Chapter 56

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Luna's P.O.V
I didn't mind the fighting and whenever someone got to close to us I fought them back and winced at one point when I got sent flying into a wall and winced in pain but that only ticked me off when the man went to harm Sanji I use the quick step and came from behind knocking the man out as I flipped and sent him and his friends flying as I allowed my old instincts to come out at this point I only needed to protect the two with me.

I was grateful when the woman with me and Sanji stayed by Sanji checking on his wounds as our own back up came and checked on Sanji. I fought some and was thankful when Nami came to help out and she electrocuted some of the pirates and I smirked. "Remind me to never tick you off again."

"You alright?" She came over and I saw the worry on her face when she saw that I had cuts and bruises on me and I flinched when she touched my back. "Oh Luna your back."

"Yeah I know of the enemy numbers had snuck up on us and I got between him and these two; he cut my back how bad is it?"

"It's bad; your pale your loosing way to much blood again how the hell are you still standing Luna?" Nami made me sheathe my blade and sit down so Chopper could tend to the wound.

Chopper was worried as he came and cleaned the wound before putting a sauve on it to try and staunch the blood and he bandaged my back since stitching it right now would do no good.

'Luna are you alright? How bad is the wound?' Lucci spoke but I knew he was barely awake.

'From my right shoulder down diagonal to my left side but only half way so it stops at about my spine. Chopper's already tending to it and we have back up here so I can take a quick break as well.' As I sat I felt my hand get grabbed gently and I looked seeing that Sanji had grabbed my hand.

I smiled softly and saw Nami kneel and support his head on her lap but I saw the tears she was fighting back. "Hey we're alive that's what matters; we'll kick their butts and leave here together." I looked to Nami and then to Sanji as I saw him trying to wake up.

"A-Are you two a-alright?" Sanji spoke and Nami nodded her head smiling softly and I nodded my head ignoring my own pain.

"Yeah I have a few cuts but they'll heal." I spoke but was smiling gently.

Sanji winced and we helped him when he wanted to sit up. "Did I win?"

"Yes you did; you defeated Queen we knew you could do it." Nami hugged Sanji and I snickered moving as I saw the blush on his face and winced a little at the pain in my back.

Sanji noticed and he looked upset that I got hurt protecting him. "Luna how bad are the wounds? You didn't have too..."

"Yes I did Sanji; your our nakama and I told you that I would give my life to protect everyone in our crew." Smiling softly. "I got a cut from my right shoulder headed down to the left side but it ends at my spine. This pain is nothing...none of the physical wounds I have can compare to what I already have to deal with inside." I looked down thinking about Kade.

Sanji frowned with Nami and I felt my nakama with me as we relied on one another. "Where are the rest?"

Nami looked up. "Luffy went after Kaido, Zoro is fighting King, Usopp went to help the samurai, Brook and Robin are fighting some CP0 agents, Franky is fighting around near by, Jinbei I think went to help give aid with Franky or any of our allies. Chopper, me, Luna and you are in our little group and we need to push to the next part this entire place is on fire."

"We have to get moving then, Luna thank you for believing in me that I wouldn't become like them." Sanji spoke as he looked to me seriously.

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