Chapter 51

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Luna's P.O.V
I don't know what it was but as I stayed guarding Nami my mind kept wandering to Sanji; he was scared of loosing his emotions but I was trying to think of why this started and it dawned on me. All the time that Sanji had gotten stronger it was for the sake of only one woman on my woman who might be his key to staying human.

I moved when Nami screamed and I fought back against the CP0 argent and could tell that Sanji had become worried till he saw that I was protecting Nami.

Sanji had become more worried when he saw that I was just as badly hurt if not worse. "Nami! Luna! Chopper! You three alright?!"

"Chopper and I are alright! But...Luna's badly hurt!" Nami yelled back with fear and worry and I made sure that Chopper didn't get closer to the fight as I was struggling to get the agent away from us and my ribs and wounds all protested in pain.

Sanji and I both looked to one another and I could see he didn't want anyone interrupting his fight and I didn't want anyone in mine. We both kept fighting until we got word that a fire monster was making it's way to the basement and it was burning down the building as it went.

I sneered as I saw that some members went after Robin and Brook's and I made my way to them as my opponent left to aid his team mates.

"Robin! Brook! You two alright?!" I landed besides them and winced holding my side.

Robin smiled. "Yeah what about you? Anyone else seriously hurt?"

"Zoro was healed by Chopper so he's fighting King, Sanji is changing like his brothers and is fighting Queen, Law along with Kidd are fighting Big Momma. Nami is with some of the creatures who allied with us and getting whoever they can to safety, Franky is fighting as well with the other crews and Luffy went to fight Kaido but that's about as much as I know. CP0 is here to get us two ladies and...marines are on their way to Wano to force them to follow the government." I frowned as us three dodged an attack from the CP0 and I noticed Apoo and X-Drake working together.

"Sounds like a lot has been going on? What did CP0 mean when they told Drake they know what he is?" Robin spoke as he landed near one another as Brook froze an attack from hitting us.

I sighed softly. "I think Drake is an undercover agent who is helping Luffy to win this fight."

Robin nodded her head and looked between Brook and myself. "Then for now all we can do is fight when we have too; how are you holding up Luna?"

"To be truthful? I've already have a blood transfusion and I'm pretty sure I have a couple fractures if not broken ribs from a CP agent. We also have marines headed this way; and if what I've been hearing...that fire monster that's bringing this place down is headed to the basement and according to Kaido's daughter...all the ammunition and bombs and what not are all down there. If that monster reaches that area not only will this place be gone with us; but so will Wano."

Robin and Brook both tensed as now this situation was getting more dire at the moment and even though we all wanted to win here we needed to think of a way to keep all of us alive. I jumped back when one of the agents tried to hit me and I was thinking of how we could get rid of these agents but keep ourselves alive.

At one point Robin and Brook had hit back both of the CP agents and as I had looked up using my visual. I saw Marco flying and carrying a male that was injured but I couldn't focus on what they were doing as I blocked another attack and hit away the agent.

I cursed softly when I got sent flying and I felt Lucci getting irritated as I coughed up blood and knew or suspected that I had a rib punctured into one of my lungs, and from the pain I would say it was my left side.

'Get out of there Luna; it's not worth your life! Please for me!' Lucci begged but I could feel his fear.

I winced getting up glaring at my opponent. 'I wish I could; but we've come to far to just turn back now. I know you want me to back off...that your scared but I'm not leaving here; I won't abandon my crew even if it costs me my life.'

Lucci's P.O.V
Lucci was fearful as he was aware that Luna wouldn't back off quite so easily; she would keep going and keep fighting until she couldn't anymore.

He sighed as he called the agents and reminded them that Luna and Robin had to stay alive no matter what till he got his hands on them. And when he had Luna he would make sure that she wouldn't be leaving till she was fully healed.

It was times like this that Lucci wished he wasn't an agent; that he could go after her and at least fight to make sure that Luna would come alive out of these situations.

Lucci saw Kaku come lean against the table looking to him and sighed shaking his head. "She's badly hurt; she's thinking a rib on her left side might be puncturing her lung but she's not sure and their working on limited time. The entire place is being burnt down by a fire creature making it's way to the very basement where all ammunition and explosives are kept."

Kaku and Stussy both tensed and looked to each other not liking what could happen. Kaku looked to Lucci again and saw the man's eyes had turned to their leopard.

"Lucci...Luna's not alone she'll go get help I know it. She's not weak Lucci and you know it; you can't snap now then she'll become more worried about you and really drop her guard." Kaku scolded Lucci who was now looking to him and growling.

Lucci stood and pinned Kaku to the wall. "You can easily say that since you don't have a mate; you don't what it's like when their lives are in danger and you can feel it. When your marked it's suddenly no longer just about yourself; it's about your partner as well...if anything happens to your partner it's like a part of you is torn away and nothing can even fill that void. She's all that keeps me from snapping; if anything happens to her then there is nothing to stop me from finishing off many people." Lucci snarled in Kaku's face.

Kaku winced. "Your right Lucci; I don't know what it's like but even I have never seen you this bad before. Your leopard wants her safe and besides you no matter believe in her now cause she's stronger then we give her credit for."

Lucci froze when he felt a comforting feeling and sighed softly letting Kaku go who had to take a few deep breaths. "Fricken woman."

'Babe I'll gladly come kick your ass if you so much as attack your nakama again; calm down I'm alright I'm getting myself checked out the bones are cracked. Zoro just took his fight outside with his opponent, and it looks like Marco and someone else are flying around doing something; I think their after the fire monster."

Lucci sighed as he left the room and walked to his own as he grabbed a drink for himself to help himself calm down. He could tell that Luna was trying to help him calm down which he appreciated very much.

'I know you will; you make sure that you come back to me kitten...when you come back your more then welcome to scold me all you want.' Lucci smiled softly.

Luna smirked as she had gone back to Chopper. 'Babe that's something I'll live to do; besides you owe me a few dates.'

Lucci chuckled when she said that and all he could do now was wait for anything to happen; he hoped he could help Luna if she let him.

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