Chapter 10

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Lucci's P.O.V
Lucci growled softly to himself as he listened to Luna and shook his head. 'Just please come back to me alive kitten.'

'I will kitty cat; but these two are not going to be walking away victorious. I want to try and push my boundaries during this fight; see just how much stronger I can become.' Luna spoke as she stood watching and listening to the insults the emperors gave and she chuckled. 'Their bark is worse then their bite.'

Lucci chuckled knowing Luna was insulting the emperors as she normally did whenever she started getting annoyed, ticked at, or bored of enemies. 'They must be giving you a headache Luna.'

'Oh yeah; and that bitches voice is like nails on a chalkboard that just won't stop scratching.'

'How did you's defeat her on her island?' Lucci was curious as he motioned for his team to go rest once they were done work for the day.

'We used a picture of her mother; it was broken and it seemed to make her loose control and when she looses control she...' Luna stopped speaking as she thought.

'What is it Luna?' Lucci was curious and followed her train of thought. 'So if you can't make her sad then make her angry; push her till she snaps it might give you's that leverage that you need.'

'Well yeah but it's a gamble; I mean she might not even loose her temper this time. So what do...heh guess I get to play dirty this time. Insult her, her crew anything that I can.' Luna thought as she dodged another attack cursing softly to herself.

Lucci could see that Big Mama and Kaido weren't allowing the group a chance to rest. 'Jump high Luna.'

Luna cursed knowing he was right as the next attack came Luna used her visual haki and was able to dodge debris and took out Hell Dancer sending another attack towards Big Mama and Kaido smirking when she saw that she left a deep wound on Big Mama. 'Well that will piss Big Mama off I've wounded her.'

Lucci watched. 'You did good leaving that wound but...wait the island is floating correct? Use that to your advantage.'

Luna's P.O.V
I smirked and landed down with the others as I panted. "Law we need to separate these two."

"Alright; we may not be able to move them cause of their haki but we can move those clouds that and weapons that they use." Law spoke and froze looking to the emperors.

I froze seeing the huge attack and cursed softly hearing them call it Conquest of the Sea's and it was headed towards us. "Law!!"

Zoro moved to stop the attack and both myself and Luffy felt the fear rise in us knowing that there was chance that Zoro could get killed by this attack.

"Zoro!!" Both Luffy and myself yelled before we were all moved by Law using his room and the attack destroyed much of the land that had been behind us.

Big Mama laughed with Kaido who spoke. "That didn't silence their voices; well then let's keep going till something gives."

Law was sitting near Zoro. "Roronoa are you alive?"

"Yeah I'm alive barely." Zoro sat up and looked around. "Where's Luffy?" Looking around and we looked Seeing Luffy went to land a hit on Kaido who dodged and Zoro smirked. "We've got an opening."

"Yes we do; Kidd, Law, Killer let's deal with Big Mama first we got sea below us and she's a devil fruit user." I spoke seriously I didn't like the idea but we needed to win this fight any way we could.

Kidd smirked. "Not a bad idea; it's the best we got so let's do it." He saw Luffy keeping Kaido busy and the rest of us moved into action.

I let Zoro attack first and Kidd locked the one thunder cloud in a box and I helped Zoro as we destroyed the one she rode.

Kidd and Law finished the fight with Big Mama as Big Mama had tried to pin and kill Kidd who used a metal hand and his repel sending her flying towards the sea.

I didn't show any emotions remembering what Shanks and Lucci told me that sometimes we had to do things we didn't want and that might mean playing dirty and sending someone or something to their demise.

Lucci has been shocked when he watched through their video snail he hadn't expected the remaining four fighters to concentrate and send Big Mama down to the sea. 'Are you Alright Luna?'

'Y-yeah I just...that wasn't what I wanted to do. No one deserves that kind of death; no matter what but we needed to win and that was the best plan we had at the moment.'

Lucci's P.O.V
Kaku and Jabra were shocked they knew that the StrawHats didn't like to kill anyone but now they saw that they were willing to do whatever it took to win.

Jabra looked to Lucci and could see that the male was tense and looking worried. Jabra was aware that none of the members of StrawHats could never bring themselves to kill and the last time Luna nearly killed someone she was a wreck and Jabra didn't want to think about it.

Lucci was doing his best to keep his calm and closed his eyes reassuring Luna that everything was alright and she had to do what she did.

Lucci could feel the turmoil inside Luna's heart and mind and he sent a wave of calm to her. 'Cling to me Luna; don't let that bother you. You protected your team with you currently and all those that are still fighting. This doesn't make your a monster you are still doing what you think and believe is right and your not going to go through anything along. Besides Kidd was the one who sent her towards the water it wasn't you; he can kill easier then you so technically anything that happens to Big Mama is not on your hands.'

Luna took a calm breath as she helped Kidd her up and felt him lightly squeeze her shoulder as reassurance that she didn't do anything wrong either. 'I-I know but one deserves to die. That's what our crew believes; we can break their dreams and beliefs and we don't care cause that means they can have a chance to change how think and see things.'

'Your right Luna that is how your team works and none of you's have killed anyone; your still living by the rules that were set upon your crew and ship. But right now you can't dwell on that for you still have one emperor to go and he's fighting your captain. You have a job to do Luna; get your calm back and keep your promise to Ace and Sabo. Go and help your baby brother win this fight and save those that have been wronged; think of your crew that is fighting, think of those your allied with and others that have gone out of their way to change their ways to fight with you's. Remember who you are Luna; your not a weak child; or the same person you were two years ago, or were even a day ago. You took on a heavy burden and put a big chip on your shoulder to do what Luna? Remind me what you want to do in the future?' Lucci spoke calmly but seriously he wanted Luna to remember.

Luna took a slow calm breath and smirked. 'To make Luffy the king of pirates, to achieve my dreams of stopping the corrupt government, to be with you, to keep my crew safe and help them achieve their dreams. I can't give up no matter what cause I'm the mercenary if the StrawHats and whatever my crews will is then it is also my will. I carry the will of D along with many others; anyone who stands against those I care for also stand against me and I will help to stop them.' Luna spoke and she spun Hell Dancer as she looked to Luffy who nodded as she moved to help fight Kaido.

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