Chapter 82

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Luna's P.O.V
Amusement thats what I was feeling as I tried to hold back my laughter as I leaned against the railing besides the steering wheel. If your wondering why it's because Nami had shoved Luffy in a cage, on deck and was yelling about how he didn't deserve to be captain cause of his actions when we all went over the water falls. Thankfully we're all safe and sound and there wasn't really anything for damage only a broken yard but Franky was already fixing it.

The cage Luffy was in was just big enough for him to sit and gave him maybe a few inches of head clearance and before Nami had shoved him in she had given him a beat down. I knew it was going to happen, I always wondered why Nami didn't have conquerors haki she was really fricken strong and scary to others when she was in a mood.

"I'm Bebby Sobby..." Luffy tried to tell Nami who glared at him more and I swear I saw flames around her. I shook my head smiling softly and tried to motion for Jimbei to stay quiet but sadly that didn't work either.

"Wa, ha, ha, ha! Well, we're all fine now. It wasn't such a big fall." Jimbei spoke laughing happily.

"DON'T CUDDLE HIM JIMBEI!!" Nami scolded as she turned glaring at Jimbei and I could see her aura shining and it shocked Jimbei who backed off.

"Nami; please calm down. What's done is done, leave it be we have a new place to travel too right?" I finally spoke up smiling from where I was leaning against the railing above her.

Nami looked up and gave me a smile and nodded her head. "Your right Luna; oh have you heard from him yet?"

"No nothing yet I'm sure I'll hear from him when he's ready to talk. Till then." I jumped down and smirked landing a couple inches from Zoro who was snoring bad hadn't even flinched. "That's what I call trust."

Jimbei chuckled watching us two before he spoke. "You all trust each other; I'm sure he knew where you were with his haki. So who are hoping to hear from?"

I looked to my nakama and sighed softly before I opened an eye lazily and smiled softly. "Rob Lucci of Cipher Pole; the day they attacked my island he had marked me as his mate and it didn't kick in till I was of age. Then for the first time I met him was two years ago when we were dealing with...umm...Arlond that's the first time I met Lucci."

Robin had just patted the top of the mail seagulls head thanking him before she looked to the papers and smiled. "We have new bounty posters..."

"Ooh Robin! Let me seeee!" Sanji jumped to her and accidentally the papers flew out over the ship and allowing the rest of us to catch our bounties.

I coughed shocked when I read my bounty I even had the newspaper and read it. Emperor of the sea, Straw Hat Luffy...Leader of the 5,600 Man Straw Fleet...and his Ten Senior Officers are wanted for the following bounties...I chuckled as we we from lowest to highest in the bounty prices. "Alright what is everyone's bounties? Starting with Chopper."

"1,000 berries that's an increase of 900." Chopper was having one of his cute moments where he acted happy but mad.

Nami spoke next. "366 million berries."


"Yo ho hi hi!? 383 million berries."

I smiled and giggled softly. "Franky."

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