Chapter 36

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Lucci's P.O.V
Lucci had been sent with his current team to head to the battle grounds of where Kaido was battling against Luffy while Luna and the other pirates dealt with Kaido's men inside. Lucci was surprised when he found out about Kaido's daughter but he couldn't help but worry for his mate...the only person who held him tightly to humanity was Luna.

Like he said earlier she was his sun through the darkness the one good thing in his life that he wanted to protect no matter what. Lucci was sitting in the crow's nest as his team were doing whatever they wanted around the ship. Lucci looked out over the sea as he remembered a day on Shanks ship when himself and Luna were on watch together which cause a small chuckle to stumble from his lips.

Lucci had decided to join Luna in the crowd nest while she was on watch; he was happy that she had taken to also pulling her weight on the ship in between her training sessions.

He had climbed up to the crowd nest where he saw Luna looking out over the water but looked over to him. When she looked at him he could feel his heart beat faster on his chest; he had sat down with her and gently hugged her against him sneaking a small kiss from her.

"L-Lucci." Luna was blushing darkly which always amused Lucci. It was something he loved doing to her; to know he brought this side of her out from her normal serious self.

"Forgive me Luna; but I can never stop myself when it comes down to you my love. I love seeing you blush; now what is on your mind I noticed your thoughts were all over earlier and now their calm and silent." Lucci looked down into her blue coloured eyes.

Luna looked up to him as her eyes just seemed to shine brightly. "Anything and everything really; about the future I suppose."

"What about the future are you thinking about?" Lucci had adjusted himself so Luna could cuddle into him.

Luna had cuddled into him on his left side with her heart resting over his heart it always relaxed her. "Of what our future together will hold? If we'll..."

"We will have a future together Luna; like I told you I will walk away from all of it if it means I get to see you smile. So long as I have you in this world then I'm already home. I love when we can talk whenever we desire, I love when we spend time together like we are. When we talk about whatever is on our minds it's relaxing to me; your so inquisitive about many things and that's alright, when you talk about things that excite you or interest you...your eyes shine as brightly as the sea water maybe even more brighter."

Luna blushed darkly but Lucci could feel how happy she felt which made him smile softly.

"Y-you like the way I think? I guess I do enjoy talking or thinking about many things but I've always been that way. I know there are cruel things and people in this world but it's not everyone...there are people who do what they have too; to survive in this world. Like us pirates...we want to be free as we can be even if that means going against the marines and World Government, just like the revolutionaries we too fight in the name of our freedom we have dreams, beliefs, hopes just like marines do...just like...."

"Just like we do; I know the justice I fight for is the wrong way and you Luna have made me see that. I'm pretty sure yourself and your crew have made many people that have chosen the wrong path...that there can be so much more that they don't need to go down a path of blood shed."

Luna nodded her head. "There is another way; and myself along with my nakama know you don't have to shed blood to be a pirate. Everyone we fight we never kill because if you kill them then their getting off life easily...but if you destroy their beliefs and values they can change the way they are living or; they can keep down that same path and come at us again and we'll bring them down again. I know Garp wasn't around much when myself, Luffy, Ace and Sabo were kids but the values he worked into us...nothing will break that. But it wasn't just Garp, it was everyone that we know that shaped us into the people we are and will become. We've all lost someone we cared for; been separated, fought against one another and tried to push each other away but...those bonds we forge between each other are stronger then anything we can ever face no matter how big or small it is." Luna moved as Lucci leaned back against the side of the crowd nest an she sat between his legs with her back against his chest as Lucci hugged her from behind.

"Life is all about the lessons we learn, the pain we feel, the friends and family we make and the people we fall in love with." Lucci had grabbed a little box from his pocket to show Luna. "This is a promise ring; to show that I truly am loyal to your forever. I can't live without my heart and that is what you are to me; I'll protect your heart and cherish you forever Luna."

Luna was surprised with tears in her eyes she smiled sliding the ring onto her finger before looking to Lucci kissing him lovingly.

"Forever sounds perfect to me my love. One day I would love to marry you." Luna spoke as she cuddled into Lucci where she felt safe knowing that he was doing everything he could to prove that he was worthy of her hand in marriage.

Lucci nuzzled Luna leaving a kiss on her cheek before she shivered cuddling into him as they watched over the crew seeing many people talking and looking relaxed. This is what Lucci wanted for Luna one day; to be able to see those she loves even on Dawn island without the dangers of her enemies or even marines and world government from threatening her home.

"Lucci are you alright?" Luna could feel how tense he got all of a sudden and moved till she was on her knee's and hugged Lucci wanting to keep him safe and relaxed. "What's wrong? What made you upset?"

"Thinking that I would love for you to be able to visit Dawn island without threats from enemy numbers including the marines and world government. I hope that you and your crew can help lead us into a better tomorrow; I don't want to loose my sunshine to the darkness forever." Lucci spoke with a low deep tone that almost sounded like he had just woken up but Luna could see he was fighting his humanoid form.

Luna moved and kissed Lucci ignoring the shouts and whistles of laughter as she shivered hearing his playful growl before he returned and deepened the kiss. Normally Luna would be all shy but not right now...for she was being the confident woman he knew and loved.

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