Chapter 19

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Lucci's P.O.V
Watching Luna training with Kaku, Shanks and Mihawk was entertaining but he too wanted to personally see where her growth in her self was. He looked over to his mate that was currently watching him and he smirked.

"Luna what did I tell you about listening to my thoughts when I'm watching you?" He walked over and gently scooped her up hearing her gasp laughing as he sat with her on his lap but held in his arms careful to not hurt her.

"I can't help it; I love hearing you think especially when I'm involved in those thoughts handsome." Luna was giggling as Lucci had been nuzzling her he had also found her ticklish spots and used them against her.

Lucci smiled he loved hearing the sounds of her laughter; they were music to his ears. It was hard to believe this one woman could change his life so easily; how he needed to be able to hear and talk to her no matter how far apart they were. Luna had become the center of his universe; this beautiful, loving, brave, strong woman was his for life and it couldn't make him anymore prouder.

Luna had been talking with some of the guys who were playfully teasing her and Lucci chuckled seeing how dark red her cheeks were. On Shanks crew they didn't know what it meant to have restraint on some of the things they said. It hadn't taken Lucci long to see that Luna and Luffy were very special to Shanks who was also watching the group.

When Shanks noticed Lucci had been looking to him he motioned for Lucci to follow him. Lucci gently set Luna back in the shade promising he wouldn't be long and just needed to go talk to Shanks.

Shanks had led the way into the forest away from prying eyes and ears which Lucci was grateful for. They walked to a waterfall which was a perfect spot to talk and Lucci looked to the pirate captain being serious as well.

Shanks looked to Lucci and the man he saw now said that what they were about to talk about was serious. Right now Shanks was being more then just a captain he was being the very emperor he is.

"I noticed that your spending more time around I'm glad you are; she's happy with you and that's all I want for her. You have all seen how I treat Luffy and Luna but Luna is more special. To me Luna is my daughter and I would do anything to see her smile or keep her safe. She's told me that you allow her to do as she wants and vice versa but tell me...if it came to the decision of her dying or living what would you choose?" Shanks spoke seriously as his hand rested on his blade.

Lucci looked to Shanks being serious and he thought about Luna. She had become his world and he couldn't imagine a world without her in it. "Live...why do you think I put Live on her bounty. But if it became to the point that her life was on the line then I would give mine so that she may live. Luna had given me a reason to keep going on in life, she's given me more things then she truly thinks; if it wasn't for her I wouldn't have kept going to easily tears ago and then again at Enies Lobby. I had run in with her along the start of the journey with her crew and yes I marked her quickly but...I couldn't rest or concentrate until I had marked her. Once I had and we started talking I couldn't help myself but love the way she cares for everyone, she's smart and I can see that she's learnt well from you in her time with you Shanks. I have to long was she on your ship before she met Luffy?"

Shanks smiled softly. "A few days only; but she rested in my cabin where I could keep her safe. She's gotten a habit when you and the CP members aren't here she calls me dad or father which I don't mind. Between her and Luffy she's the closest to a child that I have; it's why I fear for Luffy and when Ace was alive I had been trying to get White Beard to not send him after Black Beard."

Lucci frowned tense. "You do know that they'll want to bring that man down; the very man who has destroyed so many lives in such a short amount of time. Luffy, Luna and Sabo won't let their brothers death be in vain. I can tell you see Luna as a daughter; when she's training or improves on something you get this look of pride to you. I do plan on marrying Luna one day; and it's only right that I ask for your permission."

Shanks listened he knew exactly how the kids would work along with their friends. They were like Ace in many ways when it came to family; Shanks listened to Lucci and smiled bowing his head.

"You have my blessing Lucci; she's happy with you. When a time comes and they do decide to fight Edward Teach will you join the fight?" Shanks spoke.

Lucci looked to him seriously. "Without a doubt; Luna and her crew won't stand alone. They have myself and my team; all but one member likes Luna. Especially when she scolds me no matter if I'm in my human form or hybrid form."

Shanks chuckled. "Luna has a thing with wild animals; for some reason they all trust her...I think your leopard knows that she's no threat to your leopard; Luna is his and your home. When you need to relax you reach out to her or when your with her in person you cuddle and nuzzle her. Treat my daughter like a princess and you will have a safe life."

Lucci chuckled. "Yes sir." He walked back to camp and heard laughter as he saw Kaku trying to catch Luna and chuckled seeing the amusement on his mates face.

Lucci chuckled as he moved over and saw Kaku smirk as they both tried to catch Luna who moved quickly and Lucci chuckled.

Luna looked back to him smiling as Kaku got on the other side this was a hunting game to them. "Think you two can catch me? Or are you too slow?"

"Oh we can catch you kitten; you get a head start how about five minutes." Lucci smirked playfully and nuzzled Luna taking in her scent and recognized the coconut smell that he had picked out for her.

Luna nodded her head before she took off she had played this same chasing game with Lucci before they were even for wins and losses but now Lucci had Kaku with him.

Kaku looked to Lucci as they weighted till Benn told them to take off which they were quick with doing they both noticed that Luna's scent was hidden and Kaku smirked.

"She's hidden her scent already; she's got so many advantages already over us. What has she done in the past?" Kaku whispered

"She doesn't stick to a pattern; she'll use the terrain to her advantage. She'll use water, mud, plants, animals what ever she can to keep herself hidden for the next hour. If I were Luna I would find a place to get a view of the terrain but I would stay down wind of the predators. She's good at hiding so even our devil fruits won't help us here." Lucci spoke back whispering and he looked around and smirked as they by tree's till they found a pond and he found wet foot prints and knew what she did.

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