Chapter 55

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Lucci's P.O.V
Lucci could feel how hurt Luna was and he knew this was due to Kade being from her island and had understood the loss that she went through...and now with Kade's death this was like she was loosing her island and people all over again.

Lucci was upset with himself when he had found out about Kade he knew he should have told Luna but he hadn't wanted her to go looking for him...for her safety.

'It's not your fault; I know you would have told me if it had been safe enough too.' Luna spoke without emotion and her haki was in control along with Hell Dancer as they were now in synch.

'I'm sorry Luna...I truly am; I wish your hands had never been..."

Luna had cut Lucci off as she kept fighting and wasn't holding back. 'No it's better that he perished at my hand; my people always swore that if we ever had gone different ways and met up somewhere on the sea's, we would fight and it would be an honour to die at our people's hands. Yes we were family on that island; and to fight against one another even when one lost was an honour cause we respected one another."

Luna sighed softly as she fought and she smirked seeing that Sanji was turning the tide Queen as she moved past. She knew she had blood on her as she moved and stopped a couple pirates from hitting her nakama as she sent the men flying. "Hell Dancer." A wolf appeared and when she swung her blade the wolf attacked and sent the men flying as it cut through a couple broken beams already down and piled on the men trapping them and had them knocked out.

Lucci could tell that Luna was still thinking about Kade and that was to be expected. 'What was the necklace he gave you?'

'It was a gem that he was given from his mother before she passed away. It was made from a fallen star, it always brought luck to him when things had gotten hard and when his mother gave it to him she told him to give it to the person he believed one day would carry the future on their shoulders to a better future.'

'I believe you can do that Luna; you can do it will all of your nakama, my group, your allies and all your friends...your fighting for your freedom and I believe you's will create that world one day. Kade couldn't have chosen a better person for that fate my love.'

'Thank you for sending Jabra as well; Kade deserves a proper burial...I know the remains of our island look barren, but can someone bring Kade there and bury him there. He deserves to be buried with our people; I'll pay my respects when I get a chance after this.'

'As you wish my love; we'll have him brought home. When it's time for you to go home I'll go with you my love.'

Luna's P.O.V
I smiled softly when I heard Lucci and I moved to protect Nami and the group as we pushed them forward. 'That would mean the world to me Lucci. And babe please take a rest I'm alright I promise.'

'I'm alright Luna.' Lucci argued back with a stern voice.

I noticed the bond was getting stronger and understood he was in the fleet of marine ships. 'Babe I know your in that fleet and you have to be strong enough should problems arise I'm alright I promise.'

I stopped when I heard a loud bang and soon a female voice yelling for help and I had a bad feeling as it was from the direction that Sanji had just been fighting in. I cursed turning and hurried back and was shocked when I saw that Queen had been defeated and I knew that Sanji had won just like I knew he always would.

I looked towards where I saw Sanji passed out on the floor and moved down landing near by and jogged over before kneeling by my nakama and heard the girl gasp in fright. "Easy I won't hurt you miss; are you alright? What happened?"

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