Chapter 1

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Luna's P.O.V
I frowned as we were getting to Wano we could all see it and the Heart Pirates has just taken off to the back entrance. I had to admit I was nervous for this one but the past couple days as we rested some of us kept training as well.

I frowned seeing the island of Wano as I jumped down to the rest from the crow's nest and joined them noticing that Kidd and his crew were on their deck watching as well. The fight to come would no doubt be a blood bath from start to end.

I stopped when I felt someone pull me into a hug and looked to Luffy and relaxed into the hug. "We'll win we have too."

"Yeah Luna we'll win and they'll be sorry that they ever crossed paths with any of us." Luffy was serious and watched as we got closer and quickly we were able to take out their front gates without anyone noticing.

Zoro frowned seeing that no one was coming after us. "Where are they? I was expecting an attack right away but there's no guards at all."

Kidd sneered on his ship. "Because no one has ever attacked Wano before; they have all been too scared that's why there are no guards it's going to make getting in easier."

I looked to Luffy as he moved and tilted his hat down as we had to break in and I sighed softly. "Everyone stand by!" Moving since his hat was hiding his eyes I knew that now was the time to get ready for one hell of a fight.

Lucci's P.O.V
Lucci could tell the moment that he figured Luna was close to Wano her entire feelings and being changed she calmed down and became he calm before storm.

Lucci had been training her mentally the past couple days on how to stay calm for her fights he didn't want her adrenaline rush to get her wound up before a fight.

Lucci looked to Kaku who noticed the changed in Lucci and he nodded his head to Kaku. "They've made it; she's become the calm before a storm."

Kaku watched Lucci before Kaku went and took a seat on the couch. "She's gotten stronger; so have you ever asked her what she would think if you proposed to her."

"Yes I did; she said she would always say yes since we're mates. I deeply hope that's true she's become my everything all of a sudden." Lucci opened the ring box he had in taken from his desk drawer.

Kaku walked over and smiled softly. "She's going to love it just like she loves you old man." Chuckling when Lucci shook his head smiling. "Come on we got to go babysit some Celestial Dragons again; apparently Admiral Garp will be in the area he's escorting some royalty as well so we may end up with a problem."

Lucci sighed softly. "Alright let's head out then." He grabbed what he needed and followed Kaku out and went to join up with their team which was about four to five people in it.

Jabra walked over he had just gotten back and gave a report to Lucci who thanked him and Jabra stopped him. "She'll be alright; they've gotten stronger even her haki and Luffy's have taken on new forms it's scary what their capable of."

Lucci chuckled. "Their entire crew can be scary; they also now have a former Warlord with them their crew and followers are getting bigger all the time. Not only that their now in alliances with the Heart and Kidd pirates they've already taken down some of the strongest pirates in the world and their still going for those who are stronger yet."

Jabra nodded his head and he looked towards the rest of the CP groups before he headed to his room to rest as Lucci got the rest of them to go for their mission thankfully it would be Lucci, Kaku and two others. "Time to go."

As Lucci walked he could feel that Luna was alert and nervous he couldn't blame her for she would be in for the fight of her life with her crew. 'Calm down Luna deep calm breaths you got this I know you do; look around yourself your not alone you got a strong crew you'll win.'

'Thank you Lucci I needed that; we're about ten minutes out of the main part we destroyed their gates. Our crew and Kidd pirates are coming from the front and the Heart Pirates and samurai are attacking from the back.'

Lucci's eyes narrowed. 'Divide and conquer that's a risky idea; but I'm assuming that it's the best idea that you have right now.'

'Yeah it is...what's scarier is that on this island we'll face more then another member of the worst generation; we're facing Kaido and we just got word that Big Mom and another one of her sons is here. I'm hoping that Marco the Phoenix takes our invite to join us in this battle but if he doesn't that's fine we'll win this battle.'

'Marco has respect for your crew and believe it or not Whitebeard, Big Mom and Kaido all use to be apart of the same crew. If push comes to pull find a way to get Kaido and Big Mom against each other.'

Luna gulped nervous and sighed taking calm breaths and smirked. 'We will; I'll report in once I'm able too we're here.'

Lucci sighed softly and smirked. 'Kick their asses Luna.' Lucci heard her chuckle as she went silent when the attack started.

Luna's P.O.V
We made it to the island and one of the samurai and used a pellet and all of us were in clothes that would help us blend in better and I shook my head at how revealing the clothes were.

I looked to Luffy, Zoro and Sanji as they started the first attack thankfully we managed to get everyone moving and I started fighting off opponents like nothing.

"Cover your ears!" Kidd yelled just in time too as Zoro, Luffy, Kidd, Killer and myself covered our ears as Apoo attacked with his devil fruit using a loud sound and I cursed for the moment that he stopped I saw Zoro go after him and chuckled.

I moved and tapped Killer's shoulder as we made our captains move and followed them. I looked to Luffy as he was using his abilities and so was Kidd as myself and Killer used our blades to hit enemies away from us. "Their small fry if Kidd and Luffy keep this up they won't have any strength left to fight Kaido or Big Mom; we need to push everyone forward!" I spoke so Killer heard and we were back to back.

"Your not wrong there; we need all our crews to push forward." Killer kept his opponents at bay and we tensed more hearing a familiar roar and looked seeing a t-Rex with a mask on. "X-Drake huh? What a place to fight."

"It's too crowded here." Gasping when I heard Luffy yell and I smirked making Killer and Kidd sucked as we rejoined the small group and Luffy used his whip and armour haki to send much of our opponents flying and so did Drake which surprised me. "What the hell?"

Zoro finally joined up and we found out a smoke in the area all of a sudden was dangerous and I cursed grabbing my snail calling all the crew at once. "Get out of the area! This smoke..."

"Is killing don't worry Luna...Chopper has already made an antidote and is administrating it to those that we can save." Nami spike over her snail and I smiled.

"Alright we need everyone to push forward now!" I relayed the command and heard them all agree and soon we were all within sight and hearing of one another.

"STRAWHATS! YOUR THE BACKBONE OF THE FIGHT KEEP MOVING FORWARD!!" Luffy and myself spun and saw a blue Phoenix as we smiled knowing it was Marco.

Luffy yelled happily. "You got it! Thank you Marco!" He took off towards the place where we would fight the two yonko.

I looked to Marco and smiled nodding my head. "Count on us! We owe you one Marco!" Pushing my friends forward and I could feel my heart racing in my chest.

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