Chapter 96

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"Even if the world doesn't agree, I know that she is a living, breathing person...a true undeniable human being!! It was a success. I am certain of it. And this is one great step...towards the creation of World Peace!!" -Dr.VegaPunk

Random P.O.V's
Dr.Vegapunk was looking around for Bonney when he peaked around a corner to hear Bonney crying and saying she thinks she broke a bone. Of course this worried the doctor greatly and sent him into a panic trying to figure out what to do and saying they needed the medical team.

What he didn't see was the mischievous look on Bonney's face as she was in her child form curled up with her back towards him. She stood up having her weapon in hand glaring as she chased the doctor around again. "Distorted Future!!!" Bonney yelled trying to land a hit on the doctor who was dodging her.

"Stop this Bonney!! Killing me won't..."

"Age...Skewer!!!" Bonney landed her hit on its mark and smirked as Vegapunk returned to his child years as shining material came out of him looking like gems. Bonney was panting from the work out of chasing the doctor around.

"Of!! Curse you!! Is this shining material supposed to be my age?! You've turned me into a powerless child!! Give back the sparkling gems of my experience!!"

"Don't worry. My powers do not work on living things indefinitely. You said there s a good reason let's hear it. Why did you kill my father?!" Bonney was beyond mad she wanted answers for what Vegapunk did to her father.

"But...But Bonney, if I tell you...then you'll..."

In Red Port people were watching as Kuma had started climbing up the Red Line trying to get to the top and people were saying it was impossible.

"If I tell you why, will only hurt you."


"And that is why...I made a promise is Kuma. That I would never tell you the reason why!!!"

"You had a good reason for killing my father...but you can't tell me why?!! Do you think I'm some kind of idiot?!"

"No!! Not at all!!! Please, let me down!!"

"The decision to take away his free will...came from none other than Kuma himself!"

"Your a liar! My father would never choose to die and leave me behind!! You killed him!!"

"It was hard for me too!! I don't even want to remember it!!!" Kuma is a great man!! I am proud of my good friend! I love him with all my heart! And that is why I cannot tell you! Please, Bonney you must understand!!"

Bonney wasn't listening and she didn't believe what Vegapunk was telling her. Bonney looked to a room when she heard beeping and moved towards it as she used Oiled Shock on the control panel to open the door and when she walked in she was shocked, when Vegapunk told her is was pain she told him no; she knew her fathers powers. What she was looking at was his memories in the shape of his paw-paw fruit.

Labo-phase, Egghead
Nami was shocked when she saw that Lucci and his comrades made it to the island. They saw that Luna had also made it down to the ship and had alerted Zoro and Brook to her intent to help as she had hit back Lucci, everyone had stopped fighting and backed off to their sides.

What shocked them all on the Lab was the Seraphim's had also joined up with CP without needing any orders, the Seraphim could make decisions and they moved the moment an opening presented itself to them.

Lucci was surprised as he looked back to the Seraphim. "I didn't give them the order to come."

"We can't send them back down now. The dome's closed already." Stussy spoke up.

"CP0 has made a grave miscalculation, then! Here on the phase, we are higher on the authority hierarchy." The main satellite spoke as they kept an eye on things going on.

"Luna even pushed Lucci back without hesitation, I don't feel sorry for him she's in a bad mood." Usopp gulped slightly.

"Who cares..."

"Sadly we have too; Luna is Lucci's mate. Hurt one the other feels it; but it didn't seem to bother Luna this time. Maybe she has the bond blocked but still she's felt it in the past." Nami spoke worried and noticed that Luna had felt the damage she dealt to Lucci.

"So we can't kill him...damn what a predicament we've been placed into."

"It doesn't matter right now; let Luna worry about that. But the Seraphim can come here without orders?" Sanji asked worried.

"Yes. It's three against seven!! And the enemy is all elite units!!"

Lilith and Edison headed down to try and stop the seraphim from attacking and destroying the facilities which meant it was soon time to get out of there and off the island. Nami got after Sanji when he said it would be said if Mosshead died before they reached the one piece...when Sanji left then Franky was right behind him.

Luna's P.O.V
I was besides Brook and Zoro as we all had our blades out and I glared at Lucci. "We have to give everyone as much time to get out that we can, I can have a feeling that CP0 will try to destroy the facility or even the ship to stop us from leaving this place."

"What?! Why does he look like that? We'll do what we can Luna!" Brook asked and spoke.

Zoro only heard Brooks question. "He's supposedly to be a giraffe but he didn't look quite like that before...cut him down, though, and he'll be dead like anyone else!!"

"Assuming you can cut me...Roronoa." Kaku came at them.

Zoro stood in front as Brook and Luna fell back. "Handle the ship, Brook!! Luna make sure those other two don't try anything!!"

"GOT IT!!" Luna and Brook spoke at the same time as they assumed defensive positions and Luna's blade turned black.

"Nose Pistol!!!" Kaku collided with Zoro's blades.

"Kiliman-Gyro!!! I just got done fighting plenty of wriggling things...back in Wano!! At this point it's getting tiring!!" Zoro fought back.

"Destroy the lab before Vegapunk comes out!" Lucci ordered the Seraphim.

"Lucci you coward!! Catastrophic slash!!" Luna used her own attack on Lucci who dodged barely and he saw the look in her eyes showed her wanting to kill him. "You forced my hand Rob Lucci." Cursing when she saw the Seraphim destroy the lab and everyone else was still inside. "Damn it!" She faced off with Lucci.

"Now that's quite a light show!! Go ahead and finish our mission for us!!" Kaku spoke up before he felt himself getting bit and was shocked to see Stussy had bit him as she was a vampire bat. "Huh...Did you..." It didn't take Kaku long to pass out.

"Kaku?!!" Lucci called out and he was shocked but angered seeing Stussy was betraying them. He ignored Luna who had backed up with Zoro looking confused. "What are you doing?!! Stussy!!"

"What did I do? I only put him to sleep. And now, Lucci...I'll ask you to do the same." Stussy licked her lips, fangs, and she had black bat wings.

(Only Four chapters left of this book and then I'll be starting the third book

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(Only Four chapters left of this book and then I'll be starting the third book.)

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