Chapter 6

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Lucci's P.O.V
Lucci smirked when he saw the new members in this group CP0 were quiet as they thought about what he told them. Lucci could feel pain but brushed it off before he froze when he felt Luna's temper was getting to the end of it's rope and growled softly.

Kaku and Jabra heard him and both looked to Lucci alert wanting to know what was happening as they stayed in their spots as Lucci heard the snail ring.

Kaku was the one to grab it from the coffee table ad answered it speaking to the team there that was waiting for the worst of the fighting to be over and they could all hear what sounded like a war. In a way it was a war that was going on and this one would make a big change to wherever the victors would be.

Lucci moved sitting on the window ledge closing his eyes. "Calm down Luna; whatever she is doing you must ignore with everything you are. Your not alone you have our support as well my love."

Lucci could feel Luna calming down but whatever Big Mama had said or done it had got under Luna's collar and some of the worse triggers were her crew, friends, family and him. Lucci stopped moving when a call came from the CP0 group there at the island.

Kaku answered and had it so they could all hear as he spoke. "What's taking so long to get out of there?"

"No orders to wait till the worse of the danger recedes and then fall back after we get rid of who ever survives. Well most of them; Evermore is here with her crew and I do believe she was to be brought back to base if she was ever captured by anyone of CP?" The male spoke as he looked at the wanted poster for Luna that said Alive only.

Kaku spoke seriously. "That's correct; what's it like there?" He already knew but he wanted to see what they would say.

"It's a full out war and blood bath; they have people being forced to eat Smile fruit, the Kidd Pirates, StrawHats, Samurai, Marco the Phoenix, Heart Pirates all of them are here and the main muscle is the StrawHat crew. Their saving both their own and their opponents."

Lucci was glad to hear that the StrawHats were doing everything they could and he mentally relayed the information to Luna and heard her sigh happily. 'Your crews are still alive, still fighting and saving whoever they can be proud Luna.'

'I am proud of everyone; thank you we don't know what is going on behind us we know that Nami is getting irritated but we got to concentrate on what we're doing.' Luna was dodging attacks and landing her own attacks on Big Mama and Kaido.

'It's no problem Luna; the CP0 group there knows that your there and if they catch you they would have to bring you to me.'

Luna chuckled. 'Babe they will never get a chance to catch anyone here; believe me if you saw what's truly going on here I can only describe it as hell. Zoro managed to cut off a mountain with only one slash of his blade and I've made some destruction as well. We all have; I have to admit seeing the way our captains fight together is nothing like that day at Archipelago. Their so much stronger then they were that day and the way they fight; it's like they've been fighting together forever.' Luna admires and she looked to Zoro and Killer nodding her head as she sent an attack at Big Mama and moved to help attack Kaido.

Luna cursed as the managed to land hits and got sent flying. She flipped and landed on her feet digging her blade into the ground. "Damn it."

Lucci was listening to Luna and Kaku who just finished talking to the other CP0 group. 'Careful Luna.'

Luna's P.O.V
I panted and took deep breaths trying to calm myself from the fighting and regaining whatever energy I could. I cursed moving and blocked and attack towards Law and Luffy. "Your not touching them." Blocking the attack and bent my blade sending it back towards the duo against us.

Kaido growled in his hybrid form. "I should have recognized that move; Shanks used it against only one attack and to see you use that move now I know who trained you girl."

Kidd was amazed and smirked. "So you weren't messing around in your time on his ship. Just what did he teach you?"

Law chuckled softly. "She's taught by many people why do you think she has her position? Zoro and Luna were both trained and fought against Hawkeye. You haven't seen anything yet; their just getting started."

I looked to Zoro and sighed softly. "Think you can give me an opening? I want to try and use my haki; I want to see if I can summon that form now."

"How long do you need to charge that attack?" Zoro took out his blades and had them in position ready to go.

"Give me about five minutes and I'll be ready to go." Sheathing my sword and concentrated on it as I calmed myself. 'Lucci you know what I'm going to try?'

'I'm ready Luna I'll help you kitten; now relax and concentrate to call on that amount of power remember you have to stay calm and imagine that power entering your blade. Loose control and not only could it hurt or kill you but it could shatter your blade as well if you loose control. This will take everything you have in you; how long are you giving yourself?'

'Five minutes; any longer and Zoro will be harmed badly or killed.' I spoke worried but started taking calming breaths as I concentrated and knocked away everything from me but opened my eyes dodging attacks till Killer and Kidd guarded me.

Killer looked back towards me. "We have your back Luna do what you need to do."

I nodded my head. "Thank you; give me five minutes and I'll be ready to go. Luffy should soon be up on his feet as well that will help."

"Got it." Killer and Kidd moved and helped to attack Big Mama and Kaido along with Law and Zoro. 'Lucci I got cover.'

'Good now concentrate Luna; knock away the world from you. Block out all thoughts, sounds. Block out all distractions and feel the power in yourself and allow it to flow into your blade. Keep it calm just like you do normal."

'Right' I closed my eyes and summoned my power that I kept locked inside me. It was my strongest haki that I used in Dressrosa and let the haki slide from inside me and onto my blade as it hardened and started glowing a dark colour I could feel the power growing and the are around me including the ground cracked.

All P.O.V's
The group shivered feeling an enormous amount of power growing with every second and Zoro shivered as the power felt like a heart beat and he smirked knowing that it was Luna. "Keep going!" Zoro attacked to give Luna time.

Killer noticed that Zoro had shivered and even he had to admit that everyone of the crew of the StrawHats seemed to have power that no other crew was ready to face. "What the hell did you's do in those two years?"

Zoro chuckled as they attacked with Law and Kidd. "Trained; it got to us that we couldn't be there for Luffy and Luna when Ace was killed. We wanted to do everything in our power to make sure they would never feel that way again or be alone again. When Luffy showed up and we saw the orders to stay put for two years; we knew that Luna and Luffy would be expecting us to train and wait, then that's what we did. Luna wasn't alone she had Shanks yeah; but she wanted her crew more and she wanted her brothers so damn badly."

Killer listened and he understood them the best; the StrawHats never wanted another family member to go through the pain of loss ever again alone.

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