An unexpected surprise

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Light rays from the window, awaken the Auror who lying on the bed. Tonks' head was aching as if someone had hammered her. She wanted to go to sleep, but the quiet voice in her head said something was really wrong. She didn't remember anything that happened last night. And the bed on which she lay had a strange smell, that smell did not belong to the headquarters beds, nor to her apartment. She opened her eyes and found herself in a completely unfamiliar bedroom. Panic filled her instantly. Where was she? She checked her clothes, she wore the same short dress Mike had chosen for her yesterday. There was no one beside her, which was a great relief for Tonks. Carefully she crawled out of bed and headed for the door, but as usual she couldn't walk a few meters to the door without even falling. Loudly, she fell to the floor.

,,Fuck!" she cried.

The door opened, and Tonks stared frightened at the statue of a man in front of her.

,,Morning, Tonks, I hope you slept well, you slept for fifteen hours." A low voice said.

Suddenly Tonks felt a great relief, it was Kingsley.

,,You can't imagine how pleased I am to wake up in your apartment not with any stranger. I was already afraid I was deceiving Remus."

,,Well, my wife wasn't very happy that I brought you here, but she accepted it. Do you remember anything last night?" he asked.

,,My brain is like a black hole, maybe you enlighten me. What did I do, King?"

,,Well, when I got there, you were dancing on the table with Charlie, and for some reason Charlie had a bowl on his head, and you called him a Norwegian knight, when you seen me you falled off desk and said you were a dead now and you wait for vultures. One of your friends then kissed Charlie's cheek and decided it was a good idea to start singing karaoke, and by the way, you were very eager to join him. I called Arthur for help, and together we dragged you and Charlie out of there, and your other friends stayed there."

,,It sounds like something we would do. That's why Bill banned us from drinking. So embarrassing. I will never dare to leave the house again. Even less, I dare to look at Arthur." she said.

,,Believe me, Arthur is used to it. After all, he has six sons."

Suddenly, Tonks felt her spinning in her stomach, she suddenly turning pale. Kingsley noticed this and quickly led her out of the room to the bathroom. As soon as Tonks reached the bathroom, she fell to her knees and vomited to sink. Kingsley came up to her and held her mouse brown hair so it wouldn't fall in front of her face.

,,Are you okay, Tonks? Haw you feel?" he asked worriedly, when Tonks had stopped vomiting.

,,All right, I think I just got the alcohol poisoning." she said.

A little dark-skinned boy with thick dark curls appeared at the bathroom door:,, Daddy, Mommy asked me to tell you that she had to go to the work fast and that you had to make me pancakes."

,,I'll be right there, Daniel. Please wait a few minutes." Kingsley seid to little boy, who disappeared at the door as quickly as came here.

,,I didn't know you had a son, King." Tonks looked at him with a slightly startled look.

,,Many do not know this. In these times, it is worth being careful, especially in our work. If the wrong people find out I have a family they can hurt them. The family is the most important asset in the world, Tonks. That's what we're fighting for. At least I fight for Sophie and Daniel's future."

,,Some people are worth dying for." added Tonks with a quiet voice.

,,Exactly!" Kingsley turned slightly, stepped toward the door, then looked at Tonks again,, Do you want to have breakfast with us?"

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