Chapter 24

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Luna's P.O.V
The fighting was crazy with the gifted now on our side we were pushing forward harder and faster but I was doing my best to keep track of our people. I sneered when Tobiroppo managed to send Jimbei flying and attacked me.

Using sonpo I dodged and used my armour haki on Hell Dancer and swung my blade and sent Tobiroppo flying again and smirked as Jimbei resumed fighting him.

I sighed panting softly and felt the pain from my wound and winced as I pushed forward it brought back memories to when I had helped to fight the Kidd pirates and Killer had landed an attack on my other side.

I had been in the crows nest with Yasopp on look out and was tending to my sword when my observation haki kicked in causing me to go on alert and started looking around for the danger.

It was harder today as we had come across a fog along with the sun starting to set it was becoming the time in the evening when things were hard to make out.

"What is it Luna? Did you sense something?" Yasopp was on alert he had seen me act like this only when danger was near by."

"Yeah; I just can't..." Stopping when I saw flickering of lanterns closing in on us and silently cursed. "'s another pirate ship!"

Yasopp cursed and he raised the alarm as we both moved to get ready for a fight and I noticed who it was and mentally cursed getting to the deck and as I did I saw a glint and moved and collided blades with Killer neither of us budging.

Killer was surprised and pushed back. "Are you and Luffy the only one's alive?" He spoke so I could hear him as we started a deadly dance between us.

Shanks was fighting Kidd and I kept my haki on my blade making it immune to Kidd's magnetic pull.

"We're all alive; we're only split up. Give us another year and we'll be back on the high sea's." I connected and locked blades with Killer struggling he was stronger then I was physically but I wouldn't let anyone harm the man that I now called father.

Killer managed to shift and one blade got loose as he cut me deeply on my side with it causing me to get sent flying.

As I got up I motioned for the rest to stand back as I panted softly. Lucci had already helped me to start the healing as I stood. "Killer is mine to fight back off."

Killer nodded his head as we started fighting again this time I was more alert and used his height and strength to my advantage. When Kidd's cry of pain rang out we all stopped and I saw that his arm got cut off by Shanks and I shivered softly knowing that Shanks held back against me when we trained.

If I had been Shanks enemy I knew that he would have killed me. Killer had told their crew to fall back and himself along with Heat moved and helped their captain back to their ship and myself and Killer looked at one another both of us knowing that now the Kidd pirates would be well aware of myself and my crew being around.

Shanks walked over just as I sheathed my blade and my knee's gave out from under me causing Shanks to catch me. "Stay awake Luna."

I winced getting moved and I had fought to stay awake only for it to fail and I blacked out as Shanks was yelling for me to stay awake.


I could feel my head throbbing along with my side and winced noticing that I wasn't alone and smiled softly seeing that Shanks and Lucci were both sound asleep on chairs near by and I couldn't suppress the giggle that came out of my throat.

Shanks was the first to move and he looked around before he relaxed and got up walking over to me. "Well I take it that your feeling better sweetie."

"I'm still sore; is everyone else alright? I know Killer cut me fairly deeply on my side." I rubbed my side gently and felt a thick bandage on it. "How deep is it?"

"You needed at least thirty stitches and no training for at least two weeks. You have been asleep for over a day; you needed blood transfusion and thankfully Lucci could give you the blood that you needed."

I bit my lip and looked over seeing Lucci sound asleep still I could tell he was asleep with how quiet and calm his mind was.

"How much blood did I require dad?" I looked to Shanks and saw him chuckle as he gave me some orange juice and food to help me keep replenishing the lost blood.

"You lost at least five pints of blood; you needed emergency surgery. Lucci was the only to donate blood since his is the only one that matched yours."

"Not to mention another males blood would have changed my scent and it would have irritated Lucci and his leopard; it's happened before where I have had another scents on me and...his leopard has come on. He calms for me usually so long as I'm close to him or connect my mind to his. The last time it was a criminal that had attacked us during one of our days training and he had grabbed me to try and piss off Lucci. It worked Lucci killed him but calmed down for me which I'm grateful he did."

Shanks listened and he looked towards the sleeping male who was starting to move around again. "He showed that he was protective of you...I had to get him to hand you over to be tended too."

"Can you blame him? How many times have I vanished or come close to death? That scares Lucci; it scares him that there is a chance that myself and my crew can get killed. I know he was tense when Kuma sent us to different area's." I spoke as I watched Lucci and could see him moving around and I sighed softly.

I sent a calm feeling to Lucci and smiled softly when he relaxed again. "He knows I'm awake; every time I've woken up so does he and vice versa. Sometimes it's when he remembers his past is when he's more tense as he wakes up."

Shanks listened and watched the two of us as he smiled softly. "You both understand one another better then many other people understand themselves. You and Lucci don't see how you act around one another; when things are bothering you both the other one does whatever it takes to see your other half smiling or relaxing. I know when your on watch duty he sneaks out to spend time with you and you both talk about anything you want."

"Like I said your like a father; I love Lucci and you know it. Luffy and our nakama know I love Lucci and they always laugh whenever he finds a way to make me blush and then the others bug me to tell them which I never do. The one time he had snuck in through my room window on the ship and I had my blade at his throat; I can't remember where we were at the moment but...we have always been alert with one another."

Shanks chuckled. "I know; you calm him, even more then you think Luna. Sometimes a gentle and patient hand is all that is needed to calm a wild spirit like Lucci's." He got up. "I've got to leave a bit so please stay on the ship and heal."

"She will I'll see to that Shanks." Lucci yawned as he stretched waking up and smirked playfully when he caught me staring and I blushed darkly looking the other way.

Lucci had stayed with me on the ship and when I wanted to go out I was a blushing mess and heard him chuckling as he carried me princess style outside; he stayed near by as those on the ship were coming to check on me and talk. Once they calmed I moved and cuddled into Lucci closing my eyes as I yawned and slowly fell asleep with the warm sun on my skin and Lucci holding me as we lazed about on the deck.

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