Chapter 4

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Luna's P.O.V
I smiled softly and spun my blade as I moved deflecting an attack from Big Mama at Luffy and thought about every battle, all my friends, my crew and as I did I concentrated my haki swinging my blade as I powered my attack. "Devil Winds!" I sent the attack and smirked as I sent Big Mama flying and stood protecting my comrades for Luffy for once I wasn't holding back and started to show the storm that raged inside me when I fought.

I sighed softly and dodged Big Mama's attack with the lightening and moved when I saw it was going at Killer again and cursed moving and blocked and deflected it off of my blade panting softly having had to use my haki again.

I heard a groan as I got back up seeing the damage and smirked whenever Luffy punched Kaido into Big Mama causing them to argue and shook my head. "Power speaks; but so does greed and money."

Kaido laughed as he fought Luffy. "Your all monsters in your own rights!" He attacked using his breath and I jumped out of the way as well and Luffy attacked he was able to resist Kaido's attack but I wasn't.

I spun and sent another attack and it cancelled out Big Mama's attack. I panted coughing from the dust that in the air and I looked using my visual haki cursing as I barely managed to dodge another attack and this time I deflected it and smirked as she got hit with her own disaster.

Big Mama growled as she stood she was pissed off. "You little bitch!!"

I smirked as I joined the four on the ground and heard Killer chuckle. "Think I pissed her off?"

"Just a little bit are you alright though?" Killer looked Seeing I had a few cuts and bruises but was panting having depleted a good amount of my energy.

"Yeah; but I have one hit left from that specific haki of mine then I need a cool down period that can be for minutes to even a day. If I can get Lucci to help it will only take a matter of minutes."

Luffy managed to give a few more hits to Kaido before his balloon self deflated and myself, Zoro and Law knew what just happened.

"When the heck did Kaido land a hit on you StrawHat?!" Killed yelled from his scrap creation.

"It's a side effect from his balloon form; he won't be able to use haki for ten minutes!" Law yelled back.

Kidd sneered. "Heh so that's the price that's paid for that power." Kidd and Killer dealt with Kaido.

I looked to Zoro as we moved to get Luffy and barely managed to dodge Kaido's dragon breath and gasped when Kaido made a twister and I tried to grab Luffy when Zoro lost him but I gasped when Kaido got Luffy. "ZORO!"

"Already on it! Fall back Luna!" Zoro drew his blades and I was surprised seeing the form of the energy of a dragon and managed to flip away and dug my sword into the ground as Zoro attacked wounding Kaido as I caught Luffy grunting softly.

Killer was shocked seeing the wounds that Zoro left. "He managed to cut the scales on Kaido's body?!"

Law smirked watching the fighting and gave a whistle getting my attention as Zoro took Luffy and I got moved to Law before us four dodged Big Mama's attack.

I cursed softly seeing the damage she managed to cause and gripped my blade. "Law Shall we attack together?"

Law smirked. "Let's go Luna." He teleported us in front of Big Mama he used electric pulse as I swung my blade and the winds sent her flying making me pant softly.

I cursed when Kaido and Big Mama regrouped and shook my head not believing what I was seeing that Kaido was in his half beast/human form and we were still down one fighter plus the rest were back fighting.

I could hear snarling from Lucci and wondered what was getting him ticked off but for the moment our fight came to a stand still and let Law tend to our wounds quickly. 'Lucci what is it?'

'There's a part of the CP0 that I'm with is there on that island; their laying in wait somewhere for the fight to finish. Their hoping all the pirates finish one another and...'

I cursed softly catching on. 'Their going to go for the kill; alright thanks for the heads up. Can you see if you can find exactly or roughly where that group is hiding in this island?'

'I'll do what I can Luna. How is the...' Lucci stopped as he got to see mental pictures of the fight and was surprised seeing that Luffy was down. 'How long does he have left?'

'About seven minutes five or take; but these two here are keeping the remainder of us on our toes. Both cause natural disasters and now Kaido is in his hybrid form.' I cursed as we dodged another attack and I moved with Killer as we kept the debris off of our comrades as my visual haki kicked in and I moved blocking Big Mama's attack with my blade. "Your a pain in the ass." Applying my haki and smirked sending a wave of my haki with my attack and smirked sending Big Mama flying past Kaido.

"That attack isn't something like I've ever seen; your all monsters in your own rights." Kaido smirked and he froze hearing a crack and looked back to see that a big chunk of the island fell off and looked back. "Where did you learn that attack?!" Kaido knew that there was only one Yonko that could do that.

I smirked as I stood with my group. "If your going to ask such a retarded question I'm not fucking answering."

Kidd smirked as I ticked off Kaido. "Do all you StrawHats have a habit of pissing off the wrong people?"

"Maybe just a little but then again I've never been one to have a very nice temper." Dodging another attack with the group and cursed as it was still another four or so minutes before Luffy was able to use his haki.

Lucci's P.O.V
Lucci has been able to see the fight and paying attention to everything going on when he found out another group of CP0 was laying in wait to finish off whatever pirates were on the island and really it pissed off his leopard.

Lucci started talking to other members and he listened to where this particular group was and he froze when he found out that the group was hiding in a bunker under the island.

'Luna there's a bunker way on the bottom of the bunker that's where that CP0 group is laying in wait. If they come after any of you's I don't want you holding back if you can help it; put that group back in it's place their job was completed around the time that you'd attacked no doubt your crew, Kidd pirates and Heart pirates have caught their attention. They know the story of CP9's defeat two years ago and with your prizes going up they want to take you's down.' Lucci walked back towards his office.

Luna cursed under her breath as she was fighting working along side those as she thought of the other crews fighting below them. 'Our fucking crews are still down there fighting both the Kaido and Big Mom pirates that followed us. Not to mention a certain Phoenix.'

Lucci chuckled as he understood that the Phoenix was Marco from the former WhiteBeard Pirates. 'Your crew is getting scarier by the day Luna; if that group attacks you's then show them why you's have earned your reputations.'

Luna smirked to herself as she watched Kidd and Killer working together like a team should. 'They can come after us and I can't promise that they'll walk away from this island babe.' Luna moved as she attacked again as well not holding back as Lucci was chuckling watching the fight mentally.

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