Order meeting

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It was a week after Tonks last went to headquarters. She arrived one hour before the meeting began and immediately run into the kitchen. She stumbled on the road only twice. As she opened the kitchen door, she saw Remus sitting at the table. His gaze was fixed on the book he was reading, and as soon as he learned of Tonks' presence, he looked up and smiled at her, his gray eyes full of brilliance. Immediately a gigantic smile appeared on her face and her cheeks flushed.

,,Wotcher, Remus!" Tonks shouted cheerfully and sat on the chair beside Remus.

,,Hi Tonks! How have you been?"

,,Normally." she said," I've had a lot of work and I also have the duties of the Order. I don't even have much time for rest. My social life has recently been dead!"

Remus giggled slightly and lowered his eyes back to the book.

,,And how you have done?" asked Tonks.

,,Nicely, I've had some missions, but most days I'm just here and reading."

,,And what about Sirius?"

,,He is drunk most of the time and sits in Buckbeak's room. He's trying to claim that Hippogriff is like his therapy dog."

,,I'm so worried about him. Being in this house will be quite frustrating. Imagine yourself locked in a house what you hate, your only companions are a nasty house elf and a creepy portrait of your mother." she sighed anxiously.

,,He hates it. He had been in Azkaban for twelve years and now he's locked up here. Fortunately, he will soon be in the company. A whole bunch of Weasleys will be here soon." Remus said, he looked back at Tonks, and it made her smile again, and feel the butterflies flying victory in her stomach.

,,Why Weasleys are moving here?"

,,Au...We're discussing it at today's meeting, but Harry's coming here, and Molly thinks it would be safer if more people are here at that time. In fact, I'm sure she really wants to keep an eye on Sirius so he doesn't have a bad influence on Harry." Remus takes a sip of his hot tea," Molly regards Harry as her child."

,,Molly takes care of everyone who deserves it. When I was friends with Charley and I went to visit the Burrow, Molly always fed me so much that I had trouble with getting home."

,,She's wonderful!" he said with a smile.

The kitchen door opened, Moody and Kingsley stepped in. They both seemed to be at least as exhausted as Tonks. Moody's magical eye spun around and stopped abruptly on her.

,,What are you doing here so early? Shouldn't you be at work?" smirked Moody upset.

,,Since my job is just paperwork, I can do it anywhere. So I did some of today's work at home yesterday so I can come here earlier. Honestly, Mad-eye, you should trust me more." Tonks frowns eyebrow offended.

,,Don't bark, Nymphadora! Constant vigilance!" Moody and Kingsley both sited at the table against Tonks and Remus.

Kingsley and Tonks began talking about their recent cases in the ministry. But every now and then Tonks' eyes subconsciously moved to Remus, and she noticed him looking at her with great curiosity and respect, and it made her blush sharply. She turned her head back to Kingsley, trying to focus on his story, though it was almost impossible. After about ten minutes, Minerva McGonagall and Molly arrived. Molly hugged Tonks and Remus, and immediately started fussing in the kitchen.

,,Molly, we'll have a meeting soon, it's not a time for dinner!" growled Moody.

,,Oh, but after the meeting we have time, Alastor." replied Molly, with a wide smile," Remus dear, can you come and help me. Tonks dear, can you go and invite Sirius, the meeting is about to begin, he certainly does not want to be late."

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