Chapter 86

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Luna's P.O.V
I was shocked but knew something wasn't right as Vegapunk wasn't a woman but a man, and should be much, much older then any of us. He should be well in what I think should be maybe his fifties or older and I looked to Robin seeing her looking at me as she slightly nodded her head that something wasn't right.

I sighed softly seeing that Franky was excited and giggled as she knew that Franky loved seeing the robot in front of us and he had major respect for Vegapunks work, and then of course Sanji was over the moon that another babe was in front of in and I sighed softly. "May I ask are we close to an island then?"

The woman looked over and she stopped seeing Hell Dancer and the necklace I wore and looked shocked. "Of course your not far from Egg-Head Island! Now hand over your valuables and I'll be done with you all!! I'm obviously not the Stella! That's the main body. I am Punk-02 Vegapunk Lilith, the evil! And my research budget is constantly stretched!"

Nami at that moment had to get her voice in and asked why Lilith would save us and of course Lilith argued she didn't save us, and said the beasts of these waters normally always sank and destroyed everything that entered these waters.

I froze when I felt Lucci's shock and heard him purr. 'Something making you happy love?'

'We're going to be seeing each other sooner then we thought, hopefully. We're coming to Egg-Head island doing a mission kitten. What is your captain's reaction?'

I hummed softly and stepped back to lean against the wall closest to me and slid down so I sat. 'Would you believe him, Jimbei and Chopper ended up going over board well, more like Chopper did and Luffy went to save him and Jimbei went after them both we were then attacked and sadly we're separated and I can only hope that they made it to Egg-Head island. What mission are you doing mister.' Using a stern voice as usually when he said mission it meant they were being told to silence someone.

Lucci chuckled softly. 'Wouldn't you like to know? Are you alright though Luna?'

'Yeah I just didn't like swimming in ice cold water so I'm freezing. Thanks to being soaked to the bone.' I was shivering slightly from the wind and cold water I knew that could be dangerous to many of us as it could bring on hyperthermia.

Lucci tensed. 'What do you mean you went for a swim in cold waters?'

'Our ship had been capsized by a mechanical shark, thankfully we were saved and our ship is alright the rest of us are on board.' Hugging my arms and watched in surprise seeing Sea Beast weapons all of them I assumed were mechanical.

Lilith's P.O.V
Lilith's radio turned on as the number one punk Shaka called over the radio to her already knowing what she was doing again.

"Lilith!! What do you think you're doing?! Plundering again?! Have you no scientist's pride?!"

"Shut up, Shaka, you do-gooder! Will Pride increase our budget?!"

"First of all, they are not going to surrender. That's the crew of Straw Hat...the one who just got made emperor of the sea." Shaka spoke over the radio.

"I know right? They must be laden with treasure!!"

"In that case you've made a terrible mistake."

"Mistake?! They're thoroughly surrounded! They have no escape !!"

"You've underestimated them...look at the swordsman on board!! That's pirate hunter Zoro, worth a bounty of 1.111 billion berries. The reason he's calmly hanging because he knows he can slaughter you an instant from that range!! The same goes for the demon child behind him, Nico Robin. And the sole survivor of Assassin Island Luna D Evermore, her rank went up when she killed the traitor assassin from her island she is now an S rank and can out do Cipher Pole any day of the week." Shaka spoke in a serious tone as Lilith was looking at the three glaring at her ready for a fight at a moments notice.

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