Last flight

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The author of this wonderful Fanart is Rielles96 (on Instagram). She is one of my favorite Remadora fanart makers. Go and give her some likes and tell her how wonderful her work is.


Tonks spent two days with Sirius, and she apologized for his injury almost every fifteen minutes. The Order was very worried about Sirius' accident, but fortunately Moody was able to scare Dung enough that the old thief agreed to take part in the mission instead of Sirius. Neither seemed very happy about it, Sirius was unhappy that he couldn't help, and Dung was desperately angry that he was forced to fly.

The whole order seemed nervous, the mission got closer and closer, and after Dumbledor's death, no one could guess what might happen. Because the dead was a man who seemed immortal. The only ones who seemed to be still full of vitality were Bill and Fleur, who always talked about their upcoming wedding and made sure that no one would forget the date of their wedding day. As Tonks sat in Burrow's kitchen the day before the mission and watched the two lovebirds, she felt a growing longing in her heart for her husband. Remus had been away from her for thirty-two hours, forty-one minutes, and sixty-eight seconds. It was too long.

The night before the mission, Tonks couldn't sleep. Her bedroom seemed too hot to sleep. Wrapped in blankets, Tonks stared at the window all night, bored and longing, hoping to see Remus standing on the other side of the glass, waving at her and smiling. But it was impossible because Tonks' apartment was on the fifth floor, and Remus was not the best flyer.

She was tired and sleepy, and after waiting for him a few hours, her eyes could no longer stand, and they slowly closed. That was weird. Tonks could even swear that she heard Remus's footsteps approaching the bed, she could smell his chocolate and cinnamon, she could feel his weight sitting on the edge of their bed, and his hands touching her cheek. It was weird dreem. Quite too real to be a dream. She opened her eyes and vaguely saw her gray-brown-haired husband sitting next to her. She could not tell if it was a dream or a reality. But then as Remus lay down beside her, his arms wrapped around her, and left a kiss into her night sky blue hair, she knew it was the same reality as Sirius' snoring in the next room.

,,Hi, Remus." Tonks said with a big sleepy smile.

,,Hi, love." Remus replied, kissing her forehead, "I'm so tired. I haven't slept in two days. I'm surprised that Arthur and I didn't fall asleep in the bush when we guarded Harry's house."

,,How did your mission go? Will our mission tomorrow be safe?"

,,We didn't see any Death Eaters. There was no one there. Maybe the Death Eaters don't know where Harry lives. Anyway, we should be safe tomorrow. "Remus yawned, he rested his tired head on Tonks' pillow and closed his eyes," I missed you so much. "

"I missed you too," Tonks replied, closing her eyes and pushing her body as close to Remus as possible.

Within seconds, they both slept soundly.


The atmosphere in Burrow's kitchen was tense. Everyone looked at each other as if it were the last time they would see each other. When the meeting ended, Hesta and Dedalus left Harry's relatives' house to take Muggles to safety. Everyone said sadly goodbye to Hesta and Dedalus, as this was the last meeting they attended. Their job was to protect Dursleys until the end of the war, and in any case, it could be the last time they see them. You never know.

Before they stepped out the door, Hesta turned around and shouted the last words to her co-fighters, "Remember, there's no such thing as a goodbye, there is only see you later. So, see you later, friends, see you all, when Harry has killed that old evil snake-man."

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