Chapter 13

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Lucci's P.O.V
Lucci was listening as a report came in and frowned when he heard that Luffy was alone with fighting Kaido.

'Luna what's going on? Why aren't you helping Luffy with Kaido?' Luffy spoke worried.

Luna was fighting as she saw Big Mama chasing Usopp, Nami and the girl with them mad that the girl was running.

'Luffy sent all of us down below; Zoro's pretty much broken every bone in his body. I'm badly depleted as well; lot's of us are getting exhausted.' Luna spoke panting as she was constantly fighting and she had a bad feeling as she tried to concentrate on her fights.

Lucci felt the worry set in he knew that the crews were taking a big risk when they attacked Kaido and Big Mama. 'Luna be careful.'

'Heh don't worry babe; I'm going to fight with every breath in my body. Their not going to win?' Luna spoke and she winced getting a cut into her side.

Lucci flinched a little feeling that burning and he knew that the wound was fairly deep. He looked back when he saw Kaku and Jabra Enter the room and they both stopped seeing him holding his side.

Jabra walked over frowning and leaned against the wall besides Lucci. "What's going on?"

"Luna can't feel Luffy's presence anymore; Zoro's broken all the bones in his body, she's very low on energy, many of them are there's still tons of numbers in the enemy." Lucci spoke seriously and for once he could feel his own worry and fear rising a little.

Kaku frowned as he listened with Jabra and paled hearing that Zoro had broken pretty much all the bones in his body. "They have to retreat or they'll kill themselves; Lucci...!"

Lucci stopped him. "They won't retreat; in this battle the StrawHats are their backbone of power."

Jabra and Kaku looked to one another worried greatly; they didn't want to know how Lucci would turn out if he lost Luna. They liked this side of him showing emotion and they had respect for all the StrawHats.

Luna's P.O.V
I looked over when I heard a loud crash and saw Kidd had pinned Big Mama down and saved the trio running.

I used my haki knocking out many more enemy numbers. "Thank you Kidd!"

"Yeah yeah; get out of here StrawHats!" Kidd shouted out as he dealt with Big Mama and I moved my friends to push forward.

I looked up seeing Marco was fighting above us and I moved attacking more enemies as I spun seeing many enemy numbers behind us and I swung my sword and smirked when they got sent flying away but I never harmed any allies or my people.

I could tell that Lucci was worried and sighed softly. 'I'm alright babe; I'm worried I can't sense Luffy above anymore of even his haki.'

Lucci was shocked. 'Nothing at all; your absolutely sure my love? Could his energy be that low?'

'Lucci I'm not sensing anything at all; I can sense everyone else.' I was scared and greatly worried. I didn't want to fail my friends, and my family I would never forgive myself.

I moved whistling sharply seeing my friends hurrying to me as we pushed forward I could see that Sanji was carrying Zoro.

Nami panted as we were all moving together. "Can you sense Luffy?"

"No I can't; I haven't sense him in a few minutes. Once we're to our destination I want you all to keep going and...I'm going after Luffy."

Sanji spoke up. "He'll be alright Luna; Luffy wouldn't want you to go after him you know that. Trust in him; your siblings right? Then believe that he'll be alright."

I bit my lip. "I can't loose anyone else Sanji; I would never forgive myself. I promised that day that Shanks left our island that I would protect Luffy and my future crew with my life cause I'm the merc I'm not scared."

"You also have a mate that needs you to live for him as well. I know your scared Luna but if Luffy needs us then we'll go together alright? For now we have plans that need to be accomplished."

I looked back to Sanji Seeing he was serious and bit my lip nodding my head. I knew he was right that when Luffy would fight enemies he always wanted the crew to push forward.

'Their right Luna; your captain isn't there and your first mate is badly hurt. They need you to take charge right now; your acting captain at the moment.' Lucci finally spoke up.

I bit my lip as I listened to Lucci. 'I know your right...but still...'

'You have always believed in him with every fight even against myself and yes you helped but a majority of that fight you allowed Luffy to fight me.' 

'That was different; Kaido is an emperor just like Big Mama. My crew haven't seen what an emperor is capable of only myself and Luffy are really the only ones that have first hand experience with Shanks and WhiteBeard. We've dealt with the government and Warlords before but...'

'No Luna remember your captain was put as the fifth emperor; look around yourself at all the allies that are helping your crew in this fight. Your taking orders from another captain to get your crew away from the area; your trusting yourself and those around yourself.' Lucci spoke seriously. 'That's what makes good leadership; your a better leader then myself my love. Jabra and Kaku are here they know as well and all they say if you's loose there...they will bring you all back and kick your asses themselves.'

I smirked playfully as I looked to my friends seeing their confused faces. "Kaku and Jabra just issued us a challenge; they said if we loose here their going to bring us back and kick our asses what do we say to that?!"

My crew were shocked and smirked looking between one another.

"We'll win and make it all back alive!" My friends shouted together and it pushed us to fight harder and I felt my sword pulse from my haki as I grabbed it the blade going pure black. "Goodbye!" Swinging my blade and it increased my conquerors haki helping me to even make the strongest members of the enemy collapse without feeling drained.

Lucci's P.O.V
Lucci chuckled having relayed the message and heard his video snail ring and answered as he watched the video from the members of CP0 that were watching the fight on the island.

Lucci saw Jabra and Kaku watching and they saw many numbers go down at one shot shocking all three of them.

Jabra looked and smirked. "Wow remind me not to tick off Luna; wait...did she use her blade? But how?"

"Her blade is always coated with her armour haki; it must have felt her will to win this fight especially with the challenge you two gave. She's always been drained after using that particular attack but this time it's different; she barely used any energy with this attack. I wonder if her blade is reading her will to protect her friends and win this fight."

"Hard to say; but Luna is a strong person as well. She's literally walked through hell and back and with everything that has happened to her in her life she hasn't let her think badly of all the world. She's like Luffy; she reaches out a hand to those yelling for help. She protects the weak, respects those that fight besides her, and those who go against her she defeats them. She hasn't walked this life alone even after she lost her blood family she had yourself and so many other people walking besides her and guiding her along the way. Luna truly is an inspiration just like Luffy, Ace and Sabo." Kaku spoke as he moved leaning against the wall.

"All their lives were changed since they were children and now look at them their making waves in this world. They have been doing everything in their power all their lives since they hit the sea to make a change to this world; and look they lost Ace but Sabo, Luffy and Luna pushes forward in the name of their lost sibling. When Luna and Luffy got to the island previous of this one they saved that girl and when they learnt that she knew Ace who was trying to help their island; Luna and Luffy took up where Ace left off." Jabra looked to Lucci. "You have one hell of a woman; your personalities are perfect for one another."

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