Padfoot depression

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Sirius sat alone in front of the living room fireplace, holding a glass of cold whiskey. Tonks and Remus have gone on a mission, they have been gone for several hours and should not return until midnight. Sirius had been in this house for over three months. He hated this place, he wanted to set this house on fire or demolish it all. He had to wait two more weeks before Harry gets here.

 He had a daily routine: wake up, open a bottle of whiskey, eat Molly's breakfast, go to the living room and drink whiskey, talk to Remus and Tonks, drink whiskey, feed Buckbeak, drink whiskey, get angry because Kreacher is slut, eat Molly's lunch, play chess with Remus, drink whiskey, eat Molly's diner, drink whiskey, talk to twins, scream with Kreacher, get be upset by Hermione, drink whiskey, go to sleep.

Stupid Dumbledore. As if Sirius could no longer be useful after Azkaban, as if he could no longer fight. He would be helpful. But Albus won't let. As if Sirius was more interested in being locked here or in Azkaban. Here was a portrait of his mother, and Kreacher, who is as annoying and creepy as dementors. The only difference with Azkaban was that in this house had decent food and company, but for how long? There was war. By now, Remus and Tonks might be dead, and Sirius could do nothing. Molly, Arthur and the kids were leaving soon. Molly's food will had been out soon. Sirius can't cook, and Kreacher would probably poison him. What if the whole Order dies and Sirius will be the only one who survives because he had no chance to help. He would be alone with his guilt. He would be left alone again, like in Azkaban.

He taked the last sip of his glass and put an empty cup on the table. Enough about drinking. It doesn't help. That doesn't change Dumbledore's view that Sirius must be locked in this house. An inner suspicion told Sirius with a clear voice that he must no longer fill this glass, he must be sober. Or well, a bit more sober. 

He headed to the kitchen to maked a glass of tea for himself. When he reached the glass cabinet, he found a tiny note on it:

               Sirius, please don't drink more, otherwise, I'll be forced to hide all the alcohol


Can Molly read mind? Sirius folded the note and put it in his pocket, grabed a cup from the cupboard and boils the water. The clock on the wall showed that the clock has just got 11 at night.

,,I hope they are fine!" Sirius whispered to himself.

When the tea was ready, he sited behind the kitchen table and begins to cool it down. Then he heard the front door open, and there were painful moans. Sirius immediately jumped up from his chair and rushed into the hallway. When he got there, he saw Remus holding Tonks in his lap, she was bloody and injured, also Remus had one very deep wound on his arm.

,,What happened?" Sirius asked in shock.

,,We were attacked, at least twenty Death Eaters." Remus replied.

,,Take Tonks to the living room couch, I'll go and call Molly and Arthur!"

Sirius ran up the stairs, knocking on Molly and Arthur's door. Very sleepy and in a bathrobe Molly came to open it. 

,,Has anything happened, Sirius?" she asked sleepily.

,,Remus and Tonks returned from the mission and they were attacked. Tonks is seriously injured."

,,Ou dear! Arthur, wake up, Arthur!" Molly turned to the bedroom to wake up her husband.

Sirius ran down the stairs again and rushed to the living room. Unconscious Tonks was lying on the couch, and Remus knelt beside her, holding one of her bloody hands.

,,Molly and Arthur are coming soon. What happened to her, Moony?" Sirius kneeled to his cousin and investigated her wounds.

,,We were on patrol at Diagon Alley when we were attacked by Death Eaters. They shot us with different spells, and they tortured Dora with the Curse of Crucio. It was Bellatrix who tortured her, she tried to kill Dora. In addition to Crucio, Bellatrix used a strange spell that cut her entire body."

,,And your arm?" Sirius pointed at the large and deep wound on Remus's left hand.

,,It's nothing, just one cut spell and Stupefy. I'm fine!" 

Molly rushed in, followed by Arthur. When Molly saw Tonks injured body, she was startled by the shock.

,,What happened?" asked Arthur in amazement.

,,Crucio and cut spell." said Sirius.

Molly, Arthur and Sirius began treating Tonks with various healing spells. Molly smeared a green drug on each of Tonks wounds, which slowly healed her wounds. Remus sat next to Tonks all the time and gently smoothed her hand.

,,She should be fine now. Or what do you think, honey?" Arthur asked, turning to his wife.

,,Now all she needs is a vacation." Molly answered and then turns to Remus,, Let me fix your hand, Remus." Molly began applying the medicine to Remus' wound, which immediately began to sting painfully.

,,I'm reporting this to Dumbledore and Kingsley. Tonks needs a few days off to recover." said Arthur.

,,She has a guard mission tomorrow night in the Department of mysteries." Sirius interrupted.

,,I do it myself, she has to rest."

,,Thank you, Arthur!" Remus gratefully responded.

Arthur steped out of the room. Molly finisheed Remus' wound healing and goes back to sleep.

Sirius smoothed his cousin's hair, which had turned the mouse-brown.

,,One day I'll kill Bellatrix!" growled Animagus.

,,I hope this day comes soon!"

Sirius turned his head to his best friend. Remus looked at three strong emotions: fear, worry, and...

,,You really love her, don't you?"

,,Yeah." Remus responded with a quiet voice,, But it doesn't matter. I don't deserve her. She is all I wish for, and all I do not deserve."

,,Why do you think that?"

,,Sirius, I'm a monster. Besides, there is no way she could love me either."

,,I wouldn't be so sure!"

Sirius stood up and walked towards the door, never looking back. He stepped up the stairs and went to his old bedroom. He took off his shirt, threw it on the chair, and went to bed. He sighed deeply and closed his eyes. His last thought before going to bed was that he should stop drinking. Never knows when an emergency will come and someone needs him.

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