Chapter 68

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Luna's P.O.V
Things were becoming more dire by the minute as the building started burning faster; myself and my crew were doing everything we could to make openings for people to escape. I knew Luffy and Kaido returned to the roof to finish their fight; I looked to Marco seeing him worried. "Marco I know your worried about Luffy against Kaido; right now that's our least concern Luffy will be alright. We need to start evacuating people out of this building or we're all going to be trapped here." I spoke seriously as I placed a hand on his left shoulder and got his attention seeing him nod and we both went into action moving Nami and the girl and opening any exits that we could.

I grabbed my snail and made sure it connected to everyone in my crew and the alliance. "Start evacuating everyone that we can! Luffy will deal with Kaido above we need to open any exits! Get people out and find a way to slow down that fire!"

I could see those nearby nodding their heads and smiled as we all started doing what we could. Law, Kidd, Killer, and Bepo we're all being moved by their crews due to being hurt or the heat had become to unbearable...and sadly for Killer it was due to him laughing from that Smile fruit. I unsheathed Hell Dancer and used the quick step and unblocked my exits that were safe with Marco's help as even those that use to be our enemy were evacuating as well and I cursed as I sliced through a beam that nearly got Nami and the girl. "Keep going!"

"Right!" Nami grabbed the girls hand and I made sure that they kept moving and I winced as glass near by exploded and many of us got cuts from the shards.

'Luna! What's going on?!' Lucci spoke up worried as he could feel the tingling from where the glass cut me.

'Just a broken window; some glass managed to cut me but I'm alright. We're all trying to evacuate anyone that we can.' I spoke and cursed as the building was burning quickly; much of the hallways and exits were blocked.

I was hurrying and moved with the group I was with and looked around seeing many crews were trying to get their nakama to safety. "Marco can you see anymore of our nakama?!"

"No nothing yet." Marco had taken to flying above us as he made sure no one would get the jump on us; looking for exits we could open or for any of our nakama. I don't know what it was but I felt anxious as I looked looked around to see the fire was spread and burning quickly.

I heard Choppers voice and then I started hearing from all over that we were all cut off from one another. "I don't like this; I know the others will find a way to escape but we need to stick together no matter what."

I cursed softly as I tried to think of something and hung up moving over and calmed Nami and Chopper. "Chopper have you heard anything from Franky about Zoro yet?"

"Nothing yet; I'm guessing if Zoro is done fighting then his life may be on the line." Chopper spoke worried and I looked around and cursed.

"Alright we need to get to safety somehow; a samurai and Jimbei are going to use water to try and extinguish the flames to give us a chance to escape." I spoke seriously. "We can't panic or loose our heads; Luffy has entrusted us to do our job down here while he's dealing with Kaido."

"Nami, Luna are you alright?! What can we do?! The fires only getting bigger!!" Chopper spoke worried about both of us when it dawned on him that we had been in the smoke for sometime. "And Zoro, and Sanji, and Franky...and Robin and Brook and Jimbei are all missing!! Are they stuck in the fire?!"

"Oh No, Really?! But...we can't even search for them...because all of the Onigashima is burning at this point all over!! We're in danger right here!! Unless this island lands on the ground again, there's no escape!!" Nami spoke with worry and tried to think of something we could do to get the fire out quicker.

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