Butterflies and dragons

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The smell of melted snow and flowers filled the earth, informing everyone that spring had finally arrived. March started. While the revival of nature and the singing of birds usually brought peace, things were different in Tonks' cottage. Spring had brought real anxiety with it this year. Day by day, Tonks walked around the house. She was nervous and in complete panic. Her pregnancy had come so far that she had less than two months to give birth. According to calculations, the baby was to be born at the end of April. Two months was too little time to prepare, Tonks thought. For a long time, the birth of a child seemed like in the far future, but the bigger her belly became, the more she became worried. And she shared all her worries with Remus.

One fine Thursday night, everything was exactly like that. They sat on the couch in the living room, in front of Ted's old TV. Tonks's legs were in Remus' lap, who gently massaged her legs what were swollen because of her pregnancy.

,,But what if the baby didn't come out? "Tonks asked, her voice serious as death, as were her brown eyes.

Remus grinned lightly and said affectionately, "Why shouldn't he?"

,,Well, maybe he'll get stuck or something and I'll have to walk around for the rest of my life so that the half-out baby will sway between my legs." Remus started laughing hysterically, but it angered the future mother's," Stop laughing, I'm serious! "Tonks tossed him with a brown couch pillow, which Remus quickly blocked so that it fell to the floor with a soft flop.

,,I'm sorry, honey. And don't worry. I'm sure no child has ever got stuck, and our little boy is no exception, "Remus replied with a smile, rubbing her feet strongly with his thumb, making her sigh lightly. It felt good.

,,But how does it work? How should he fit out of me? "Tonks continued.

,,Nymphadora dear, believe me, it's not as scary as you think, "Andromeda's voice came from the kitchen," It's much worse, but no matter what, this baby won't get stuck."

,,You see, love, you don't have to worry. And no matter what happens, I'm there by your side. I swear to you, I won't let this baby get stuck in you, "said Remus, his wide grin still playing on his lips.

,,You will give birth to the next child," Tonks said sharply, pointing her finger at her husband.

,,I would be happy to do so, but unfortunately, I am not physically able to do so. And I think that my ego doesn't survive when Sirius starts laughing at me because of that. I can already hear him singing," Moony is a mommy, Moony is a mommy," "

,,Remus, you probably don't know how much strength and courage it takes to give birth to a baby, "said Andromeda, who had just come from the kitchen with three cups of hot chocolate," And that's why women give birth. Men would just not be strong enough for that, if they could give birth, humanity would have died out centuries ago. "

,,And why do you think we can't handle it? "Remus asked with interest.

,,Men have lower pain thresholds and tend to faint as soon as things get too intense. When Dora was born, Ted passed out before the baby's head had come out. The doctors just let him fall, they pushed him a little away and dealt with me, saying it was perfectly normal, "a sad smile appeared on Andromeda's lips as she thought of her husband," He woke up exactly when the doctors told us that we have a girl. The look on your father's face was so unparalleled, all this love... it's the most beautiful memory I have, "

Tonks smiled sweetly and felt tears well up in her eyes, "Cursed hormones," she muttered and wiped her eyes with Remus' sweater she was wearing.

They drank hot chocolate and enjoyed the little conversation they had. The next morning, Remus woke up early. He looked at the clock on the wall and sighed. It was only five in the morning, and his sleep was completely gone. He looked briefly at Dora. Her hair was sweetly pink and her lips had a beautiful smile. She probably dreamed of something beautiful, not like Remus tonight. He smiled and leaned forward to kiss her on the cheek. Slowly, he rolled out of bed. He took a hot shower and then went to the kitchen to make himself a strong black tea. He sat on the couch to enjoy his tea and book. After a few hours, voices came from the top floor and Andromeda came down the stairs.

Our pink moon (Remadora, Remus/Tonks)Where stories live. Discover now