Chapter 33

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Lucci's P.O.V
*Flashback con't*
Lucci was amused as he had watched Luna chase Yasopp around the ship as he stood leaning against the rail with Shanks who was watching happily. "She's never been this happy in awhile; I didn't mean to scare her earlier either." He adjusted so he was comfy again and the pain in his life side eased with the pain killer he was given earlier.

Shanks smiled softly as he watched the young woman he saw as a daughter. "That's Luna for you; she's had a rough past and now she wants to protect all those she calls her nakama, friends, allies and the man that holds her heart. Her and Luffy are going to take their crew a long ways; there are many people aiming for the same thing but much of the generation don't have the strength they have. Luna got to fight Killer from the Kidd pirates and you could see the difference in power between the two; Killer is taller, stronger and fast but Luna is muscle, flexible, faster and just as good if not better with her observation haki."

"She's a quick learner; she watches intently and listens closely before she tries it for herself. Their crew is something different that's for sure; they get beaten once and the second round they go it's like their get stronger from every time they hit the ground. Their crew are so in synch with one another that no words need to be's like they already mentally know what their comrades are going to do before they ever do it." Lucci spoke and chuckled when he saw Luna managed to get the camera and was now standing high above on the crows nest with Yasopp trying to get her and when he was close she got down quick.

Shanks chuckled amused with the show and heard bets being placed of who would loose the chase and of who would win. "That's how a crew should be; they shouldn't have to train together they should just click. They should have a knack of being able to fight together; be able to make their crew mates push on ahead as others stay behind to wrap up fights. The more determined a captain is; the more determined a crew will be. Being a captain means we're not allowed to stumble in decisions because we have many people counting on us; if they can't believe in their captain then who do they believe in?"

Lucci looked towards the crew and thought about when Luffy and Luna let their crew do what they had too in fights. "Your not wrong; Luffy and Luna that day they were fighting me they told Franky who wasn't apart of the crew yet to go ahead and save Robin before they got to the second door."

"That's because Luffy and Luna know that their crew mates and those with good intentions will do what they have too. Luna took on a big role in the crew; being the mercenary she's got a big burden on her shoulders...she's willing to have any blood that will be shed on her hands. Luna's not afraid, none of them are; their family and if one puts a heavy weight on their shoulders then you can bet the others will help to carry that burden as well." Shanks spoke with a serious look on his face. "Their not a crew to take lightly; the day I left Dawn island they swore that their crew would not only rival my own...but they would surpass my crew and I truly believe that it will happen. That hat on Luffy's head...Roger gave it to me when I was on his ship as a child to teen years."

Lucci was surprised. "You were part of Roger's crew? That would explain why you were also protective of Ace over he years; he was your old captains son...a captain that you respected and no doubt looked up too at one point."

"Yeah I did look up to him at one point; he was my captain...he respected all those on his crew. I know who's training Luffy he couldn't be in safer hands. So many of their crew have potential to wake up their haki; from what I know Zoro, Luna and Luffy so far are the only three we know about. But Luna believes that all her crew members could wake up some form of haki; she says that maybe Sanji and Usopp could have potential."

"Sanji is from the Vinsmoke family; I had done some research on him...I had remembered that there should have been four children in the family but there is only two boys and a girl; I don't think that Luna knows. But I do believe that your right they could all have a chance but I believe it will be mainly Luna, Luffy, Zoro and Sanji could be the only people that will have the full true haki or even one haki. Luna though...she said that Luffy had been using haki unconsciously during our fight at Enies Lobby." Lucci spoke and noticed that Luna was talking with Ben and he chuckled softly. "He's like an uncle to her isn't he?"

Shanks had been listening to Lucci talk and smiled nodding his head. "I'm agreeing with you on your observation Lucci; but Luna has been able to use her haki not long after she set sail by herself. If all in all I truly think that Luffy will even surpass her in their power level of haki; and currently Luna isn't aware of how to keep her full control on her conqueror's haki, she didn't know that she used it at Sabaody Archipelago that day when all the rookies had gathered together." Shanks spoke and saw Luna walking over and he smiled softly. "What's up Luna?"

"Nothing; but I could tell that you were both just talking about me. I did learn to read lips so no lying dad." Luna smiled playfully.

Shanks chuckled and ruffled Luna's hair hearing her grumble and Lucci was smirking as well trying not to laugh. "Yes Luna we were talking about when you said you used your conqueror's haki at Sabaody Archipelago. Do you remember what could have triggered you or even got you a bit riled?"

Luna's P.O.V
I thought back to that day when we had sailed in and docked up. "Yeah it was the other pirates well some of them like Bonney; they thought I couldn't see or hear what they were whispering. Some wanted to fight and others assumed that my crew was weak and wouldn't make it on the sea's for very long; I got ticked and as we walked off our ship I could feel this power flowing off of me but I didn't know what it was at the moment till we walked away and saw some pirates from crews that were weaker had passed out."

Shanks thought and he looked to Luna even during their training she would keep herself calm never got riled unless it came down to someone she cared for was in danger and then he looked to Lucci who silently understood what Shanks was asking.

Lucci looked to Shanks and then felt Luna sit against him which elicited a small smile from him and he noticed that Luna was against his right side so she wouldn't bother his wound. "Are you alright Luna?"

"Y-yeah just missing my friends; can you blame me? I'm not sure if everyone is alright or anything and it bothers the hell out of me. I know their strong and they'll be alright but still..." I spoke and sat cuddled against Lucci as I felt him hold me into his side and laying his head on mine.

"Your crew will be alright their not weak; you will all be reunited around another year or so and you will no doubt all have a celebration together as you enter the new world together with your nakama. You will be stronger and will only continue to get stronger as you travel." Lucci spoke and I nuzzled Lucci sighing softly.

I looked up to Lucci and smiled a little before cuddling back into him and felt him hold me and give a small nudge to get up.

"Come on Luna let's go lay down and you can talk; something's on your mind and I want to know what it is kitten. You don't act like this unless you have been deep into your thoughts my love." Lucci whispered and Shanks nodded motioning for us to go to lay down and Lucci needed to rest as badly as I did.

I held Lucci's good arm as we walked to bed and walked into the room I moved sitting on the bed I had a room that no one wanted to use incase a woman ever came on the ship. I moved kicking my shoes off and saw Lucci remove his shirt causing me to blush but I couldn't help but taking peaks at his fit form as I felt a swell of pride since he was my mate and I know he cared for; he loves me.

*End of Flashback*

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