With Monster

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,,Mr Lupin, are you all right?"

Remus turned his head and found Lyra's worried face watching him.

,,Yeah, everything is alright." Remus replied, folded a small photo he had watched and put it deep inside the pocket.

,,What bothers you? Is it a full moon? It's tomorrow."

,,I know. And believe me, I'm not absolutely worried about it. I've gone through more than 300 transformations." 

,,Wow, for me, it's only eleventh." Lyra said.

,,You've been here so long." Remus shakes his head slightly in disbelief.

,,It's been almost a year. I miss my parents so much." Lyra's look falls down, she sits next to Remus on a hard mattress,, I miss my sis."

,,You have a sister? You haven't talked about her before."

,,She is dead, okay, maybe she's not, I don't know, she disappeared years ago and never came back." said Lyra quickly, turning her head to hide the tears in her eyes from Remus.

,,I am very sorry." replied Remus.

Lyra shaking her head," You don't have to be, Sir. We weren't very closer. I just miss her a little, but that's nothing. I'll get over it."

,,You're so young, you shouldn't suffer so much, Lyra."

,,I'm fine, Sir."

,,Mr. Lupin! Lyra!" was the voice of the young man outside the house.

Lyra jumped up from the mattress and walked to the door of the house. Remus watched Lyra talking to someone at the door. Suddenly, the girl turned her head to Remus and said, "Marco says Greyback is arranging a meeting in the central square, it's a must, we should go."

,,Ohhh...another brainwash." Remus sighed and slowly got up, and reluctantly walked to the door, "What is he talking about today? What is all humanity to blame for today?"

,,He didn't say it, the only thing I know is that it's mandatory for everyone." Marco said.

,,Well, let's go then."

They walked across the forest, to the center of the pack camp, which was in the middle of all the houses, and where Greyback had let them build a small stage a few months ago. Greyback wished he had a place to pass his important news to others. Although his news was more like a cruel brainwash, saying that they should kill as many people as possible and make werewolves for justice. Last week, Greyback had ordered everyone to mate in order to increase the number of members of his pack. As the Aurors had become alert to his attacks and he could no longer bring new children to the pack. With each passing week, the news got worse and Remus was afraid of what to expect today.

All members of the pack had gathered in the central square. Greyback was standing in the middle of the stage with Henry Hogen, a new Greyback's assistant.

Greyback coughed loudly, and all the werewolves fell silent in anticipation.

,,My brothers and sisters, sons and daughters. I invited you here today to express my mild resentment." He started with his normally growling voice, his eyes blinking yellow between all the members, and his face had a faint smile with yellow teeth underneath, "As you all know very well tomorrow's the full moon, and for this great event, I've brought us a guest to join us on this holy feast. "He turned his head to his assistant and the two men who were behind Hogen," Bring her here."

Two middle-aged werewolves nodded and headed for the house closest to the stage, which was Greyback's own. The heads of all the members of the pack moved anxiously towards the house. After a couple of seconds they left the house again, with a young woman, who desperately trying to get out of the two men, but she couldn't. The men forcefully dragged her to the stage, she was tied up, and some of the wounds were bleeding, she was pale, with mouse-brown hair and beautiful brown eyes. The men pushed her in front of Greyback, and Remus, standing in the first row, clearly saw the woman's desperate face fluttering in her tears...Dora.

Remus's heart stopped for a moment, and then the started beating fast. His Dora was in the middle of the stage ready for her death. How?

Greyback grabbed Dora's shirt and lifted her to her feet, wrapping his arm around her waist and grasping her brown hair with the other hand.

Remus wanted to jump on the stage and save Dora in Greyback's arms, but he couldn't. They would kill them both. He needed a plan.

,,My brothers and sisters, this is a woman who claims to love people like us." he smiled devilishly at Dora and then pushed her across the stage so that she dropped a loud bang on the other end of the stage.

All the members gasped in fright, and no one thought watching her pain was funny, the only one enjoying it was Greyback himself. He took several slow steps toward Dora, and gave Hogen a glance to take her. Hogen walked up to Dora and lifted her to her feet and held her shoulders while whispering to her, "I'm sorry."

Greyback walked around the stage, and he continued to say, "Look at her, she's so beautiful. But there's a lot more to this beauty. She's Auror, her job is killing us. She's also one of the Dumbledore lap dogs. She's the Black family black sheep. My dear companions, meet the wonderful Nymphadora Tonks."

No one responded, the only ones who knew that name were Remus and Lyra.

,,Nymphadora has been with us before, last time she managed to escape from here because her friends knew she was here, but this time it won't happen. Nobody's here to save her this time. Nymphadora deserves punishment. Do you know why? Because she's lying. She says she cares about us, but at the same time wants to make us indoor dogs. She shared the Wolfsbane with her friend Mad-Eye Moody for free. I made sure this man would get his punishment, and now it's her turn. Nymphadora wanted to make us dogs, but let's show her what we really are. Let her see what the wolf really needs to be, but unfortunately it will be the last thing she ever sees. Let her see the monsters she's trying to fight."

And suddenly a gentle giggle was heard. Greyback turned his head to Dora, who laughed softly.

,,What's so funny to you, bitch?"

,,I have already seen the monster. "Dora replied, her voice was strong and there was no fear." The only monster I see in this forest is you. All the rest are ordinary people you make to play the monster. You are the only one who deserves the name of the monster."

,,Don't we see what you say tomorrow night when they all attack you and tear you to pieces. It's a pity that a pretty face like you has to find its end, but you deserve it." laughed Greyback wickedly.

,,If you're trying to scare me, it won't come out, I'm not afraid of you."

Greyback walked towards Dora in angry steps and slapped her on the face, her nose gets severely wounded and her lips were bleeding. Remus blood was boiling, he wanted to kill Greyback, but he couldn't do it yet.

,,Get this bitch out of my sight and watch her. We'll deal with her tomorrow night"

Remus watched how his Dora return to the house injured, he wanted to run after her, but Lyra grabbed him and stopped him.

"You can't help her right now. You have to wait. We'll help you, and then you'll run away with her. We need a plan."


I  hope you liked it. The next chapter will probably be longer, and I hope I can post it in the next few days. I look forward to your comments and opinions, if anyone has any ideas on what characters I can bring to the story then let me know. :-)

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