Chapter 49

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Luna's P

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Luna's P.O.V
I remembered that during my time on Shanks ship Lucci had been teaching me how to fight off other members of Cipher Pole it didn't matter the group number all I needed to know was how to win against them.

I winced as Lucci had pinned me again to the deck; we had been training since first like and it was around two in the afternoon. I was panting heavily as we hadn't really taking a chance to rest. "C-can we t-take a break? P-please."

Lucci chuckled with some others as he got up and scooped me up bridal style as I gasped blushing darkly. "You know Luna; red is your colour." He kissed my forehead smiling when I was in his arms.

I swore he could hear my heart thundering in my chest from how much he was making me blushing. "N-no it's not."

"Oh yes it is my love; no since you have been training so hard lately how would you like to go on a date with me when we get to the next island?" Lucci set me down as we entered the room that I was given as one of the guys figured I should have my own room and shower while I was there.

I smiled softly and nodded my head when I looked to Lucci. "We haven't been on a date before I'd love that. I believe Shanks said we will dock in another couple hours."

Lucci laid down on the bed as I joined him cuddling into his right side as he made sure I laid on his side away from the door. This was normal whenever we laid down; he always kept me away from the door incase of attacks which I found amusing.

Lucci smiled softly and held me close to him. "It's a summer island as well; I know you don't like wearing dresses very often but I figured you might like this one."

I was curious and surprised seeing it before I smiled kissing Lucci softly. "It's perfect; I take it we'll leave for the date as soon as we dock?"

"That's the plan my love; Shanks is already aware of our date and will allow you to have that time to get ready in. I'll come get you once we have docked." Lucci gave that boyish grin that always gets me weak in the knee's before he kissed me and left.

I was blushing darkly and looked to the dress it looked to be close to knee length and of course there was shoes and some jewelry; I giggled a little as I got up and decided that I could start getting to work on getting ready.

I wasn't worried about anyone walking in un-announced as I grabbed a towel and decided to take a shower as well. I was happy that Lucci was putting in the time and effort with me into our relationship; I know he can seem dark and cold but I know better...he's only like that at work or on the battle field.

It took me around half an hour in the shower as I wanted to make sure that I was clean; it wasn't easy being on a ship with basically all guys but I made it work. Times like this I thought back to when all of us girls on the Thousand Sunny would take bath's together or when we would chase the guys from our Sanji who would try to peak.

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