Why So Serious?

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At that moment, Remus's entire world stopped, all the sounds disappeared, and all he could sense was the fall of a woman with purple hair. And how Tonks's body hit the ground hard and the ground slowly filled with blood. Above all, Remus wanted to run to her, but the battle went on and he had no chance. He had to protect Harry, he can't break another promise what he made to Sirius...

Three days later, Remus sits in a tiny white room, on a wooden chair, in front of a white bed, a bed on which unconscious and injured Tonks' body. For three days Remus had been sitting and waiting, he had never left more than two minutes to visit the toilet. He had barely eaten, Molly was constantly feeding him, telling him that everything was fine, but for some reason, Remus did not believe her even though he wanted to believe. Remus couldn't eat, didn't care that he was injured and needed medical attention, he just had to be there for Dora.

Moody refused to let Tonks' parents visit their daughter before she woke up, he told them their daughter needed peace and he knew Andromeda could not stay calm. Moody assured them that Tonks had the best defense and security they could wish for. Remus.

Nobody even has a clue if she wakes up anymore. Her injuries were great, her spine was fractured, her skull was cracked, plus a few minor fractures and internal injuries, but the worst thing was the spell that hit her, no one knew what the spell was and what the consequences might be. The healers did everything they could, they healed her for ten hours in a row, and all they could do was wait and see what happened.

The door opened and Molly and Arthur stepped in, Molly holding a box of food. They walked over to the bed and stood behind it. Remus didn't notice them at first, his eyes fixed on Tonks's pale face, surrounded by dull brown hair.

,,Remus dear, you haven't eaten anything." Molly said worriedly.

,,I'm fine, Molly. Don't worry about me." Remus replied with a low voice, his voice was so quiet and unhappy that it wound Molly's heart.

,,Remus, don't worry, she'll be fine. Have the healers said anything?" Arthur asked.

,,No, only that time will tell whether she wakes up or not."

,,Oh, dear." sighed Molly.

,,Remus, can we do anything for you?"

,,No, I'm fine, Arthur. It just..."

,,HMM..." there is a quiet murmuring voice.

All three were silent, their eyes fixed on Tonks, whose hair roots began to turn light red and then faded back to brown, her head moved slightly, and a slow sound came from her lips.

,,She will wake up!" Molly exclaimed.

,,I'll call the healer!" Arthur said and rushed out the door.

Tonks' head moved a little more, and Remus leaned slightly closer to her.

,,Dora?" Remus frowned and grasped Tonks's cold hand.

,,Remus?" a faint voice escapes Tonks's lips.

,,I'm here, Honey."

,,Remus?" her eyes open slowly, and Remus saw her beautiful brown eyes, which he had fallen for.

Tonks tried to get up, but pain and fatigue stopped her, every move like a knife's blow to her whole body.

,,Dora, don't move, you have to lie down."

,,Remus, wha...what happened? Wh...wher I am?"

,,St Mungo's. You got hurt in the battle." Remus gently rubbed Tonks's hand.

,,Are the others okay? Kids ... did they get away?"

,,Yeah, Sweety, everything is fine. Rest, Dora, the healer is coming to check on you."

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