Chapter 59

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Luna's P.O.V
Not long after Zoro and I talked he had passed out and I made sure he was safe as I had reported to Nami that I was staying with him to keep an eye on Zoro. While I sat there I kept others away from us and I looked around for dangers like the CP agents that were still here; it reassured me that Robin hadn't been captured which I found amusing as once again we were showing them who we were.

I had heard word that Apoo and another had managed to escape CP after they had defeated Drake, that's what ticked me off. They had no need to go after Drake but then again they were willing to do anything to defeat all of us pirates for we were proving to be stronger then they originally thought. I took the time to rest as well and tend to any wounds I had, thankfully Chopper had made sure that now I was carrying a first aid kit since I could give the minor aid to any of our allies.

I looked up when I felt explosions in the distance and used my visual haki to see that there was still a fight against Big Mom, Kidd, and Law. Something told me that Kidd and Law were going to win that fight all I had to do was believe in them. I winced when I felt a hit on my mental connection to Lucci and I pushed him out knowing that it was driving him crazy to not be able to feel my side of the bond or hear my thoughts.

I heard someone near me and moved into an attack position ready for another fight as my hand rested on my blade; I couldn't tell if anyone was coming for myself and Zoro but I couldn't fail now. I moved to crouch on my feet and teased Hell Dancer a little out of it's sheathe as a low growling sound could be heard as the air started to move around myself and Zoro in a protective manner.

"Woah easy Luna only came to check on you both." A male voice spoke and I smiled softly when I saw that it was Shachi and Penguin.

"Good to see you both; help me get him into a more protected area please." I stood putting my blade away and looked to see Law had nodded when he noticed his crew mates with me and I nodded back; Law knew I would keep them safe no matter what happened.

I wanted to go check on Luffy but for the moment I was the next person that the crew would listen too. It had been chosen awhile back that after our demon trio I was the next most dangerous on our crew but they all trusted me to be able to make calls when Luffy, Zoro and Sanji couldn't...that meant the world to me that my crew would trust me with their lives. I trusted my life when they needed to make decisions and a majority of that is when we're sailing Nami has to keep us all alive.

I looked towards the captains as they fought against Big Mama and I spun blocking an attack from a few low life pirates. I heard something drop behind myself and looked to see that Killer had arrived and took care of someone that was going to attack me from behind.

"Thank you for the safe Killer." I was exhausted and needed a chance to rest and regain my strength but needed to check on my crew mates as well. I also wanted to see how Luffy was doing I was scared but believed that he would defeat Kaido and if needed many of us would give him help in any way we could.

"No problem Luna; how are you holding up?" Killer checked me for any wounds as we protected Shachi, Penguin and Zoro.

"I'm drained; I'm so drained from that fight, I'm just barely standing I'm surprised I haven't gone down again." Tensed when more pirates attacked and Killer pushed me back and got in front blocking the attack and defeated the enemy but it wasn't without it's consequences.

"Killer!" I moved as I saw that he had been stabbed with a sea stone blade and I paled understanding as I removed it from his leg grateful that it wasn't near any major arteries it had missed by approximately three millimeters. "That was too damn close Killer; you'll be alright and will be able to walk." I got it flushed out and cleaned before I got him patched up. "Your a devil fruit user?"

"Yeah back when they were torturing me; they gave me a fake fruit I'll be alright Luna; this is nothing. We can't loose any of your crew your all the backbone in this fight. Now why isn't your mate helping you heal or even watching your energy levels?" Killer and I got up as I went to Zoro helping to move him.

I sighed softly as once we got into a safe spot I looked to Killer seriously. "I warned Lucci before if it became between him and my crew I would always choose my crew especially if he didn't leave Robin alone. And now he came after Robin by making the CP agents here try to capture her, the one I fought and that had died was from my island...Lucci said he didn't know and it can be possible but right now my head is telling my heart to not trust him and my heart wants me to listen I'm not sure what to do at this point in time."

"I'm sure you'll figure it out; I don't blame you for protecting your nakama they were there for you way before Lucci was. He knew that you would protect them didn't he?"

I nodded my head as we were resting but alert for danger. "Yeah he does; two years ago at Water Seven I had tracked Robin and ended up fighting another accomplice of his to try to get to Robin. He knew for a long time that whatever my crew wants I'll do everything in my power to make sure that their dreams become a reality...whatever they want to do, where they want to go I'll make sure it happens. Anyone wants to hurt them then they answer to me first; I know we don't make kills and I'm alright with that cause I'm just as good at giving pain then anything else."

Killer listened and he was quiet for a bit I couldn't tell what he was thinking and after ten or so minutes he spoke and it was so serious it surprised me. "What is your dream? What is it you want out of this life? Lucci makes you happy are you sure he won't stop his career or at least work with you since your a couple. Something tells me Lucci would give it all up if it means that you stay in his life."

I took Killer's words to heart as I bit my lip thinking of what he just said and the past couple years since I officially met Lucci, it was true that we had our good and bad times but we always stayed together through them. It was Lucci who made me happy and he always made sure that I was alright, he was there when Ace died, he helped train with me, he made sure I relaxed, that I was safe. Lucci knew when I needed to be left alone, when I would sometimes fight I had to do it by myself as a way to test my strength, when I was hurt no matter how bad it was he was by my side, when I was sick or just right now upset about something he was there to catch me he never judged me and I suppose to a point it scared me.

I looked to Killer as I looked back to the blood covered destroyed battle field before I took a breath to calm myself. "I love that man I would never want him to give up his job; but I never want to stand in his way of his own dreams. We're from two different worlds...he's a CP agent, and I'm a pirate we're enemies that are never meant to be together."

"Something tells me you don't believe that Luna; hate to say it but when something is bothering you even when it comes to those close to have a real bad tell tale sign. You start biting your lip and are always looking around even when your not in the battle field; I saw you with that agent the night you and him were looking for my crew, Luffy and Law. I'm betting his crew had taken to you as well; if they hadn't they would have turned yourself and Lucci in long ago."

"They won't cause they either respect Lucci or are scared of what he could do to them; that's all it is." I spoke and winced kneeling when I felt my wall blocking Lucci get hit hard mentally and could feel a blood lust come from him and I sent the pain back at him.

"Maybe it's time you stop worrying about everyone else and give yourself a chance at..."

"There will never be happiness that way...Lucci is better off without me in his life. I love him enough to let him go; to let him live his own life." I gripped my blade and was getting a little snarky that I didn't notice that in a way he was helping Lucci bring my wall down.

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