she had just returned from a two-day mission with Bill. They spent two days in the woods spying on the Death Eaters, but unfortunately they could not find them.

Tonks' head was against the dark red sofa pillow. Remus and Sirius sat a little away in front of the fireplace, Remus' gaze secretly watching the sleeping woman, and Sirius seemed very excited about something.

,,You know, Moony, if I wasn't in such a good mood, I'd hit you?"

,,What did I do again?" Remus asked, turning his head away quickly.

,,It's not about what you did, it's about what you didn't do. You're just kidding yourself. Why do you find it so difficult to understand that you are breaking your own life with your behavior? By the way, you are ruining her life too with it!"

,,Padfoot, I can't talk about it anymore. You haven't been talking to me about anything else for months. It's a matter between me and Dora, please don't get involved yourself in our things." Remus said.

Sirius raised a little eyebrow and then added, "Everything related to her is related to me."

,,You're not her father!"

,,I'm her cousin! She's like a sister to me. And I will strangle all the men who hurt her."

,,But then why am I still alive?" Remus asked seriously.

,,Because she loves you and because I've been in a good mood lately." replied Sirius, a sly smile appeared on his narrow lips.

,,So what makes you so happy? War? Number of dead?"

Sirius smiled even bigger, leaned a little closer to Remus, and whispered, "Love, Moony." he leaned away from Remus again and continued in his usual voice, "while you have wasted your happiness here, I have not done so. I have a date today, by the way, a third date, her name is Magdalena."

This time Remus raised an eyebrow, he looked at his old friend with a serious look, trying to figure out if he was lying or not.

,,We met two months ago. She is very sweet, not the kind of woman I used to have, but still quite nice. You'd like her, Moony, she owns a bookstore."

,,You date with a nerd, what's going on in this world?"

,,She's not a nerd, she's just very smart. If she wasn't smart, she wouldn't date with man like me, or what." said Sirius proudly, suddenly he turned his head, and looked at the clock, "By the way, I have to go, me and Magda meet in a muggle restaurant in an hour." Sirius smiled at Remus, and got up from his seat and stepped to the door, "I hope you have an interesting evening, my dear friend. And look that you don't wake Nym up, she's very exhausted." Sirius stepped out of the room, Remus heard his cries of joy for a while until he finally left the house.

Remus sighed, he was really happy for his friend, but for some reason, he didn't felt that way.

A quiet noise caught Remus' attention, he noticed the woman sleeping on the couch moving a little.

She looked really tired, Remus thought. Her hair was still brown, her face pale, but her eyes were surrounded by dark circles. She seemed to have lost lot of weight. She had always been very short and thin, but now she looked like a starving twelve-year-old, and it broke Remus' heart.

She had lost so much in a year, but one thing was still left, her beauty. No matter how wounded and tired she looked, no matter how skinny or colorless, Remus thought she was always beautiful.

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