Chapter 40

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Lucci's P

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Lucci's P.O.V
Lucci cursed when the ship he was on was told to go to the closest post the government owned and sadly he had no choice but to obey. As he waited for the arrival of their ship he had orders come through for those at Wano.

Lucci called the leader of the group at Wano with a serious expression on his face it was not a call he wanted to make. This would put more strain on his relationship with Luna and push back the time he wanted to marry her.

As the other end got answered he started speaking with the group leader to relay the orders. "In the freak chance that Kaido is defeated the nation of Wano unaffiliated with the world government will be placed under the government's direct control. There are ships already heading to, does it seem possible to you?"

The leader put thought into what Lucci just told him but after a couple minutes and looking at the Chinese checkers board he finally spoke. "So what we do in the end isn't different from the's a fascinating battle I'll admit...But I can't envision Kaido actually beaten."

Lucci didn't react he already knew that the StrawHats weren't holding back and he looked over as Kaku sat across the table asleep with Stussy standing at Kaku's side listening to Lucci and the other leader speaking.

Lucci spoke the last part of the orders that he had received. "There's on more order to do with a member of the StrawHat crew...BRING BACK NICO ROBIN!!! It doesn't matter which way the battle goes that woman's existence is key to the forces of piracy."

The leader hummed in agreement before he spoke on last time. "Yes, very will be done. And what of the the female D in the StrawHat crew?"

Lucci frowned and he could feel Luna's curiosity but he wasn't answering her while he was talking and she was fighting. "Make sure she lives; she is to remained unharmed those are my personal orders. Just know that if she see's you's going after Robin then she will attack; if it comes down to it knock her out and have her brought to me." Lucci hung up a growl ripping from his throat viciously.

Kaku jumped along with Stussy and Kaku frowned seeing how ticked off Lucci was. "So we're after Nico Robin again? I mean I know we had never quit before but...actually there is something you could do Lucci. That's to warn Luna."

Lucci looked to Kaku seriously and saw Stussy agreeing even though Stussy didn't like pirates including Luna...Stussy could tell that Lucci needed Luna by his side to keep him in check. Lucci sighed and nodded closing his eyes as he reached out to Luna mentally praying that she listened.

'Luna can you hear me kitten?' Lucci asked but was worried till he heard her voice come through to him mentally and he relaxed. He could feel the pain she was in and it had him on full alert as he sent energy to help her heal.

'Yeah I'm here love; what's going on? What got you pissed?' Luna asked while she was dodging attacks and fighting back as well.

'Protect Nico Robin; we just got orders from the government that she is to be captured I have already relayed those orders to the CP group there and they will go after her it doesn't matter which way this fight goes kitten.' Lucci spoke seriously but with an urgent voice knowing Luna could tense the seriousness of the situation.

Lucci could hear Luna cursing under her breath something she was very good at. It took Luna a bit before she called Lucci once she managed to gain a chance. Lucci quickly answered and saw Kaku gulped paling as Kaku was aware that Luna could be scary when she wanted.

"What do you mean their after Robin again? What else is the government up too babe? I know something else is going on." Luna spoke seriously as she had chosen to hide and rest while she healed somewhat.

Luna's P.O.V
To say that I was ticked off was an understatement; my own crew member was once again being threatened with a chance of capture...the government never knew when to give up.

When I called Lucci I had just finished fighting off some opponents that had been trying to attack Kidd and Law from behind but the enemy numbers were still confused by the second dragon that had appeared which was amusing.

I made sure to stick near Nami and Usopp with the child but was quiet enough that they wouldn't hear myself or Lucci talking.

"The government also wants to put Wano under it's direct control; the ships are already sailing that way kitten do you know what it's like outside? How far from the mainland are you?" Lucci spoke seriously like he did with the leader of the CP0 group that was hiding.

I looked to see Kaido's daughter and she flashed her hand showing we were five minutes or less from the main land and felt like I wanted to be sick but quickly pushed it away. I could tell Lucci was feeling it and was anxious.

"Momonosuke is trying to use his clouds to keep the island afloat outside in his dragon form...but...we're five minutes or less from the main land. Your ships won't make it here in time; if we land on that mainland everyone there and here fighting is this skull dome will be killed do you understand me Lucci? Tell your team to pull back if they value their lives there's a chance I'm not walking away from here today."

Kaido's daughter landed near me hitting some men away and she whispered to me that Kaido was weakening along with the clouds he made which meant the island could fall with all of us on it.

"You better live for me Luna; Kaido is holding that island up with his powers you'll be..." Lucci spoke urgently but I could hear the fear and worry in his voice and I could hear Kaku calling people in the background.

I kept fighting as we talked and I took down another assassin when I saw Sanji get badly wounded as well and I cursed softly.

"Lucci...Kaido's clouds are failing; Kaido is getting weaker and if Momo can't get it clouds to work this island will fall and the main land has a huge ammunition area that would go off like a huge bomb. Kaido's daughter is helping us but has left to the main land to see if there is anything she could do to try and give us and Momo time here. We'll keep fighting to the end; but...if anything happens know that I love you Lucci." I hung up fighting back my tears and blocked my end of the bond for now so I could fight without Lucci distracting me.

I wanted to leave from this island alive and return back to sailing and back to Lucci; but I also had to find a way to keep Robin safe. I moved catching Sanji when he got sent flying and glared at Queen before looking to Sanji I could see the damage was extensive. "Don't quit Sanji; your stronger then people give you credit for."

Sanji looked to me tiredly as he gave a small smile and nodded his head. "We'll win Luna; go help the rest I got this. My body has been feeling weird since I started putting on the suit; I'll be alright though. Get going Luna."

I nodded my head and got up heading out to keep fighting and gasped softly when Lucci forced me to open my end of the bond and could feel his beast and him both wanting to come fight along side me. "I won't give up ever!"

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