Be my Sun, Moon and Stars

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Remus's heart beats against his chest like a horse, it was even sore. His hands trembled as he tried to drink his morning tea. He couldn't sleep well at night, he was nervous all night, and he felt lonely because Tonks wasn't there. Their bed was cold and lonely, and Remus can't wait to hold her in his arms again. He can't wait to see them become a formal family.

Sirius came out of his bedroom, dressed in a gray suit. He sat next to Remus and poured himself a cup of tea.

,,Wow, what happened? Sirius Black is drinking tea. You have to have a terrible hangover." Remus laughed quietly.

,,I'm fine." Sirius replied in a sudden voice.

,,Are you sure, my best man?"

,,Yeah, only mild headache."

,,Hmm." Remus took a sip his tea, the hot liquid soothed him, and his hands stopped shaking.

,,Are you nervous?" Sirius asked.


,,Who would have thought that our little innocent Moony would marry, and with a woman who is so different from him."

,,Are you trying to change my mind right now so I don't marry her? It won't work for you." Remus said.

,,I would never try to stop your wedding. I've been waiting for years to see my best friend get married. After James' wedding, I waited for you to find your wife. For some reason, I already knew then that you would marry before me, and that the rat would never find a woman who would not run away from him." Sirius took a sip of the tea and then continued, "Although I would never have expected the woman you were marrying to be my little Nym."

,,Are you waiting for an apology?"

,,No, I'm waiting for my wedding call. I wrote it last night after you ran away from that dancer. "

,,What happened to her?" Remus asked.

,,We told her to leave, but she refused to leave before we gave her the money, and that little bitch called us old."

Remus laughed. Finally, suddenly Sirius realizes that he is no longer twenty.


Tonks watched as Fleur adjusted Auror hair in the mirror and braided fresh flowers into it. She had decided to leave her hair pink, though Andromeda wasn't very happy about it, but Tonks didn't care. She wanted to be herself, and for that, she needed pink hair and white-pink sneakers. Tonks wasn't quite sure how often brides wore sneakers at their wedding, but it was much safer than heeled shoes. She did not want to break her neck before reaching the altar. Nothing can ruin her and Remus' wedding, not even her stupid clumsiness.

,,You look so beautiful, darling," Molly sighed, handing Fleur two more yellow and one pink flower.

,,Thanks, Molly." Tonks replied gratefully, she felt beautiful, like an angel or a goddess.

,,I feel like I'm already crying, "said Andromeda," My little girl is getting married. I'm so proud of you, honey."

,,Mom, please don't cry, or I'll cry and it would ruin the makeup Fleur did to me. "

Tonks' face was covered with a gentle and modest layer of makeup, in brown tones. It brought out her big brown eyes perfectly and accentuated her light pink hair.'

,,Professor Lupin can't price when he sees you, Tonks. You are so Beautiful. I'm so jealous," Ginny said.

Tonks smiled, "I hope he's not suffocated by the time I get to the altar."

Our pink moon (Remadora, Remus/Tonks)Where stories live. Discover now