Chapter 29

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Luna's P.O.V
I had been on Shanks ship we were sailing towards what remained of the WhiteBeard Pirates when we caught wind that they were going to war with BlackBeard. I had been studying all the pirates I could and what pissed me off the most was BlackBeard became a Yonko after he killed Ace; not only that he had killed a shipmate of Ace's just for his devil fruit.

I was currently sitting cross legged on the deck with my eyes closed and Hell Dancer laying across my lap. I had been trying to learn my blade and learning to control my haki on it without wasting a bunch of my energy and haki on the blade.

I opened my eyes when I heard footsteps getting close to me as I lifted my head seeing Shanks and shivered a little feeling the haki pouring off of him in waves. "Are we getting close to them?"

"Yeah their just in sight; how is the training with Hell Dancer going?" Shanks leaned against the railing as he watched me.

"It's a moody blade but...I did some studying from the last island we were at; Hell Dancer is a blade with many spirits of animals over the years. Each one used to be a human soul that turned into an animal when they passed so in a way Hell Dancer is a cursed blade. Only myself and one other have been able to wield it cause the souls in Hell Dancer sense something in me that I have yet to figure out." I gently put Hell Dancer back into it's sheathe and stood stretching hearing my bones popping in my back.

Shanks had been listening and looked to Hell Dancer. "Many of the cursed blades that people couldn't use are choosing those in your generation to wield them. There is something those blades sense in all of you's; I'm sure that in time your generation is going to be a scary one but will make a change that is going to scare many people. It might just be the shock that people need to wake up and start taking back their lives." He turned and watched the WhiteBeard ship seriously. "I want you to join me on this visit; their crew would like to get a chance to meet the sister of Ace."

I was surprised but nodded my head being serious. "With a request like that how can I say no? Ace talked highly about them in the time he was on our ship; did you know Ace questioned our crew that first day. He asked if it was a bother watching our for myself and Luffy and told them to be honest in his second question...they said it was no problem really; they passed the test since Ace said that their good people and I agreed with him." I smiled softly as I leaned on the railing.

Shanks smiled softly standing besides me. "Ace only wanted the best for you and Luffy; he wanted to make sure that your crew was worthy enough and strong enough to protect his two siblings even if something happened to him."

I smiled sadly. "That was Ace for you; always wanting to protect the younger siblings for Sabo as well. Yeah we had a small argument but we never said anything that we may regret; it's for Ace that I will carry on his will to protect our baby brother; I will make sure that Luffy will become king of pirates. Maybe when my time comes I'll see our brother again and I'll tell him everything about the crybaby who became a king with the support of many people; about the baby brother we both protected, who accepted us as we are." I smiled and giggled when Shanks ruffled my hair and I quickly fixed it as we docked against the WhiteBeard ship; I was amazed with the size and giggled.

Shanks smiled. "I'm sure when you see Ace again you will have a story to tell. What's got you giggling?"

"How big the WhiteBeard Pirate's ship is; reminds me of how big Thousand Sunny is. Our ship wright Franky designed and built it with help in a couple weeks; he said it was a ship fit for the future king of pirates; and the mayor of Water 7 and said the name Thousand Sunny would suit it. Franky told me what Iceburg said and I will cross a Thousand Sea's under the Suns light and I agree with it as well. Thousand Sunny is very big and takes all of us to keep her working but Franky knows all her in's and outs and does many updates; we can escape with the power bursts we can do on it as well. Actually someone you should know; Dark king Reyleigh." I smirked playfully watching the men put a prank between the ships and I followed Shanks.

Shanks smiled widely. "Oh yeah I know him; I use to be apart of Roger's crew and Reyleigh was the second in command." As we got onto the deck of the WhiteBeard Pirates ship I noticed that the people on the ship were tense and watching us.

I didn't blame them not with the amount of haki coming off of Shanks. Being around Shanks and Mihawk I got better at brushing off their haki. I saw Marco the Phoenix was waiting for us as we walked over I stayed quiet but alert watching the men around us and many were glaring.

I remembered hearing the stories from Shanks crew of how WhiteBeard and Shanks always had drinks and arguments sadly one of those were about Black Beard and Ace when Ace had been sent to capture his former nakama.

"Thank you for coming to meet with us Shanks, Luna. I'm sure you have heard about what we're up too by now; we need to know if you know anything of importance about Black Beard. Or even his crew." Marco spoke.

I looked to Shanks understanding and sighed softly knowing later I was going to curse Shanks out but for now I needed to try and find a way to keep these men all alive or at least many of them as possible.

"He has two devil fruits which shouldn't be possible; a Yonko after the stunt he pulled but if what Shanks said about BlackBeard and seeing those on his crew your not going into an ordinary fight...I hate to say it Marco you will be going into a slaughter. I know you don't want to hear it but the men in his crews aren't just ordinary their the lowest of the low and some of those bastards are mercs. Trained just like I was but they have no honour in any fight; you's have many devil fruit users I can see that and he knows that."

Marco had stopped the men from speaking out and motioned me forward and Shanks allowed it as I took a step forward. Marco looked at me sadly but in a way there was relief in his eyes.

"Luna D. Evermore; I'm sorry we didn't get to meet a little better last time. I understand what your saying but you must understand and I'm sure your friends would as well...after all you's went after Nico Robin and that was a suicide mission."

I took a calming breath and shifted some. "Your not wrong that was a suicide mission and we could have been killed; but we had help to get there. But none of our opponents had two devil fruit powers like BlackBeard; I know Ace wouldn't want you's to get revenge also lost a brother and your father and that I can understand. But what about me and Luffy? That is our brother first yes we will want to kick his ass but...we'll bide our time till that can happen. I can only ask that you'd have those without devil fruits...give yourselves an advantage and use sea prism against your opponents."

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