Chapter 25

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Luna's P.O.V
*Flashback con't*
Once I had healed Lucci had started training me with the six powers; it wasn't as easy as haki but in a way it was slightly easy. It wasn't easy due to how much energy and strength I had to use; I dodged another one of Lucci's attacks as he used Sonpo and I panted heavily collapsing as I was exhausted.

We had been training since the break of Dawn and currently I would guess the time was around three in the afternoon when the sun was at it's hottest. I saw a shadow loom over me and looked to see Lucci smiling and pick me up as I gasped in surprise.

"Lucci I can walk you know; I'm feeling so much better." I was blushing darkly when he carried me.

Lucci chuckled. "I know you can babe; but your exhausted and really I love seeing you blush."

I playfully rolled my eyes as he carried me into the group and I heard snickers. "Alright you can put me down."

Lucci smirked. "Nope." He carried me to where Shanks and Ben were neither of us missing the smirks on their faces.

"How was training?" Shanks spoke up and the others of CP9 and CP0 were all snickering as well.

I blushed and got free gasping and giggled when Lucci made us sit and I cuddled into him stealing his water hearing laughter. "Tiring."

"But progressive; Luna's getting a hold of the powers slowly." Lucci watched me smirking as I took a drink of his water and handed it back to him.

Lucci smiled softly as he shook his head before he took a drink and noticed that many of the guys were on alert and he smirked. "Mihawk in the area?"

"Worse; Doflamingo has been spotted at a nearby island, Punk Hazard where those two marines fought." Ben spoke seriously.

I frowned when I listened to what Ben said and saw Rockstar walk over and place a map down and pinned it down as I moved closer to see where Punk Hazard was. "We're what...? Maybe five miles away. If I recall correctly Doflamingo works for Kaido? That tells me that Doflamingo is weak and scared; whatever is going on at that island can't be good."

"What did I say before Luna? Never underestimate your enemies child of mine." Shanks spoke seriously but it was easy to see that he was fighting but a smile.

I playfully smiled as I looked back to the map. "Akainu is now the fleet admiral and is the reason why one half of that island is lava and fire; and the other was from the former rear admiral of who now I do believe is with Black Beard's crew which is scary and pissing off."

"I know we're suppose to know lots about pirates but may I ask something?" Kaku spoke up as he got up and walked over looking serious.

I nodded my head watching him as he acted like a brother to me as well. "Go ahead."

"Even if you did manage to become stronger and defeat a war lord what will your crew do?"

"That's easy; we all have dreams and future ambitions which means we will keep sailing and training, fighting new opponents, meeting new friends, seeing new places. But...I truly do believe Luffy will surpass even Shanks and the other emperors; I believe that he will truly become the king. That day when CP9 on Water Seven tried to frame us did you know? That Luffy had kicked Usopp off of the ship."

Shanks and the crew along with CP that were with us froze and looked shocked at what I revealed and Yasopp spoke up.

"What did my son do that would make Luffy kick him off? I mean he's still one of your nakama." He spoke but was sitting up being serious.

"Well it was because the ship we had the time called Going Merry was from his friend at his island; I knew the damage was bad we all did. Kaku, Lucci, Paulie and Iceburg came to look at our ship back then and confirmed my suspicions...we needed a new ship. Well when we got together to talk about it you can guess what Usopp was like."

"He didn't want to loose Going Merry; I can see came from his home and from someone he cares for, along with all the memories that she made with your crew." Yasopp spoke.

I smiled softly. "Yeah your right that's what it was; he challenged Luffy even though he knew that he was going to loose to Luffy he still fought hard. Sadly I was the one who had to commence the fight; it broke my heart to watch two of my nakama fight...the one that is my brother and captain; and the other is my nakama but son of a man I have mad respect for. I so badly wanted to interfere but I knew I couldn't; I mean...being the merc I'm not allowed to stumble or show emotions during problems like that. And Zoro reminded Luffy he wasn't allowed to stumble after that fight because he is captain and if he stumbled then who would we count on?" I had gone back to sit with Lucci cuddling into him as I felt relaxed with him being this close.

"During the fight to get Nico back Usopp appeared and he was disguised. I know my entire crew knew who it was because Luffy told him to make the government flag burn; yeah we knew what would happen after but you know...I'm not scared. I know so long as I'm with my crew I can take on the world. Luffy brought him back on board and I do believe when I see Usopp again I won't recognize him." I smiled softly.

"I bet no one will recognize your crew kitten; they will regret the day that you all take to the sea's again. From what I understand with you and Zoro you both shoved your pride aside for Luffy; I'm sure the rest of your crew did the same thing. Your not weak people; you all fight side by side and when you all unite again I'm sure you will all shock one another." Lucci spoke as I relaxed against him.

"That's the truth; Zoro has been wondering how your doing Luna." I jumped and looked back seeing Mihawk and smirked softly.

"I'm sure he's been working himself hard as well; how's his training going?"

"It's going good; he's quick at learning new things. He says that he's going to make sure Luffy becomes the king; I'm sure that applies to all of you's." Mihawk say besides us on a stump as he gave me a message.

I opened the message and started reading it before I smiled softly seeing it was from Zoro. I was curious seeing that in the envelope was a necklace and I stopped seeing on the message saying Happy Birthday and it brought tears to my eyes. "Tell him I say thank you."

Mihawk smiled softly and nodded his head and saw Lucci put the necklace on. "He found out about your birthday by me when Garp told me."

"Garp always spoiled me more then the others; I had always ignored it but Luffy and Ace always remembered. I guess all my crew remembered my birthday their angels." Seeing the locket and I knew what pictures I would put in it.

*Flashback Ends*

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