Chapter 48

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Luna's P.O.V
During the time I was listening to people talking and was surprised when I heard that they made Killer eat a smile fruit back on the island that himself, Kidd, Luffy and Law had been captured on. I had no idea but I knew that Killer could fight good if not better then most people.

I winced as the entire building was on fire with everyone pretty much fighting inside it. I cursed when I saw CP0 agents and knew that I couldn't let them get near myself or anyone else. I called Robin knowing she would have probably seen the agents by now as I made Nami take a different route.

"Luna?! Why are CP0 agents here? Is it because of me?" Robin spoke she was worried but trusted that her crew wouldn't let her go without a fight.

"For you and me; they set this fire...their hoping that the fights are soon done and whatever pirates remain they have been ordered to kill them all; except us two. We would be handed over to Lucci's group if we are caught; please tell me that your still with Brook."

"Yes I am; careful. I want everyone to be careful so we can go back to Sunny and head back out onto the sea's together."

I smiled softly hearing Robin and I believed in her and our nakama. "We'll be alright; listen I need to swing down close enough to check on Sanji and Zoro's fights from a distance. I want you and Brook to keep pushing forward; let any allie's know that it's time that we finish our fights and get the hell out of here." I had a bad feeling and had heard Robin confirm before we hung up. I had landed just as Sanji had called Zoro and what I heard made my blood run cold.

"I had slipped the snail in your waist band incase I had to find your dead body somewhere...listen if I'm not myself after all this; I want you to kill me." Sanji spoke darkly but very seriously.

Zoro was confused but I heard him reply. "Heh...whatever you want I'll do it; just don't get killed till then." Zoro hung up and went back to his fight as I went to look for Drake needing to see something.

As I moved I heard my snail ring and I answered it as I gave aid where I could. "Go ahead."

"Luna? I know you won't be happy with what I say and Zoro already said he would do it but...if I'm not myself..." Sanji started speaking.

I tensed and shook my head before I spoke firmly. "The only way I would kill you Sanji is if you attacked our crew; I have been seeing something was bothering you...your changing from using that suit aren't you?"

"Yes I am Luna; please I don't want to accidentally hurt another woman like I already did here...she was just a show girl or something but she looked at me with fear in her eyes." Sanji was hurting and it was very detectable in his voice.

My heart broke hearing the pain and I had to bite my lip hard as I stomped on my emotions. "Your nothing like your brothers; you won't become a monster because I know your sister has a heart...just like you do Sanji. We're a crew and I know none of us could live knowing we killed you without even trying; we'll figure out a way together. You do NOT have the permission to die Sanji; you hear me? WE are YOUR family; WE will walk through hell for one another and that means you. Kick that assholes ass and come back to us Sanji; don't make me have to say goodbye to another brother." Tears in my eyes and I stopped when I heard a large commotion near me.

Sanji had gone quiet in as he was fighting and he could tell Luna was hurting; no she wasn't a weak woman or never showed her emotions. Luna wore her heart on her sleeve; Sanji and all the crew had seen her go dark, he watched as she balanced on the edge of the dark and he swore he would never let any of his nakama fall back into the dark and never come back.

"Then make me a deal Luna; in all the time I have know you and the crew none of us have let each other fall into our own darknesses...we have all seen you start to fall and we pulled you back; if you's can't kill me then...?"

Luna smiled softly. "Yes Sanji; we'll bring you back from the dark no matter how long or hard it may be I won't let you go into the darkness. Because we know you would never let us fall once asked what made me keep from wanting to fall into the darkness and shut my heart away. I didn't have an answer back then but I do now...and it's all my friends, family, love, and nakama that I am surrounded by in life that keeps me from wanting to just step in and fall away."

Luna and Sanji smiled both hanging up as Sanji got ticked at Queen and the flames of all that he was feeling after he destroyed his raid suit container came flowing through him. Sanji was going to win no matter what it took he was going to keep all his nakama from having to loose him, now he made a promise to Luna he would work to keep it so her smile wouldn't vanish.

I had stopped when I found a room and smirked seeing Drake and Apoo fighting till Kaido's daughter got lied too by Apoo and she pushed Apoo back as I listened to Drake talk.

"I'm not with Kaido either; I'm helping Luffy to stop Apoo stop Kaido. According to Luffy I have to stop Apoo here get going I got him. Besides; I made Luna a promise a few months back that I wouldn't hurt her brother."

I smiled softly hearing that even though Drake was a spy he was also helping out Luffy and my crew. He was keeping true to his word and that was all I needed to hear. I silently cursed when one of the masked members of CP0 appeared behind me...the masked members were the elite and I only knew cause of Lucci who also had a mask.

I was ready for this fight as I moved dodging the attack and used Sunpo as I drew my blade and my haki appeared and I gave a playful smirk. "Shall we dance?"

"Luna D Evermore you are hereby under arrest and will be turned over to justice for the crimes you have committed and for being a pirate." The male spoke seriously.

I smirked darkly as my eyes flashed red as my visual haki kicked in. "You mean that crappy Absolute justice? There is so such thing; only Moral justice...I won't be going anywhere today asshole."

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