Chapter 20

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Luna's P.O.V
*Flashback con't*
I had moved through the water to make the duo go one direction but I had used my haki to dry quickly and back tracked heading to a different direction. I had trained on a lot of the islands that we landed on learning the terrain in case of future fights or anything then I would be prepared.

Currently I had gone down into some thick brush and watched Kaku and Lucci talking as they looked around and followed my fake trail. I had to be careful of them; even without using their devil fruits they could still sense me.

Once they were far away enough I moved towards the inner part of the island and smiled seeing some animals and kneeled to them asking for help as I gave them some fruits to help throw off Kaku and Lucci by making noises away from me.

The animals took off to do what I asked of them. I looked around and smirked deciding to have some fun and set a few traps I wanted to see if Lucci learnt to be aware of his surroundings. The traps I set weren't meant to hurt or anything it was just playful fun.

The last time I played against Lucci he ended up covered in paint and this time I had sparkles and got to work setting up trip wires to the trap and camouflaged the balloons that had water in them that I was managing to get ahold of carefully.

After half an hour I heard two sets of steps and used my visual haki and smirked taking to the cave that I found and laid down on my stomach when I saw Lucci in his hybrid form and bit my lip.

'You know kitten those thoughts aren't helping me; although I do love the idea's that your coming up with.' Lucci looked around as Kaku joined him.

Kaku yelled in surprise when he got hit three different ways and the worst part the sparkles stick when wet and only get harder to remove as a person got dried.

"Where is she?" Kaku was in his giraffe form looking irritated from the traps that he triggered.

Lucci smirked. "She's close; she never misses out on watching me trigger her traps. She knows we're in our hybrid forms so she's probably within a mile or so of us."

"Wait? She's even gotten you with her traps? What's the worst that she's done to you?" Kaku looked around and stopped when he found another trigger and looked around. "She's surrounded the entire area."

"Of course she has; she's made it like a spiders web." Lucci looked around and growled softly looking to where I was. 'Found you kitten.'

I paled before smirking as I sat up enough for them to see me. "Yeah you have haven't caught me babe. And your running out of time; bye bye." I got up and took off I smirked hearing Lucci growling in my mind as I giggled.

My heart rushed not from fear but the excitement and adrenaline rush that I was getting. I knew I had to make it back to the crew first in order to win this game. I used my visual haki and silently cursed when I sensed Lucci and Kaku giving chase.

I smirked jumping as I barely missed Lucci and I blocked off Kaku as I giggled and landed on the ground around a hundred meters from both males.

"Well well I got two hotties standing in front of me; what an honour." I heard Lucci growl and I looked surprised seeing he was struggling to keep calm.

It dawned on me that he didn't like the compliment that I also gave Kaku which to me was amusing since Lucci finally showed a little jealousy. I moved blocking Lucci from his glaring at Kaku and I brought him in for a kiss feeling him shift back and catching me.

Lucci smirked playfully. "Oh I can't believe that just worked. Looks like I caught myself a kitten now what shall we do with her?"

Kaku smirked. "Well we could let her run; I mean we do have the glitter water filled balloons with us."

I gulped and looked to Lucci with big doe eyes and saw the feral smile and cursed as soon as he let me go I was gone with the two hot on my heels.

Lucci smirked as himself and Kaku were trying to get me with the water balloons and I laughed when Kaku got hit by Lucci as I had barely ducked when they had me blocked in.

I was having the time of my life and could sense the crew near by before I froze kneeling to the ground on alert and looked around feeling that something wasn't right.

Lucci and Kaku had caught up when Lucci noticed that my attention wasn't on them and he looked around with Kaku hearing how quiet the island was. There was no more animal sounds and the wind was completely dead which usually meant that something was around that shouldn't be.

I looked to Kaku and Lucci and moved back to Lucci's side hearing cannon fire from towards the beach and was worried greatly. "Shanks." I took off with the duo behind me.

Lucci was in his human form along with Kaku as we hurried and I jumped taking my blade out and deflected a cannon ball from hitting Lucci as I knew where the scars on his back came from.

Once we got back to the beach I could see that we weren't alone and stuck to the bushes seeing it was the Big Mom pirates and sneered listening to Big Mom who wanted an island that Shanks was guarding under his flag.

I recognized members of the family and looked around when my eyes stopped on Katakuri who was a Sweets General and Peros the eldest child. Katakuri's eyes flashed over to where us three were and my hand rested on my blade as I had my emotions hidden away like Kaku and Lucci but my stance said I was ready for a fight and I would protect Shanks and the crew.

Katakuri spoke to Big Mom silently who looked ticked but I stuck to the shadows as I had to keep Lucci calm. It wasn't hard to tell that Katakuri had turned to keep an eye on us along with speaking to Shanks.

"I heard that the Straw Hats had vanished; but I can see that the girl over there is one of them. How is it that you have her with you; if I recall correctly that is Luna D Everglades." Katakuri spoke his eyes trained on us. "Where's your crew girl?"

"Girl has a name as you said Katakuri; as for where my crew is that's none of your concern. Now what could the Charlotte family want this far away from their domain? And I would bother trying to sneak up on us that would be a fatal idea." Using my visual haki along with my conqueror's haki to the weak scum that had tried sneaking up behind me. "Just remember to attack on Straw Hat is to fuck with the rest of us; and we don't take kindly to threats." I spoke with a dark tone to my voice and smirked as I stopped my haki more then half their men collapsed to their knee's and I could see it took effect on Katakuri as well.

"I see; it won't be a challenge to rid your crew of the sea's should we ever cross paths Luna. Your all young and ride on your confidence too much; that will be fatal for you all." Katakuri spoke his eyes narrowed at me before they started leaving.

I smirked watching them before I showed myself in the light and stood between Shanks and Lucci who had fallen to guard my back. "You think we're weak; that what we did has been nothing short of a miracle. That's a challenge Katakuri and I can promise...your first hit better keep us down otherwise you'll come to regret it down the road."

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