Chapter 9

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Luna's P.O.V
"Go ahead Nami I'm listening." I dodged another attack from Big Mama and Kaido as I swung Hell Dancer.

"We have a change in the tide of battle here; many of those that didn't want to be killed by whatever was released are cured thanks to Chopper. Sanji has been caught and forced to call to Robin he's safe and last I heard she was still fighting that evil woman. Did the lightening hurt anyone over there? We've heard some big explosions what's going on?" Nami spoke worriedly.

I used Hell Scream on Kaido as the winds whistled so loud against him that it would be enough to mess with his hearing and saw Kidd and Killer send Kaido flying as I landed. "No you did good no one was harmed; beware though Lucci told me somewhere under the battle there is another part of CP0 their waiting to attack any remaining pirates. Keep your heads up and watch out for any signs of them attacking."

Nami gulped Worried She was normally a coward but right now she had to keep her friends and those helping to fight safe and alert for any changes or future threats such as CP0. "You got it Luna; how bad is the fight? Is everyone alright there?"

"Yeah we're good Nami; Luffy has to rest for his ten minute break. We've landed some wounds on Kaido plus we're also fighting Big Mama. The samurai have been moved underground but they were badly wounded from their fighting with the two emperors. Zoro and myself have been guarding Luffy, Law, Killer and Kidd have been fighting with us as well but Kaido has taken on his hybrid form it's going to be a little harder then we originally thought." I watched when Zoro and Killer attacked together before cursing. "As soon as you's win move forward I know you's can do it; we believe in our crews."

We had taken to resting quickly as we tried to come up with a plan on how to stop the emperors and I smirked when Kidd spoke.

"This is like hell between these two; we have attacked so much but most of the attacks are barely doing any damage." Kidd frowned as we were all gathered again.

"So then what the heck do we do? Something's gotta give; we have no choice but to keep attacking." I spoke and saw Luffy grin.

"That's fine; we're already use to hell so let's kick theirs asses hard!" Luffy spoke but had that D grin.

I chuckled softly and nodded my head looking to Law and saw him flex his right hand which meant he was going to use his room and I froze having an idea.

"What is it Luna? I know that look you just had an idea." Law spoke softly near me and saw me smirk as well.

"If our attacks alone are doing next to nothing for damage then maybe we need to attack together. We can't take them on alone...we're a team right now and that means if we unite our attacks then maybe just maybe we can kick their asses." I spoke as I listened to Kaido speak to Luffy about the burning look in his eyes not going out no matter what.

Law looked to me and he smirked nodding his head. "I hate to say it but I'm agreeing we're to weak by ourselves that attacks together just might work."

Kidd smirked hearing me as well. "How do you suggest we go about attacking them together?"

"Use my room; I can transport us but we have to be ready to attack the moment I move the group. I'm going to try and give you's the best openings to bring them down." Law spoke as he concentrated and the room formed at his palm as I saw him powering up.

I nodded my head and looked to Luffy and Zoro and smirked sheathing my blade as I closed my eyes and concentrated my haki and some power to use my attack remembering what Shanks told me as I took calming breaths I could feel the power in my blade growing and the blade changed colours to a midnight black but the energy was visible as it rolled off of Hell Dancer.

Lucci mentally cursed knowing the attack and he kept an eye on me as well. 'Your good for two hits before you need a ten to twenty minute cool down; this attack does physical damage on you as well it will drain your energy so get ready to move as quick as you can from being hit from your opponents.'

'I know Lucci; I know. That's why Law is going to use his room but we have to make this one count no matter what. That's why we're converging all of our attacks.' I looked to the group as I opened my eyes once I was centered and in control of Hell Dancer I cracked my neck. "Whenever your ready Law."

Law smirked and nodded his head. "ROOM!" His room expanding over us and our enemies. "SHAMBLES!"

I had readied myself and sent my attack at the same time as the rest. "HELL'S DEMISE!!" I could hear the roar come from my sword as it worked with Zoro's and Killer's attacks followed my Kidd and Law attacking and Luffy attacking last sending both emperors flying and Law moved our group away as I ended my falling to one knee panting.

I knew that the attack would make my energy drop big time but the last time I had used the attack was during my training and so the only time I would ever need the attack would be when all other options failed just like this battle.

I looked to see others panting and saw Luffy and Zoro near me panting as I frowned seeing Law shake before he kneeled on one knee as well and I mentally cursed. "Law are you alright?"

"Y-yeah; just took more energy then I originally thought. What about you Luna? What was that attack I've never seen something like that." Law was easily regaining his strength and I saw the others as well and forced myself back to my feet.

I took a deep breath to help calm myself and activated my visual haki and sneered Seeing the two emperors were still standing and once again the attacks barely did anything. "Hell's Demise; it's a powerful attack that I can only use twice during a battle. I mix it with my energy and haki hence when I went down for a bit after we got to this spot. If I use it a second time it will take ten to twenty minutes to recover from that part but then I'll be drained and unable to use any of my stronger attacks and forget about my haki then."

Kidd has been listening and sneered. "All Powers come at a cost; your still strong Luna much stronger then the day we attacked Shanks crew. We'll think of something; if this is Hell then those emperors are in our area."

Luffy grinned as he cracked his knuckles before he walked over and patted my shoulder. "We'll win Luna; and once we're done here we'll move forward. Remember what you said about obstacles."

I chuckled. "It's just another stepping stone on our way to making you the future king." Knowing now I wanted to push myself in this fight and see if I could go past my boundaries.

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