Full moon

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Remus woke up at six in the morning, all his muscles aching as if someone were constantly stabbing them with needles. He tried to go to sleep again, but he couldn't. He climbed slowly from his bed and headed for the living room. He lit a fireplace to get a little warm, sat in the armchair , and opened his favorite book, "Jane Eyre," which he had read at least twenty times, and the covers were completely worn. The heat from the fireplace calmed his aching muscles, and the book took his thoughts away from the pain. He couldn't concentrate on the book for a long time because his thoughts were conquered by an Auror with pink hair. He recalled how good it was for Tonks to fall asleep on his shoulder, and how sweetly her hair color get a bit brighter as Remus looked at him. Why she had to be so perfect? She was all he wanted, but nothing he deserved! At least that's what Remus thought. He set the book aside and looked directly into the flames of fire. The flames shone, just like her eyes. Why all things make him think about Tonks?

,,Why don't you sleep, Moony?" Sirius's voice comed from behind Remus. Remus turned around and saw the slightly tired face of his best friend.

,,Full moon!" he answed briefly,, But you, Padfoot, why don't you sleep?"

,,Honestly, i don't know, just didn't sleep, i'm suddenly getting old, I think."

,,I don't think so, Sirius Black and getting old. Impossible!"

,,You know, you're right, Moony, I'll never grow old, I'll die before that!"

,,Oh, shut up!" murmured Remus.

For a few minutes they were both completely silent and staring at the fire.

,,How do you feel? Will it be a bad moon?" Sirius finally asked.

,,I don't believe." Remus answered after a brief pause,, Severus has made Wolfsbane for me."

,,I don't trust him, Moony, Snivellus can poison you! He hates you! What if he deliberately poisons the potion so it wouldn't work."

,,He hasn't done it yet. Why would he do that, Sirius? Dumbledore trusts him, and Severus knows that if I were to accidentally die of poison, he would be the first Dumbledore would suspect."

,,Anyway, just be careful. Okay?" 

In a few hours, Tonks entered the living room.

,,Why are you already awake? It's eight o'clock in the morning?" Tonks sat beside them and put her feet closer to the fireplace to warm them up. She was wearing light pink pajamas.

,,We've been awake for a while, Nym." Sirius answered and then looked at Tonks' clothes,, Nym, shouldn't you go to work?"

,,Weekend, I have two free days." she smiled broadly.

,,Someone seems to be happy about it. So what's your plan?"

,,I'll be visiting my parents this afternoon and then come back here. I don't have many friends outside the Order. I only had three friends at school, but one of them is all the time busy with her two young children and her husband. The other is currently studying to be a healer and is planning her wedding. And well, the third was Charlie, and I wouldn't be surprised if he planned a wedding with some dragon."

,,So you're here tonight?" Remus seemed suddenly nervous.

,,Yeah. Do you have any plans for what we could do?"

,,Tonks, today is full moon." 

,,Ou...!" Tonks's hair turned white, now Remus has realized that it means shock,, Sorry, Remus, I forgot it completely."

,,Don't worry about it."

,,Where are you going to transform?"

,,In the basement."

,,Hmm, okay." 

There was a quiet noise from the kitchen.

,,Ou, I think Molly's gone to breakfast. I'm going to help her. I'll see you later guys." Tonks stepped out of the room and quietly closed the door, both men looking at the point where she had just been.

,,Do you think she acted a bit strange?" Remus asks, looking back at his friend.

,,Well, you're probably not the only one here having an every month problem today." Sirius grinned.

,,She must be disgusted to be here with me today." Remus said so quietly that Sirius could not hear it.

A few minutes before sunset

Remus was sitting alone on the cold floor of the basement, removing all his clothes and wrapping himself in an old blanket. The basement door was locked and several sound-absorbing spells were installed in the basement, that no one in the house should listen to Remus's screams of transformation. Remus didn't really like the fact that he had to be transformed in a place where are many people, especially near children. Molly, Arthur and Sirius spent half an hour casting a spell on the basement door that no underage wizard or witch could open. Molly believed that no one children would try to enter the basement, but they would never know what ideas the twins might come up with. Tonks was in the house tonight, too, and that bothered Remus the most. She left her parents at three o'clock, and then be with Remus and Sirius all evening until Remus had to lock himself in the basement. Before Sirius locked the basement door, Remus saw the woman's worried gaze and her beautiful supportive smile.

Sunset was slowly coming to an end. Remus's body felt sharp pain everywhere he could imagine it. With each passing second, the pain intensified. Remus fell to his knees and clenched his teeth so as not to scream, but when his teeth began to turn into tusks it was no longer possible. He tried to think of Tonks' beautiful eyes and her beautiful smile. For her airy hair, and shiny colors. Remus' hands and feet began to grow and they got a thick, gray wolf fur. After a few minutes, his transformation was complete, he was all wolf except for the mind that was still in Remus's.

The wolf sniffed once and headed for the corner of the room. He sat on a pile of small hay and lay down comfortably, with his muzzle against his paws. The wolf was calm and Remus was very happy about it. He is as dangerous as a puppy. He tried to fall asleep, but when he heard a quiet squeak, which meant that someone had opened the basement door, and felt someone smell approaching him. Sleeping was no longer possible. He lifted his head and sniffed the air. It was a scent of lavender and raspberry, so sweet and familiar. Oh no!

It was Tonks, she looked at the wolf with a worried face, and she slowly took a few steps closer. The wolf growled, trying to scare her away, but the woman took more firm steps toward the werewolf.

,,Remus?" Tonks whispered, stretching out her right hand,, Are you healthy? Haven't you hurt yourself?"

Tonks knelt in front of the wolf, who turned his head away, to not look at her. Tonks gently smoothed the wolf's head, which made the wolf growl loudly, but she didn't care about it.

,,Remus, I know it's you there, not the wolf, and you're not hurting me. You don't have to spend your energy to growling at me, I'm not going to leave here. Okay? You just have to accept that you have a company here today." The wolf lifted his head and looked at Tonks deeply,, You ask why? Because I want to show you that not all people in the ministry consider you a monster, Remus." 

Remus wholeheartedly wished that the wolf could sigh. Next month, he must ask that the cellar lock not only identify children but also Tonks.

Tonks leaned against the wolf and leaned her head against the wolf's soft back. The wolf rested his head on his paw, and fell asleep. In the morning, when Remus woke up, Tonks had disappeared, and there was a hot tea, and potions to relieve pain, next to him.

Our pink moon (Remadora, Remus/Tonks)Where stories live. Discover now