Two little Black girls

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NB! The title of the chapter is not racist but is the name of the Black family!

It was early morning, Andromeda had just put her two-week-old daughter to bed. Her husband Ted was still at work, he had to work very hard to feed his tiny family.

Suddenly a loud bang came from the yard. Andromeda looked out the window and saw two women rushing toward the house.

,,Oh no..." whispered Andromeda.

She grabbed her wand from the desk and ran out of her daughter's bedroom, closing the door with magic so no one could open it except her. She rushed down the stairs, the wand was aimed to the door all the time. An angry knock came from the front door. Andromeda's whole body shaking, she didn't know what to do, the only thought in her head was that she must protect her little Nymphadora.

,,Who is there?" she asked with a trembling voice.

,,You know who. Open the door, Andy!"

,,No, go away!"


Another loud bang sound and the door exploded, Andromeda could barely jump away form door at the right time, but her right hand suffered a severe burn that hurt like hell. She was on the floor, her wand had fallen several meters from her, and two ladies entered her house without hesitation, stepping over the door pieces and over burning moldings.

,,Whatever you two want of here, go away! You can't be here. My husband will be home soon!"

,,Oh, how scary. We certainly fear a man whose blood is dirtier than dishwashing water." Bellatrix laughs evilly, her yellow teeth glossing between her lips,, Look, Sisi, love makes weak. I hope you never make a mistake like our sweet sister."

The blonde haired woman frowned and said nothing.

,,Bellatrix...Narcissa, please go...whatever you want, it's not here."

,,We want our sister back! But we know we can't get it." Bellatrix took one threatening step toward Andromeda lying on the ground,, I always envied you, Andy, you were my role model. You were the parents' favorite, so talented, so beautiful, but look at yourself now. You're nothing." she smiled evilly,, Where is it, Andy?"

,,What?" She asked, breathing panically.

,,Your little nasty beast."

,,You can't get to her."

,,Ou, has Mommy locked her daughters room? But will your little spell help even when I set this house on fire."

,,Bella, stop it! We didn't come here to kill the baby!" cried Narcissa.

,,You didn't come here for that, but I did." Bellatrix turned back to Andromeda, her eyes black and evil,, Say goodbye to your house and your little daughter."

,,What's going on here? Expelliarmus!"

Bellatrix's wand flies out of her hand and lands on the man standing in the doorway. The man standing there was about 40 years old, with light hair and a scar on his face, both of his light gray eyes fixed on the scene in front of him.

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