Shadows of the past

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Several weeks passed, during which nothing interesting happened in Tonks cottage, and it terribly disturbed a certain young pregnant witch. Tonks walked around the house, dragging her legs. She had read absolutely every book she could find, even all of Remus' black magic defense books. Remus himself, however, was away from home for the most part, he worked on a radio station created by the Order. He and the twins broadcast true information about what was happening at the radio. It was one of the safest tasks the Order had to offer at the moment, but it was also risky enough that Tonks felt worried about her husband every day. At times, she even regretted being pregnant right now. She wanted to help, but for her own safety and that of the child, she could not. Ted and Andromeda were at work every day, Remus was away, and Tonks didn't have to talk to someone at home. She was bored and she felt lonely all the time. Some days she visited Molly, and together they talked and knitted sweaters and briefs for the child. She couldn't knit a bolt as well as Molly, but some of the socks she knitted seemed perfectly wearable. One day, however, the Lupins' family received a letter from Sirius, who was anxious to visit them, and he had to take Magdalena with him. After receiving this letter, Tonks was full of life. She even demanded that Remus take a few days off, and after ten minutes of trading, Remus could not say no to his wife's sweet voice.

Tonks woke up with the rising sun. She shook her head sleepily and then quickly looked at Remus, who was still deeply asleep. His hair was tangled, his mouth slightly open, and soft snoring came out of his lips. She could have let him sleep for a while longer, but...

,,Remus? Wake up, Honey." Tonks shook him lightly, "Wake up, Remus! It's time to wake up!"

,,Hmm, what time is it?" he asked sleepily.

Tonks turned her head and looked at the clock on the wall, "Umm, half past four."

,,Uhh, Dora," Remus muttered, pushing his face harder against the soft pillow, "It's too early. Go back to sleep, honey."

,,It would just be that easy, Wolfy. I am bored. I've been sleeping for almost two weeks. I want to do something. So get your butt out of bed and come make cookies with me, or do you want me to burn the kitchen? I can do it if you want. "

Remus muttered slightly angrily. He pushed the blanket off him and grabbed his dark blue bathrobe from the chair and wrapped it tightly around him.

Tonks smiled, and bit her lips, "Your hair looks so nice." she laughed.

Remus glanced quickly at the mirror and noticed that his hair was more like a bird's nest than a decent man's hair," And yours is a very interesting color," he said, pointing to his wife's short turquoise blue hair," Why blue?"

,,New life, new colors. Or well, it just seemed to me that I could try something else, " she replied, a slight smile on her lips.

Remus stepped to her and kissed her turquoise blue hair tenderly, "I like this color. It suits you well." he quickly kissed her on the lips and grabbed her by both hands, pulling Tonks out of bed, "Shall we go to the kitchen and make those cookies, or what?"

,,Of course. By the way, you have to make some sandwiches for me first. Your son wants to eat. " Tonks stepped toward the door but was stopped by Remus' hand, which was suddenly wrapped around her waist.

,,Son? How do you know that, Dora? "Remus' voice was just a quiet whisper as if the wind was blowing in her ears, but she could hear there were a sudden affection and great happiness.

,,I just feel that way. "

,,I like the way you feel, darling. "

After a few minutes, Tonks sat behind the kitchen table and ate a sandwich Remus had made for h. Remus stood in the middle of the kitchen, mixing the thick and tough cookie dough in the bowl. He needed all his strength to mix the pieces of chocolate with the rest of the dough, and much of the dough rolled out of the bowl and landed on the dark brown wood floor. Tonks watched her husband in action with excitement. And as soon as her sandwiches were eaten, she sneaked behind Remus, and stole a whole spoonful of dough from a bowl, and ate it without any guilt. And as she held out her hand for the next spoonful, he noticed it and raised his eyebrow questioningly. Tonks just smiled and stuffed a silver spoon in her mouth. That's how Tonks ate about half of the dough, and only a few unfortunate cookies reached the plate.

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