Chapter 92

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Lucci's P.O.V
"Cipher Pole!! Thank you for returning our Seraphim. Unit S-Bear is capable of returning on its own from there. Forgive the curt treatment, but we are too busy at the moment. Give S-Bear the order to return and consider your mission complete. Your escort is appreciated." Punk 04 spoke calmly to Cipher Pole.

"Now what king of cold shoulder is that?!" Kaku complained as they were all wearing their masks.

Lucci stayed calm showing no emotion but he knew he could feel Luna on his island and something wasn't right, he wondered if Vegapunk had figured them out.

"We've just finished a long voyage!! The least you could do is let us relax on dry land with a cup of tea! Plus, it's cold out here!!" Kaku spoke up again.

"Naval Base G-14 is nearby and can welcome you." Punk 04 replied.

"Is that Dr.Vegapunk?"


"If I asked you about the Egghead Disappearances would you know what I mean?"

"No? Who is disappearing?"

"Twin months ago, a Cipher Pol No.5 ship went missing, one month ago, it was CP7, and two weeks ago, CP8. All the government ships that have visited Egghead in the past two months have failed to return from the trip. Why is that?"

Those inside the EggHead HQ which consisted of Luna and those with her were confused but Luna was keeping calm and nodded her head showing that Lucci was calm but suspicious.

"Hmm, is that true?! According to our recollection all of those ships left port from here."

"Hey, what are you insinuating, huh?!" Lilith spoke angered and Punk 04 was trying to calm her down to stop a fight from breaking out between them and Cipher Pole. Thankfully he managed to get the snail back from Lilith.

"At any rate, we must ask you to leave!!"

"I see. Message received." Lucci hung up and turned to face Kaku, Stussy and those with them.

"What now Lucci?"

"Prepare to leave the ship behind." Lucci walked towards the Seraphim ignoring the confused closed and statements. "We'll use the Seraphim S-Bear's power to fly onto the island. The moment we show any aggression, the sea beast weapons will devour this ship."

"Y-Yes sir!!" The soldiers along with Lucci, Stussy and Kaku got ready to go.

Kaku stayed near Lucci as they spoke softly. "There more to it isn't there? Something else is going on there on the island."

"More like there's a who you there, Luna's here and it doesn't make sense of why she would be on a government island. It could also be the reason why Vegapunk isn't letting us on, Luna may not be alone." Lucci had known that Luna was watching and paying attention to him and spoke mentally to her. 'Well kitten? Will I get a chance to see you?'

'We'll see, only if you's can get to us. I'm curious...your stronger and I'm itching for a good old fashioned fight against either you or Kaku. But then again maybe silencing Stussy would be my best bet, maybe eliminating much of the team with you would be a good idea. I'm waiting love, let's see just how strong you three have gotten.' Luna taunted before she blocked the bond and Lucci smirked.

"What's the smirk for?" Kaku whispered as Stussy joined them curious.

"Luna is there, and she just issued a challenge. She dared us to try to get to them, guards up she's ready for us; she's already in work mode." Lucci headed towards the Seraphim as they got ready to leave.

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