Chapter 65

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Lucci's P.O.V
Lucci was worried when word came that even Luna was badly hurt and many of her own wounds had opened again. She wasn't allowing him to heal her anymore or even allowing herself to lean on him as much as she usually did. As Lucci would receive the reports he cursed when he heard all but one CP agent was still up and working and it was the leader.

Lucci had managed to get another way to view the fight due to that agent and from many angles. He could feel that Luna was tired and her energy was lower then even he liked. He froze when a beam of light came down the middle of the building and everyone got out of the range of the beam; during that moment he froze when he saw Luna as well and had another snail wake up that was closer and he growled seeing that she was covered in blood and cuts.

He couldn't help but think back to the first time he had met Luna when he had marked her as a child; she had been scared and hurt covered in blood,ashes, and dirt. After he marked her he had cleaned up the worst of her wounds and had found a boat that he noticed had minor things but enough for her to get out of danger and that was good enough for him back then.

Lucci had been sent with other members of Cipher Pole around twelve years ago to the Island of Assassins; the people on it were well known for their occupations and being able to do jobs flawlessly and vanish again. Anyone who hired them would pay very high prices so when the World Government wanted the assassins to join up with them...the assassins turned down the World Government not trusting their intentions like guarding the Celestial Dragons.

Lucci watched as Buster Call was started the war ships firing shots killing many people while others were trying to evacuate as quickly as they could. Screams and crying from mostly the younger children as they were loosing their families and their own lives.

Lucci had turned to his humanoid leopard form and got to work taking out whoever he could. He was amazed how many people still fought back but with them injured it didn't take long to deal with the people and move on to finish his job.

He had been working for hours when he turned to his human form finally and joined up with a group of CP agents when he noticed movement. He looked and was shocked seeing a girl he figured to be around nine take off running and he stopped the other agents from following her as he took off after shifting again to the humanoid form again.

He knew the girl couldn't have been far ahead but was surprised when she had vanished around a tree and as he sniffed and looked around he couldn't find her; the girls scent was there but slowly wearing which meant she wasn't in the area anymore. He looked around and stopped when he found a trapped door and smirked to him as her scent was there but only big enough for a child like her to fit through.

He sighed and closed his eyes and listened carefully till he heard movement under ground and smirked viciously as he silently followed the movement and he stopped hidden in the tree line that was right on the edge of the burning island. Lucci stayed still and heard a door open along hearing coughing, when he heard movement and saw the girl come out and look around alert. He could tell that she was wounded but what he couldn't believe and something he had only read about and was told about...this young girl was his mate.

He moved quietly and gave a low growl hearing her gasp and before she could run he jumped and caught her sinking his fangs into her neck marking her so he could at least keep somewhat of an eye on her till he could see her again. Lucci had held her close to him as she was passed out and nuzzled her before he listened for any other that could have come after her and as he looked around he had spotted a boat and gently carried the girl to it as he dragged the boat to the water and got her onto it turning human.

"We will meet again one day my darling kitten; till then remain safe and become stronger then even myself." Lucci had kissed her forehead softly before he made sure it was safe and sent the boat and her a drift away from the island and hopefully she would survive at sea and he would be able to reunite with her again.
*End of Flashback*

Lucci smiled softly as he came back from those memories and chuckled softly to himself as he watched his mate being tended too by Killer. "I knew you would become stronger kitten; you were always strong you just needed a reason to let it show through."

Lucci kept an eye on the fight and felt when Luna connected to him before his private snail to Luna called and he answered. "How are you feeling Kitten?"

"I'm sore and drained; some of my wounds have re-opened but...I need to know is Luffy alright? That was a major attack just now and I'm already helping deal with my nakama plus making sure the other two crews start evacuation along with the samurai."

Lucci frowned hearing about evacuation and he had a bad feeling. "Please tell me that your crew..."

"Will no doubt be the last crew that will leave; I don't have the strength or energy to help Luffy in his fight against Kaido. Myself, Sanji, Zoro, Kidd, Law we're all past the point of tired we're all exhausted. If I have to go and fight back that agent of yours then so be it; Luffy's life is more valuable then my own and he needs to win against Kaido so that the people can be free from him and from the World Government dogs that want to control them." Luna hissed in pain as Penguin had come over on Law's orders and was cleaning her wounds and had to re-stitch a couple of wounds again.

Lucci frowned he didn't like that she was in pain and he could feel the tingles from her open injuries and could see that some had to be re-stitched and he wanted to heal her. "Luna use my..."

"No Lucci you need your strength as well; I'll be alright my love I promise." Luna smiled softly; she knew that Lucci was fighting with himself but wanted him safe as well incase things took a turn for the worse for herself and her nakama.

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